Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-05-31 stars in Welling

Welling, You've Been Tutu-fied!

Post Number: 6361

Darling darlings, gather round! Pink Tutu Sparkles is here, ready to whisk you away to the delightful, whimsical wonderland of Welling! This little gem in the heart of Kent has been absolutely tutu-fied, and I can't wait to share every single pink-tastic detail with you.

Now, some of you might be thinking, "Welling? Isn't that just a bit, well, beige?" Oh, darling, let me assure you, beige it is not! Welling has a charm all of its own, a quiet magic that unfolds like a delicate rosebud under the soft touch of a summer breeze.

This week's adventures began, as always, with a twinkle in my eye and a flutter in my heart. You see, the prospect of a new town, new faces, and, most importantly, a new opportunity to spread the glorious pink tutu gospel is a heady mix indeed!

Train Tracks and Tutu Tales

The journey itself was a delightful affair. I do love travelling by train. It's so civilized, don't you think? The rhythmic clatter of the wheels, the soft whoosh of the wind past the window, and the opportunity to soak up the scenery - it's all so delightfully glamorous! And let's not forget the perfectly-placed little tea trolley offering dainty sandwiches and perfectly brewed Earl Grey tea - it's the very essence of genteel elegance, wouldn't you say?

My journey was especially glamorous, however, as I was decked out in a shimmering fuchsia number. It's a stunning new creation that perfectly complements my natural curves, complete with delicate butterfly embellishments fluttering across my flowing tulle skirt. Naturally, my signature pink tutu, adorned with tiny iridescent sequins that catch the light with each turn, made a dazzling appearance too.

Of course, it wouldn't be a proper Pink Tutu Sparkles travelogue without a little tutu-fied drama! It was as we approached the bustling station at Welling that the dreaded, dreadful "tutu incident" struck. Oh, the horror! Imagine my absolute despair - one tiny, errant tear, right on the back of my bodice! The indignity of it all! I was practically sweating sequins.

But never fear, darling darlings, Pink Tutu Sparkles always finds a way! Thankfully, the train conductor was a darling and offered his assistance. With a little dab of superglue (a magician's trick, wouldn't you say?), the tiny rip was magically mended! Crisis averted, the journey continued, leaving behind a little cloud of sparkling sequins in my wake.

Welling, My Love!

As soon as my train arrived at Welling station, I could feel a change in the air - a vibrant buzz, a delicious mix of excitement and anticipation. And this feeling just kept getting stronger as I made my way through the charming, leafy streets. The shops were abuzz with shoppers, the cafes brimming with chatter, and everyone was so friendly and welcoming.

But, what I really came to Welling for wasn't shops and cafes (though they were absolutely delightful!). It was for the extraordinary, unique talent I discovered online - a young ballet dancer who was hosting a charity dance event for a local animal shelter! Now, how could I, a purveyor of all things tutu-licious, not be involved in such a beautiful cause?

The event was held at the beautiful Welling Library, a majestic, Victorian-era building brimming with literary charm. The space had been transformed for the occasion with whimsical decorations and an abundance of pink, of course. You wouldn't believe the energy in the room - children laughing, grown-ups giggling, everyone united by their love for dance, music, and, of course, pink tutus.

The highlight of the evening, however, was definitely the performance by the talented young dancer. It was truly breathtaking - graceful leaps, swirling pirouettes, and a palpable energy that filled the entire room. It was impossible not to be mesmerized by the beauty and joy radiating from her every move.

It was truly inspiring, and it made me reflect on my own path, how I started on my journey to become Pink Tutu Sparkles. You see, I was a bit of a science nerd at university, spending my days dissecting the intricacies of fabric and experimenting with innovative techniques in a lab. It was so incredibly exciting, pushing the boundaries of what's possible! But there was also a deep yearning inside me - a craving for something more flamboyant, a desire to express myself beyond the constraints of a lab coat and microscope.

And then came the charity ballet performance at university. I wasn't the dancer, mind you, just the awkward science student at the sidelines, volunteering to try on a tutu for donations. As I slipped that silky pink skirt over my head and caught my reflection in the mirror, I was struck by the joy, the sheer energy it emanated. It felt freeing, liberating - the first glimmer of a hidden self yearning to burst free.

I took a leap of faith. I embraced my love for the vibrant, theatrical world of dance, my passion for all things glamorous, and found myself drawn to the beauty, the joy, the sheer exuberance of performing as a drag queen. I knew that if I wanted to spread joy and create a bit of pink-tastic sparkle in this world, then embracing my true self was the first, most important step.

Welling's Tutu Legacy

It wasn't just about spreading pink joy and embracing the glamour, though. There's a deeper meaning, a kind of quiet rebellion inherent to the act of wearing a tutu, something I realized while interacting with the delighted children at the charity event. It’s about challenging the ordinary, celebrating the extraordinary, and pushing the boundaries of what’s considered ‘acceptable’. It's about refusing to be confined by societal expectations, it’s about expressing yourself authentically and embracing all your sparkly, vibrant possibilities!

That's exactly what we were doing in Welling – making magic happen, embracing the power of music and dance, and raising a heaping amount of money for the animal shelter, a cause near and dear to my heart. And you know, seeing those children’s eyes light up as they witnessed the joy of dance, it just warmed my heart!

Welling, you've definitely left a sparkle on me! I left with a little tear in my eye, a touch of glitter on my eyelashes, and the undeniable certainty that life’s all about celebrating, creating, and sharing love - wrapped up in a vibrant pink tutu, of course!

So, there you have it, darling darlings - a glimpse into my most recent tutu-tastic adventure. Remember, every town, every corner of the world is brimming with pink-tastic possibilities, just waiting to be discovered. So, take a deep breath, put on your biggest, most sparkly smile, grab your favourite pink tutu (you know, the one that makes you feel unstoppable) and let’s embrace the adventure together!

Until next time, darling darlings, keep spreading that pink glitter!

Pink Tutu Sparkles x


#TutuQueen on 2017-05-31 stars in Welling