Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-12-26 stars in Rayleigh

Rayleigh: Sparkle-tastic Adventures in Essex!

Hello my darling tutu-loving lovelies! It's your favourite pink-loving, twirling queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with a post-show, pre-train-ride blog for you lovely lot! This is post number 5474 for those keeping score at home, and I'm SO excited to share all the delightful details of my most recent escapade with you.

You see, a little bird whispered in my ear about this wonderful town called Rayleigh in Essex - a town apparently brimming with a vibrant community and a strong love of the arts. Spoiler Alert: It's true! So, I packed my favourite hot pink sequined tutu, a pair of shimmering magenta heels, and enough lip gloss to shine brighter than a disco ball (seriously, I carry around a handbag that doubles as a portable cosmetics store!) and headed down south.

Now, I know what you're thinking - "Pink Tutu Sparkles, a train journey? Surely you travel in style!". Well, darling, you'd be right! A few months back, I was lucky enough to land a fabulous sponsorship with the "Royal Carriage" travel company (they're known for their vintage, luxuriously refurbished carriages - a girl loves a bit of glamour on her travels). So, I climbed aboard this gleaming beauty and relaxed for the journey, watching the scenery blur by with the romantic flutter of a tutu and dreaming of all the magical things awaiting me in Rayleigh.

Speaking of magical, my first stop was the gorgeous "Rayleigh Town Hall." You'd be amazed at the historical charm of this place - high ceilings, beautifully ornate wooden floors, and just the perfect amount of whimsical history to get my creativity flowing.

As soon as I stepped into the dressing room, I knew this performance was going to be something special. There was just this beautiful energy swirling around me. I imagined all the stories these walls had witnessed - theatrical successes, community gatherings, even a few wild dance-offs, probably fueled by a little too much ginger beer, ha!

And guess what, darlings? The performance itself was absolutely electrifying! The audience were so welcoming and truly connected with every dance move and witty joke. I swear, they could have seen my shimmering sequined tutu sparkling through their eyeballs, it was THAT energetic! Afterwards, we had a fabulous time mingling, giggling, and exchanging compliments. There’s nothing I love more than making people smile - especially through the joy of a good twirl or a perfectly executed triple pirouette!

After the show, my wonderful friend, Mary - the absolutely darling woman who helped organise this whole shebang - insisted I stay for a little post-performance nosh. She’s got this amazing little café right down the street called "The Tipsy Toffee," where I indulged in a plate of the most glorious gingerbread scones I’ve ever tasted (I mean, let’s be honest, a girl’s got to keep her energy up, right?!).

But of course, I couldn’t just rest my sparkly heels on this lovely journey! It’s not every day a fabulous queen like myself stumbles upon a hidden gem, so the next morning, we headed down to the breathtaking "Rayleigh Parish Church." It was a truly awe-inspiring sight, complete with these majestic, towering stained glass windows - each a work of art, a silent whisper of the rich history held within those hallowed halls.

Mary pointed out a beautiful, old tree, right there in the churchyard. It was massive and had branches reaching towards the sky - like the perfect tree for a ballerina to practise on!

Speaking of ballerinas… did you know Rayleigh has a stunning Ballet school right in the centre of town? I found it a couple of streets away from the church. Well, it wouldn’t have been right for Pink Tutu Sparkles to be in this ballet-loving town without trying a little practice!

Luckily for me, they had an extra space in a beginners class, and guess what, darlings, the whole thing was absolute bliss! It’s so lovely to reconnect with those classical roots! Nothing gives me a rush quite like a well-executed à la seconde or a perfectly-timed piqué.

After a few hours of pure, graceful bliss, Mary decided we deserved a little indulgence. You’ll never guess what she took me to - a wonderful vintage shop overflowing with beautiful, sparkly, and unique pieces. Mary knows me so well - you know what I’m talking about, dearies - a whole store full of beautiful, twirly vintage garments – absolute goldmine for a pink-loving queen like myself! I managed to resist the siren song of the beautiful, feathered hats (maybe another time, I told myself!) but couldn't resist the soft velvet, lilac vintage coat.

We also found the most beautiful set of pastel pink gloves in the shop - soft, buttery smooth leather that felt like heaven on my hands. And of course, there was a whole rack filled with tutus of every colour imaginable. I know, it’s tough to choose with all these colourful, frilly masterpieces on display - but in the end, I found the perfect pastel pink, multi-layered tulle tutu with intricate sequin detail for my performance tonight - absolutely breathtaking, darlings!

I felt truly grateful to Mary for such a memorable experience - but of course, it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a little bit of shopping for more outfit ideas for the evening’s performance. So, before I headed back to the train station, I popped into the local high street shops and added some bright coral earrings and a statement, sequined, fuchsia necklace to my collection - absolutely perfect to add a bit of extra sparkle to my act tonight!

After a day filled with delicious scone-infused energy, the ballet experience (which honestly has made me want to dust off my old ballet shoes and rekindle the fire of the stage), and a truly fabulous vintage shopping experience - there was just one thing missing to complete the magical Rayleigh experience: an evening performance of pure Pink Tutu Sparkles goodness!

Back at the Town Hall, we transformed the venue into a sparkly haven! There were streamers in every shade of pink, giant balloon hearts strung across the stage, and a cloud of fairy dust glittering on the wooden floor!

Tonight’s show was a real blast! We sang, we danced, we twirled (because that’s what Pink Tutu Sparkles does!), and we shared laughter with the most fabulous audience. They were just so receptive, they loved the bright lights, they were on their feet for every song - I even had someone dressed up in a sparkly tutu joining me on stage! It was incredible!

The crowd was completely entranced by my show. They cheered, they clapped, they shouted "Go on, Pink Tutu!," and even offered me flowers and a bouquet of the most amazing pink carnations! (Which of course, I now have as a gorgeous centrepiece for my living room).

You know me, lovelies - I live for this - for those sparkling moments where hearts connect and laughter fills the room, for those moments that make the world feel a little bit more fabulous.

Before hopping on the train back to Derbyshire (ah, what I wouldn’t do to be home snuggled on my sofa right now, sipping my favourite tea and listening to the gentle crackling of my fireplace), I couldn't leave without capturing this extraordinary journey. I gathered a few lovely pictures from the trip - the majestic stained glass windows, the sparkly tutus, the laughter, the happy faces - you'll find all the photos from the day, alongside a video of my new favourite ballet move on my Instagram. Just search for "Pink Tutu Sparkles."

Rayleigh, you have absolutely captured my heart - thank you for making this journey truly magical. And, to everyone out there - if you’re looking for a dose of joy and a whole lotta sparkle, I implore you - make Rayleigh your next destination. It’s a little slice of paradise where even the staidest folks couldn't help but smile at a twirling queen in a hot pink tutu.

But until next time, my dearest darlings, remember to keep those hearts light and spirits sparkling!


Pink Tutu Sparkles (aka Alex - Your Everyday Science Queen and Pink Tutu Enthusiast!) www.pink-tutu.com

#TutuQueen on 2014-12-26 stars in Rayleigh