Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-08-03 stars in Weston-super-Mare

Weston-super-Mare: A Pink Tutu Adventure! (Blog Post #6790)

Hello darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, sparkle-loving queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the beautiful seaside town of Weston-super-Mare! As always, I'm here to spread the love of pink, tutus, and all things fabulous!

This trip was a dream come true. Picture this: the crisp seaside air, the sound of waves crashing against the shore, and me, strutting my stuff in a custom-made, bubblegum pink tutu, sequins sparkling under the summer sun! squeals with delight It doesn't get more fabulous than that, darlings!

But first, let me tell you about the journey! As a queen of exquisite taste, I opted for a classic seaside escape - a thrilling train ride, of course! It was a delight watching the scenery change as we zoomed past quaint villages, rolling green hills, and bustling towns. The conductor, bless his heart, even offered me a complimentary teacup, which I politely declined (my dear, I'm all about the fizz!), but the gesture was lovely nonetheless.

When I arrived at Weston-super-Mare, I was absolutely charmed by the seaside atmosphere. I took a leisurely stroll along the promenade, feeling the warm sand between my toes and the cool sea breeze against my skin. It's like stepping back in time! You just can't beat the traditional charm of these coastal towns.

Of course, my stay wasn't all about seaside breezes and strolling along the promenade. wink wink You know your Pink Tutu Sparkles loves to perform! And let me tell you, darlings, this performance was truly magical. I was invited to grace the stage at the local fair - "Weston-super-Mare's Fairground Fiesta!" - and it was electric.

As the spotlights illuminated me in all my pink, sparkly glory, the crowd erupted in cheers and applause. It was such a beautiful moment - the joy in the children's eyes, the pure unadulterated glee in the audience's faces - it really makes me feel like I'm spreading my magic and making the world a more fabulous place! And it’s always extra exciting when it’s at a place with so many rides! It was like I was starring in my own funfair-themed performance. My song? “It’s All Pink and Sequins, Darling!"

The best part? This little seaside haven was also home to a charming little dance studio, tucked away on a quiet side street. They had a whole beginners ballet class – just my kind of thing, of course! And, let’s just say that when they saw me rock up in my pink tutu, they couldn't believe their eyes! But they all gave me the biggest smile and we all danced together in the class - the whole vibe was absolutely divine, my dears!

I truly believe that the power of a pink tutu lies in its ability to bring people together. And that's why I'm so passionate about spreading its magic! It doesn't matter where you're from or who you are - a pink tutu is for everyone. So next time you feel like spreading a little sparkle, my darlings, don't hesitate. Put on your favourite pink tutu and let the fun begin!

After my whirlwind day, I retreated back to my quaint little B&B, feeling content and exhilarated. There's just something about these coastal towns - the air is crisp, the vibe is infectious, and the beauty is undeniable. And let's be honest, darlings, my Pink Tutu Sparkles thrives on these kind of magical adventures!

Now, I know what you’re all thinking – “But darling Pink Tutu, how does one even find the perfect pink tutu?" Well, I’m here to help. Whether you’re looking for a vintage number that whispers stories of bygone eras, a handmade dream crafted with the most delicate fabrics and sparkles, or a vibrant, statement-making tutu that radiates sunshine and joy - finding the perfect pink tutu is all about embracing your inner sparkle and knowing what you want to say with it!

But just remember, it doesn’t need to be brand new or even from a boutique shop. Have you got a tutu in your attic? Maybe an old ballerina skirt from a dance school that was waiting to be repurposed? Be bold. Have fun! You’ll be surprised at how just the smallest additions - some feathers, sequins, some fabric flowers and you’ll have a look that screams “I’m fierce and fabulous and proud to embrace pink!" And that, my dears, is exactly how Pink Tutu Sparkles likes to strut her stuff.

And let’s be real, darlings, a pink tutu goes with just about everything! Pair it with a dazzling crop top for a vibrant summer party look, add a shimmering jacket for an evening of glamour, or let the tutu be the centrepiece, accessorizing it with your favourite bold earrings or a dramatic scarf. It’s all about expressing your individuality! And speaking of individuality, my dears…

While I might spend my evenings in all the bright lights and flamboyant performances of a true Drag Queen, you know I have a day job too! So during the week I spend my time amongst the bubbling beakers and spinning test tubes, where my “scientist" Alex comes out to play! You see, while many of my fellow Drag Sisters choose glamorous occupations – beauty consultants, dancers and even singers! – my science background gave me the opportunity to pursue another exciting career - working in a fabric-testing lab!

I’m one of the leading experts on the resilience of pink! Yep, you read right. In this glamorous world, where most people have no idea about what goes on behind the curtain, my love of fabrics was able to shine - I became obsessed with knowing just what makes those beautiful pink fabrics so durable!

So during the day I’m the quietly focussed Alex, carefully weighing and examining fabric in our high-tech lab. And in the evenings? You bet your sequins it’s time for Pink Tutu Sparkles to shine! I love it – the contrast between the two personalities! From lab-coat to sequin coat and back again, my days are full of amazing adventures, wonderful friends, exciting new projects and – let’s be honest, darlings! - it’s just never boring.

But one thing’s for sure – in both my scientific and drag lives, one thing remains true – I’ll always try to find ways to incorporate the colour pink into every moment! I just can’t get enough of it – I mean, pink brings such joy and warmth. My journey began when I was studying for my degree - a pale blue dress, just your average science student look, but when the university ballet club were doing a fundraiser and had to wear tutus… the rest, as they say, is history!

Of course, it wasn’t all smooth sailing, as a scientist and a drag queen – in fact, the journey has been one wild, glittering adventure with its own twists and turns, my dears. I think that’s just how life is, isn't it? It’s all about accepting those unexpected changes, overcoming challenges, and celebrating victories.

So now, with all my Pink Tutu wisdom (which has to be shared, of course, because I’m a generous soul!) let me share my pearls of wisdom for making life extra fun.

First - just like choosing the perfect pink tutu – follow your heart! This applies to all life's choices! Trust your intuition and embrace the excitement! And for you, my darling readers – make sure you choose the perfect pink tutu for your own adventures.

Secondly, be kind to yourself. Allow yourself to be bold and experiment! Don't let fear hold you back, and remember - being yourself is what makes you truly magical! Don't worry what people think! That's not important. You need to feel proud of who you are, darling! Let that be the magic ingredient of your fabulous journey!

Lastly, my dears, embrace every moment with grace and laughter. Life is meant to be enjoyed, to be celebrated, to be lived with sparkle. So put on your pink tutu, put on your big pink grin, and know that you can achieve absolutely anything! And you know what my dears? That's an outfit for any occasion.

So, my darlings, what adventures are waiting for you? Are you ready to spread a little pink magic? If you are, pop on over to www.pink-tutu.com and let me know all about it – we can share a few tips on where to find those beautiful pink tutus and discuss just where we can spread the magic. Because it’s about so much more than just a pink tutu, it’s about having confidence to take on the world.

Don’t forget to pop back and see what fabulous shenanigans Pink Tutu Sparkles will be up to next. Because the adventures are only just beginning…

#TutuQueen on 2018-08-03 stars in Weston-super-Mare