Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2017-06-02 stars in Dunstable

Dunstable Dreams: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes the Stage! 🩰💖✨

Helloooo, my fabulous friends! It's Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you post number 6363 from the glittering, wonderful world of pink tutus and all things fabulous! 💖 Today, I'm whisking you away on a journey to Dunstable, a delightful little town in Bedfordshire that stole my heart and made me want to twirl all night long.

You see, dear readers, I'm a bit of a train enthusiast. The rhythmic click-clack of the wheels against the rails is music to my ears, and the countryside scenery zipping past my window is a constant source of inspiration. So, imagine my joy when I was offered a fantastic gig at Dunstable's very own, oh-so-chic community hall! And let me tell you, getting there was a dream. The journey itself was a spectacle of wonder!

It started bright and early, the sun just peeking over the Derbyshire hills, a glorious scene of rolling green fields and charming stone cottages. As the train pulled out of the station, a feeling of excitement started to bubble within me. I could feel it - Dunstable was calling! My pink tutu twirled with anticipation, feeling the gentle breeze as it whispered through the open window, carrying the promise of an enchanting night.

And enchanting it was. Dunstable, despite being a small town, had such a welcoming atmosphere, with everyone eager to celebrate with a good dose of Pink Tutu Sparkles' magic. From the moment I arrived, the streets were alive with a friendly hum of chatter, the aroma of freshly baked bread, and the joyful tunes from a passing band. This was just my kind of place!

But enough about my travels - let's talk about the show itself! Oh darling, the energy was electric! The crowd was incredible, brimming with joy and anticipation, ready to get lost in a world of sequins and laughter. My entrance was, of course, a glorious explosion of pink. Imagine, if you will, the soft glow of a summer sunset, only amplified a thousand times by the sheer volume of shimmery tulle, glittering sequins, and perfectly matched hot pink makeup. My fellow drag queens and I turned the stage into a dazzling kaleidoscope of colour and joy. We brought laughter, sass, and a healthy dose of good old fashioned fun - exactly what the world needs, if you ask me!

As usual, I embraced the power of pink. After all, how else would you catch the attention of those passing by in the street? You can’t be too pink, darlings!

During the interval, I got chatting with some of the local folk, learning all about the hidden treasures of Dunstable. They spoke so enthusiastically about the ancient Priory, a beautiful reminder of the town's rich history, and the stunning Bedfordshire countryside, with its rolling hills and peaceful landscapes. The perfect backdrop for a leisurely afternoon picnic, or a pink tutu photoshoot! 😉

Speaking of photoshoots, I absolutely have to share some highlights! There's nothing more fulfilling than sharing a magical moment, so of course, I couldn’t let this fabulous night go by without capturing its brilliance. And let me tell you, those images will be the envy of Instagram, capturing all the glamour and joy of our performances! ✨

My travels always spark creativity. Dunstable definitely has a special place in my heart, a magical mix of ancient history, buzzing life, and the perfect balance of modern and old-world charm. It really is a fantastic place. The kind of place that just inspires you to be your most vibrant, flamboyant self!

Oh, I have a confession to make. After the show, a sweet little girl called Emily, who was sitting in the front row, came up to me, all starry-eyed and clutching her pink tutu (which she had worn specially for the event!) She told me how much she loved my performance and my outfit, and she wished she had wings like mine. And that, my dear readers, is why I do what I do. That feeling of magic, of possibility, of letting your dreams take flight is exactly what Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about!

So, dear readers, if you're ever looking for a magical day trip, consider venturing to Dunstable! Just remember to pack your own pink tutu!

And before I leave you, let me remind you: don't be afraid to embrace your inner fabulous! Whether you’re twirling through a park, dazzling on stage, or simply enjoying a day out, wear that pink tutu with pride. You’re a shimmering spark in the world, ready to spread joy wherever you go!

Until next time, my lovely loves, stay bright, stay fabulous, and most importantly… stay pink! 💖


Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo

P.S I know I'm not supposed to have favorites, but this performance really did give me a feeling of total and utter joy. So, this blog post will be getting extra attention from me on www.pink-tutu.com - with lots of sparkly extras like behind-the-scenes photos and extra tidbits of this wonderful town. Why not check it out?

Bonus Fun Fact!

This post is extra special because it's my first post from a performance I travelled to by train. That's right, a beautiful, vintage train called "The Flying Scotsman". It wasn't just any train, dear readers. It was the Flying Scotsman! How romantic, don't you think?

This got me thinking. It would be so much fun to try and get the whole train wrapped in a beautiful pink tutu. Perhaps it would become a “Tutu-Scotsman”, who knows?! It's an ambitious goal, I admit, but just imagine the possibilities, my lovely lovelies. 💖 I can't wait to share this fabulous vision with the world and see if I can turn it into reality!

Maybe we could even set up a "pink tutu" themed carriage on the Flying Scotsman. I mean, what could be more fabulous? ✨

#TutuQueen on 2017-06-02 stars in Dunstable