Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2019-09-12 stars in Cramlington

Cramlington Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes the North East by Storm! 💅💖

Hello darlings! 💖 It’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed drag queen, bringing you another thrilling travel tale from the glamorous world of Pink-Tutu.com. Today’s post marks a monumental occasion: blog post number 7195! Pinch me, I must be dreaming! ✨

Today’s adventure takes us to the lovely, slightly understated, Cramlington. Now, some of you might be thinking: Cramlington? That's a little… off the beaten track, isn’t it? But hold your horses, darlings, because sometimes, the most unexpected places hide the biggest surprises! 🤫

Let's rewind for a moment and travel back to Derbyshire, my beloved home county. Life was simpler back then, filled with rolling green hills and the rhythmic clinking of teacups at afternoon tea with my Granny. However, deep down, a secret dream resided within me, a yearning for the sparkly stage, the dramatic flourish, the perfect tutu!

Then came University. A whirlwind of experiments, lectures, and a healthy dose of… ballet! I discovered the magic of twirling under the watchful eyes of a tutued ballerina, and found my perfect form of expression… a pink tutu! 💖 Oh, the power of pink! It’s just… so me! 😉 My love for the fluffy, tulle cloud beneath me was solidified when, during a university charity event, I slipped into my first proper tutu… and a star was born. That's right, it all began with a dream, a bit of charity work, and the sheer power of a good old-fashioned, full-length pink tutu.

Fast forward to now! My journey, darling, has been an exciting, swirling ride, full of vibrant colors, spectacular shows, and enough sparkly makeup to keep a drag queen happy for a lifetime. My life is a whirlwind of glamorous parties, train journeys (much more fashionable than flying, don’t you think? - always in the buff and never on a budget!), and, of course, spreading the gospel of pink tutus to the world, one sparkly tulle masterpiece at a time!

Today's gig took me to a bustling market square in the heart of Cramlington. It’s like stepping back in time with its little shops and warm charm. The air crackled with anticipation for the evening's grand opening - the annual Cramlington Fashion Festival. Needless to say, the main attraction was… drumroll...yours truly! This fashionista in full sparkly pink glory. 🤩 After all, a bit of glamour is just what the North East needs!

Now, I can't divulge too many details about my performance, as I always like to keep my performances a little shrouded in mystery. Let's just say, it involved a daring costume change, a whole lot of glitter, some truly spectacular dance moves (courtesy of all those ballet classes!) and a couple of heart-stopping moments of improvisation. I might have even surprised myself with a few daring leaps and twirls! 🤫

The crowd? Absolutely captivated! I think even the Cramlington pigeons stopped their preening to take a gander at my glamorous display. They've got excellent taste in fashion, these pigeons!

And, as a final flourish? Oh darling, the finale was a moment to remember. I was bombarded with love… by a barrage of pink tutus, every shade of pink imaginable, fluttering and sparkling. It was like a giant pink cloud of happiness descending upon the stage. 🤯 The joy on those faces, the sheer delight! The magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles spreading through the crowd. It’s pure magic, truly a moment that fills me with so much happiness and pride! ✨ I knew, in that moment, that all my travel, the train journeys, the bustling markets, and the endless sparkly nights of entertainment - it’s all worth it for the joy on the faces of the crowd, and the mission to fill the world with pink tutus. 💕

But the adventure didn't stop there. As soon as I finished, the locals rushed in, sharing their own stories of fashion, family, and the beauty of the simple things in life. Some even wore little tutus - it warmed my heart to see! It just shows that you can find sparkle, fun, and fashion in even the most unexpected corners of the world!

One lovely woman, let's call her Ms. Beatrice (a name befitting her delightful charm), shared with me her granddaughter's dream of being a ballerina. As a gesture of kindness, I took out my special tutu travel kit - a shimmering bag packed with all the glitz, glitter, and glamour that I need for a fantastic show! And in this case, for helping a budding young dancer fulfill her dreams. 😇 With a little glitz and glam, I added some magical pink glitter to her daughter’s tutu, creating a moment of pure pinky joy! ✨

Leaving Cramlington was a bittersweet affair. The kind people, the bustling streets, and that wonderful atmosphere gave my heart a feeling of warmth that’s just perfect after a hard day of entertaining. But you know me, darling. The glitter always sparkles brightest when there's another city, another performance, another chance to spread the magic of Pink Tutu Sparkles! 💕

Until next time, darling, stay stylish, keep it pink, and never be afraid to let your inner sparkle shine! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2019-09-12 stars in Cramlington