
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2016-09-16 stars in Kingswood

Kingswood, My Darlings! πŸ’–βœ¨

Hello my beautifuls! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with post number 6104 from your favourite pink-tastic corner of the internet, www.pink-tutu.com!

Today's adventures took me to the lovely town of Kingswood! I just love a good train journey, you know? There's something so romantic about watching the world whizz past, feeling the gentle sway of the carriage and...well, ahem...let's just say there's a lot of space to practice your best twirls! 🩰

My fabulous dress this time is a true head-turner, don't you think? A shimmering pink tulle number that makes my heart flutter. You can never go wrong with a touch of glitter and feathers, right? And as for my shoes? Well, let's just say my feet were dancing a happy jig all the way to Kingswood. πŸ‘  ✨

Now, as you all know, I have a thing for tutus, like a serious, insatiable, pink tutu obsession. But my love isn't limited to the stage. I live for all things ballet, from watching the most intricate productions to twirling my little heart out in class. So, as soon as I arrived in Kingswood, I just HAD to head straight to their lovely theatre. You won't believe the stunning production of Swan Lake! It truly left me mesmerized. All the dancers were graceful and precise, and I couldn't help but imagine myself performing alongside them. Perhaps I need to work on my pirouettes a bit more... but who knows? One day... 🦒✨

And let's not forget the other reason I'm absolutely obsessed with Kingswood! It's their gorgeous shop, "Fabric Wonderland!" Every piece of material they have is just chef's kiss! I just about fainted at the sight of so many shimmering silks and vibrant velvet, but the piece de rΓ©sistance? A gorgeous shade of pink satin, just calling my name. Can you imagine the fabulous creations this fabric will inspire?! I'm already envisioning the next tutu in my wardrobe, just picture it... layers upon layers of pure pink bliss. πŸ’•

Now, you're probably wondering how I manage to keep up with all these trips, travelling to different towns and cities every few days? Well, the secret is in my dazzling double life, my darlings! During the day, I'm a real-life scientist, testing all sorts of fabrics in my lab. This might sound surprising, but all those years studying in Derbyshire, those were the years I truly blossomed! I actually stumbled upon my love of pink tutus during my science degree! I was at a charity event, in the university's ballet club (don't judge, it's a passion!), and one of my friends dared me to try on a pink tutu for a laugh! Well, that laugh turned into a love story that continues to this day.

But at night, I get to be the glamorous Pink Tutu Sparkles that you all know and love! I perform at fairs, markets, anywhere that will welcome a pink tutu with open arms! (It's always a pleasure meeting my fans...especially those in the audience who are rocking their own pink tutus! πŸ’–)

And my mission in life, my darlings? It's simple. I aim to bring joy to the world, one pink tutu at a time! You see, when you wear a pink tutu, you wear confidence, joy, and most importantly, you wear the ultimate expression of self-love.

So go on, take the plunge! If you haven't already, find your perfect pink tutu, get ready to sparkle, and spread the joy! We're in this together!

Stay fabulous,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2016-09-16 stars in Kingswood