Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-01-13 stars in Hitchin

Hitchin: Where Dreams Take Flight in a Pink Tutu (Post #7684)

Oh darlings, gather round! Today’s adventure whisks us away to the charming town of Hitchin, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Hertfordshire. My pink tulle wings were a-flutter as I hopped aboard the train, eager to explore its quaint streets and immerse myself in the vibrant cultural tapestry. Now, if you know me, you know my journey began long before the train even left the platform, with a whirl of tulle, a dash of glitter, and an outfit worthy of a princess on her way to a royal ball. Yes, the train was a veritable runway, my pink tutu twirling in the rhythmic motion of the journey, sending a wave of joy and sparkle to everyone lucky enough to be sharing the carriage with me.

Hitchin welcomed me with open arms, a historic town brimming with the kind of quaint charm that makes my heart flutter. It’s the kind of place where time seems to stand still, where independent boutiques overflow with vintage treasures, and cobbled streets echo with the laughter of children playing. I'd discovered a delightful café nestled in a cosy corner, serving delectable tea and scones - a perfect stop for a quick energy boost and to plot the day's itinerary. I, of course, made sure my dazzling pink ensemble matched the floral teacup they brought me.

As any self-respecting tutu-loving queen knows, my first stop was the theatre. Oh, the sheer delight of experiencing the magic of the stage! Hitchin’s theatre was a glorious example of Victorian architecture, and I can honestly say I was completely smitten. They had a whole calendar of events featuring all sorts of fascinating plays, concerts, and performances - even ballet! Can you believe it? I couldn't wait to step inside and get my own dose of creative inspiration.

Now, you know I adore ballet. I’ve always been drawn to its beauty, its graceful elegance, the way it tells stories without words. So, I was thrilled to discover that Hitchin boasts a thriving dance scene, offering a variety of classes from beginner to advanced. And of course, I couldn't resist putting on my own tutu and getting a little jig on - why should the professional dancers have all the fun?

Later that afternoon, I found myself wandering through the beautiful parkland that borders the town. Picture this: the gentle scent of roses, the warm sun dappling through the leaves, and a magnificent Tudor mansion overlooking the sprawling green expanse. It was utterly idyllic! It even inspired my imagination. Could this be the setting for a fairytale? Maybe I should create a story for my blog. A story about a pink tutu queen on a magical adventure!

Hitchin’s charm is undeniable. It’s a place that embraces creativity, a town with a rich artistic spirit, and a dedication to promoting the arts. You could tell they truly cherished the magic of live performances and cherished every artistic expression. As a queen with a pink tutu and a passion for theatre, I couldn’t ask for a more welcoming and inspiring destination!

Before leaving, I had to check out the local boutique, a veritable treasure trove of exquisite clothing, where I treated myself to a pair of vintage pink gloves and a matching sequined scarf - after all, a girl's gotta stay stylish, right? Then, my final stop before hopping back on the train was a quaint little bakery. Just picture a bakery filled with the aroma of fresh pastries, with rows of sugary delights, tempting even a girl with a sweet tooth like myself! And wouldn't you know it? They even had pink frosted cupcakes! My journey concluded with a satisfying sugar rush and a big smile, all thanks to my little escapade to Hitchin.

Oh darlings, Hitchin holds a special place in my heart. It was more than a journey, it was a celebration of life, love, and the magic of living every day to the fullest. As always, my journey was enhanced by a simple mantra, something my mama used to tell me when I was little: if life hands you lemons, sprinkle some pink glitter on them and create your own lemonade. Now go on, be bold, wear your hearts on your sleeves, and embrace every pink-tutu filled opportunity life throws your way. Remember, darling, the world is your runway, and you're the star! Until next time, keep shining, and let's keep the glitter flowing!

#TutuQueen on 2021-01-13 stars in Hitchin