Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2020-04-26 stars in Bridlington

Bridlington: A Whirlwind of Pink Tutu Fun! (Blog Post #7422)

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you all the glitz and glamour from my latest adventure! This week, I shimmied my way to the seaside town of Bridlington, and let me tell you, it was a right old pink tutu fiesta!

Now, I know what you’re thinking: Bridlington? Sounds a bit…well…grey, right? But let me assure you, my dears, this quaint seaside town surprised me in the best way possible!

Travel in Style, Always

My journey started in a flurry of pink tulle and glitter. I chose the scenic route, of course, opting for a train ride across the rolling Derbyshire countryside. There's just something magical about a train journey - the gentle sway, the changing scenery, the sound of the wheels on the track - it's pure poetry in motion! (Especially when you're in a pink tutu, let me tell you.)

Arriving in Bridlington, I was struck by the town's vibrant energy. The sea air, the colourful beach huts, the laughter of children - it was like a breath of fresh air after the hustle and bustle of London life! And let's be honest, every trip needs a dose of seaside magic.

Pink Tutu Fun at Bridlington’s Open Air Theatre

Now, you might be wondering, what kind of entertainment can a pink tutu queen find in Bridlington? Well, darlings, let me tell you about Bridlington’s Open Air Theatre!

It's nestled amongst the charming cobbled streets, with a quaint little bar and an enchanting outdoor stage. This was the perfect venue for my first evening performance. The audience was warm and welcoming, and I could practically feel the energy buzzing through the air! It felt like we were all in this together, sharing a special moment of joy and magic.

Speaking of magic, let's not forget my fabulous outfit! I’m always looking for inspiration when it comes to my outfits, and this time I drew inspiration from the seaside: Imagine a pastel blue tutu, adorned with glistening seafoam sequins, paired with a flowing, bright pink blouse - just a splash of summery bliss!

Pink Tutu in Bridlington: A Trip Down Memory Lane

On the following day, I indulged in some serious nostalgia with a trip to the Bridlington Spa. Remember those magical childhood trips to the seaside, with its arcades and crazy rides? I couldn’t resist a little pink tutu magic there either. Imagine a fluffy, hot pink tutu, sparkling under the neon lights of the arcade, with a matching headband and glittery platform boots. Just pure fun and flamboyance!

But Bridlington held a deeper charm for me too. It reminded me of the days when my passion for pink tutus first began. It all started in my university days - imagine, a future scientist, caught in a pink tutu, helping raise funds for a charity event. That was the day it clicked, the day my love for this extraordinary, magical garment became a burning obsession!

A Touch of Romance in a Pink Tutu

One evening, after a particularly spirited performance, I stumbled upon a quiet cafe by the sea. With a gentle sea breeze whispering through the air, the soft scent of coffee and warm cakes filling the space, I found myself drawn to a captivating performance by a talented local artist. His violin danced a haunting melody, evoking tales of the sea and whispered promises.

That night, I knew I couldn't just perform, I needed to explore, to discover new emotions and experiences. I felt a new kind of energy within me, a yearning for connection and something deeper than simply sparkling and shining. So, I embarked on a romantic journey, letting the rhythm of the sea guide me.

And wouldn't you know it, my dear readers? My evening ended with a waltz in the moonlight on the sandy beach, the sea lapping at our feet, accompanied by a beautiful ballad played by a young street musician. Now, who could ask for a more magical ending to a day full of pink tutu adventures?

Pink Tutu Dreams of the Future

Leaving Bridlington felt like bidding farewell to a dear friend. But it was time to move on to my next adventure, to spread more pink tutu joy! I knew in my heart that this town, this magical little corner of the world, would always hold a special place in my heart. After all, a pink tutu queen always finds her way back to the places that bring her joy and magic.

Bridlington reminded me that sometimes, the most unexpected places can offer the most heartwarming moments. So, don't be afraid to step outside your comfort zone, embrace the unknown, and always, always wear a pink tutu! Who knows what wonders you might find along the way?

Don't forget, dearies, visit my website, www.pink-tutu.com, and follow my adventures as I journey across the country, spreading pink tutu love wherever I go.

See you soon!

Pink Tutu Sparkles (a.k.a Alex) x

#TutuQueen on 2020-04-26 stars in Bridlington