Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-09-10 stars in Newtownards

Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on Newtownards! (Post #7193)

Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, your daily dose of fabulousness! Today, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing drag queen takes on the charming town of Newtownards! Oh, darling, this town is so quaint and beautiful - just the kind of place you'd expect to find a fairytale nestled between the cobblestone streets and twinkling lampposts. I'm ready to explore this gorgeous gem and sprinkle a little bit of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic wherever I go!

Let's start with the journey, shall we? A little bit of travel excitement for your Queen, a beautiful train journey. I adore riding the train, watching the countryside whizz by and gazing at the reflections in the windows as I sip my English Breakfast Tea - simply divine. Plus, who needs an aeroplane when you've got a trusty locomotive? They are more spacious and less chaotic - what's not to love?! It really adds to the fun of exploring. It allows for a bit of self-reflection, you know?

I mean, when you're surrounded by rolling green hills and sparkling blue skies, you can't help but feel a sense of wonder. And, as usual, I didn't travel alone. A few friends decided to tag along for the adventure, we had such a good time chatting and having fun. But, my favourite thing, of course, was that they had allowed me to have my very own Pink Tutu Moment - yes, dear ones, we even had a Pink Tutu singalong on the train!

But my dear readers, I cannot tell you all the secrets of my Pink Tutu Sparkles performance without giving away the magic! So, to Newtownards we go - prepare yourselves for some high-energy fun, some dazzling sparkle and plenty of tutu magic, because Pink Tutu Sparkles is ready to set the stage on fire, and I know Newtownards is ready for a little sparkle!

Ballet Beginnings: From Science to Stage

Oh darling, where do I even begin?! So, as you all know, Pink Tutu Sparkles has always loved her tutus - ever since my first brush with these fluffy, fabulous creations, back when I was just little Alex, studying hard for my science degree in Derbyshire. Imagine, this little science whiz who dreamt of pink tutus - truly the most fabulous combination! It all started during a charity event for the University Ballet Club. I donned a tutu for the night, and felt this spark - like a flash of pink lighting - right down to my toes!

This moment changed everything. Ever since, my days were a whirlwind of scientific experiments, with my nights spent practicing my twirls and transforming into the incredible Pink Tutu Sparkles you see today.

Pink is The Only Colour For Me

Let's talk pink! It's the most magnificent colour, my dear readers, so energetic, playful, and charming! Like the very best part of a strawberry sundae - the swirl of sugary, pink sweetness, isn’t it divine?!

You know, a lot of people wonder about the science behind my love of pink. My lab mates are a tad confused! They see me by day, quietly analysing fabrics for texture, colour, and durability in the laboratory. But by night, they wouldn't believe it if you told them Pink Tutu Sparkles is making crowds cheer. What can I say? I'm a creature of multiple dimensions!

When I first saw my favourite pink tutu in the shop, it was a kind of "love at first sight" experience. It looked like it had just danced off the stage of a magical ballet performance, you know? The material was so incredibly soft - you simply can’t get your hands on any other tutu as perfect!

Honestly, the minute I saw that pink, the light seemed to dance a little brighter, a twinkle in my eye! I think Pink is a magic colour - you can feel it right in the centre of your chest when you’re in pink, it fills you with life! I'd argue it makes me a better scientist too, because every colour in the world is a kind of science isn't it? But this colour is special. I don't want to know the chemical composition of it - it’s about pure magic! It just radiates that sense of fun, happiness, and sparkle that I try to bring to the stage each night.

And don't forget my little "sparkles" darling, oh yes! They add a touch of extra magic. Pink is playful - but with the sparkles I feel even bolder and more confident. Like the biggest, most beautiful pink flower on the planet – with little stars woven throughout the petals!

Newtownards! It's Time to Tutu!

It's been so wonderful catching up with you lovely people, and I am just so excited for my adventure in Newtownards, darling! Now I'm going to dash - I've got a stage to conquer! Make sure to check back soon to see pictures and video of Pink Tutu Sparkles’ adventures in this beautiful town - you’ll be begging me to bring you along for the next Pink Tutu ride! Until then, keep on twirling and stay sparkly!

And for those of you at home - do try and add a dash of pink and glitter to your day - and if you’re feeling extra brave, grab a pink tutu! It's truly the best way to live a life of sparkle and joy, dear ones. It's been fabulous, darlings! XOXO Pink Tutu Sparkles.

#TutuQueen on 2019-09-10 stars in Newtownards