Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-04-01 stars in Hartlepool

Hartlepool Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Makes Waves in the North East

Helloooo darlings! It's your favourite tutu-clad queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, signing in from sunny (okay, it's actually quite grey and drizzly!) Hartlepool! This is post number 7031, so buckle up for a rollercoaster ride of glitter, sparkles, and of course, the most fabulous tutus you've ever seen. 😉

This trip to Hartlepool is a dream come true! I love venturing out of my Derbyshire comfort zone, especially when it means spreading the Pink Tutu Sparkles magic to new corners of the UK. The train ride up was absolutely divine - a double decker, full of exciting people, and me, naturally, in my signature hot pink travelling outfit. I can't go anywhere without my pink luggage and a matching tutu! It really does bring a splash of sunshine to the otherwise slightly grey (again, grey!) journey.

Reaching Hartlepool, the first thing I saw was the stunningly beautiful harbour! A picture-postcard vista! And as always, I was ready for a little adventure! You see, darling, every trip has a bit of a challenge. You'll be laughing when you hear this one. Apparently, in Hartlepool they have an actual "monkey"?! 😜 Don't get too excited. Apparently it's a statue. Now, who puts a monkey statue in a beautiful harbour town? rolls eyes Oh, well. The sea breeze felt incredible though! You've got to have that fresh sea air to breathe in those dazzling tutus. Speaking of, I spotted the cutest vintage shop with an adorable tutu displayed in the window! My heart fluttered, you could have knocked me over with a feather boa! Of course, I just HAD to step in for a browse! Found a fabulous lavender one, absolutely divine, but I might have to resist… my suitcase was already overflowing with glittery pink dreams!

But now, onto the main event! I was invited to perform in Hartlepool, a truly enchanting coastal town. My performance venue? Well, you could say I felt a bit out of my comfort zone, I was actually performing in the local park! A real community affair with an awesome crowd that absolutely loved me, my glittery show and especially the pink tutus. They really went wild, and even though it was cold, there were more people who stayed for the whole set than I could ever have expected. They even cheered when I broke out a new choreography routine inspired by "The Nutcracker" in a custom pink tutu with sugar plum sparkles - the dreamiest fabric you can imagine, my dears! And I gotta tell you, when I finished, those cheers just filled the air! You know what they say? "Pink tutus, smiles all around"!

After my dazzling show, a kind local even offered to give me a tour of Hartlepool on horseback! Imagine! Riding along the seafront, wind in my hair, wearing a hot pink tutu with matching riding boots (naturally) – a total dream! I must admit, it was rather a bit chilly, but totally worth it! You just gotta have that “Pink Tutu Sparkles” flair, even on a slightly crisp afternoon, and what could be more "flair" than horseback riding?!

And darling, if there's one thing Hartlepool loves, it's a proper fish supper! And let me tell you, it didn't disappoint. That classic taste of salt and batter - delicious! Oh, I forgot to mention my fabulous outfit! It was the ultimate combination of Pink Tutu Sparkles glam: a tutu in a shade of pink I call "Coral Dream" paired with my go-to halter top and glitter stilettos! Talk about turning heads in that bustling chippy.

After my lovely fishy dinner, it was time for a well-deserved glass of sparkling something… You have to understand, maintaining my dazzling smile and radiating confidence, it's all about keeping those batteries recharged!

Before signing off, darling, just want to say how much I loved my trip to Hartlepool! From the breathtaking scenery and charming locals to the thrill of a fantastic performance, it was all a bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic, a touch of sparkle, a sprinkle of kindness, and a whole lot of fun! You all know my goal is to spread that pink tutu love across the world.

Keep on dancing and spreading your own individual brand of happiness! See you all for my next post. Don't forget to visit my website www.pink-tutu.com for more tips, photos, and just all round good fun!

See you soon! Pink Tutu Sparkles (aka Alex)


#TutuQueen on 2019-04-01 stars in Hartlepool