Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2018-11-26 stars in Kenton

Kenton Calling: Tutu-licious Adventures in the Home Counties! (Blog Post #6905)

Hello, darlings! It's your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here! And today, we're taking a little trip to the Home Counties – Kenton, to be precise. Buckle up, butterflies, because this blog post is about to get extra.

Pink, Trains, and Tutus, Oh My!

Now, Kenton might not be the first place that pops into your head when you think of flamboyant drag performances, but I’m here to tell you, honey, it’s a gem! I was invited to perform at a lovely little community fair, and let me tell you, the people of Kenton know how to party! The energy was fantastic – there was laughter, music, and oh-so-much joy floating around.

I even met a darling woman, Elsie, who had never seen a drag show before. By the end of my set, she was yelling "Encore!" and giving me the biggest, warmest hug. It just warms my heart to know I can introduce people to the wonderful world of drag.

Getting There:

As a queen who believes in sustainable and charming modes of transportation, I decided to take the train to Kenton. And trust me, a journey on a British train is always a visual feast. There were young families enjoying a day out, couples whispering sweet nothings, and a delightful old gentleman with a book about butterflies – which always makes me smile, being so obsessed with them!

I got chatting with the man – he said he had a whole collection of butterfly specimens. It was delightful! This is why I love travelling by train: the spontaneity, the human connection, the sheer joy of taking your time and enjoying the scenery.

Performing for the People of Kenton:

My outfit for the Kenton gig was a glorious explosion of pink! Imagine a tiered, layered tulle tutu, the kind that makes your heart sing when you see it swirling under the stage lights. And, of course, it had to have feathers – a sprinkle of glittery pink ostrich feathers, naturally. It’s the signature touch, you see!

The stage wasn’t the biggest, but that only amplified the energy in the crowd. It felt like everyone was so close, which always makes a queen feel good. I did all the classics – a few power ballads, some camp pop numbers, a little disco, and a touch of glam rock, for good measure.

You know, I'm not just about looking good and dancing, darlings. I want my shows to have a message. And tonight, the message was about empowerment, love, and letting your fabulous flag fly high. Because that's what I do. That's what we do.

Kenton's Hidden Gems:

The fair was held on the outskirts of town, next to the most charming little bookshop you ever did see! It smelled like paper, leather, and coffee, and there was a friendly cat napping in a hammock next to the counter. I had to buy a book – a delightful little poetry collection with a vintage pink cover, obviously.

A Word About Tutus...

Okay, I can’t talk about Kenton without mentioning the tutus! Oh, the tutus. We’re back on the subject of tutus, you see. I actually picked up the most gorgeous pink tulle from a local fabric shop in Kenton. This is my happy place! It was a little gem tucked away on a cobblestone street.

The shopkeeper, an elderly lady with a twinkle in her eye, told me that the fabric had been imported all the way from France. It was the perfect shade of dusty rose – a very romantic pink, as she put it. And, I mean, what queen can resist a little bit of French romance?

A Scientist by Day, A Tutu Queen by Night:

So you might be wondering how a science geek like myself became a drag queen? Well, it’s a story full of twists, turns, and, naturally, a lot of pink tulle.

When I was studying for my science degree, I joined the university ballet club – a way to stay sane amidst all the equations, you see! During a charity event, someone convinced me to try on a pink tutu – just for fun.

And it hit me. A force of nature! Like the Big Bang. But in a way that brought colour, glitter, and endless swirling layers of tulle to the world. I was obsessed.

Ever since then, I’ve been trying to inject a little bit of magic and sparkle into the world. And that's what Pink Tutu Sparkles is all about.

Follow the Tutu:

This adventure is a reminder, darlings, that you never know where the pink tutu trail will take you! Just keep an open mind, follow your heart, and never be afraid to express yourself.

Keep checking back here on www.pink-tutu.com every day, my loves. I have even more glamorous adventures and pink tutu-filled misadventures to share! Until then, stay sparkling, darlings! And don’t forget to wear a pink tutu, because there’s nothing quite as lovely as a sprinkle of pink in your life.

Lots of Love and Sparkle,

Pink Tutu Sparkles xx

#TutuQueen on 2018-11-26 stars in Kenton