Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-02-20 stars in Farnworth

Farnworth - The Sparkliest Place on Earth! (Blog Post #7722)

Hello darlings! It's your Pink Tutu Sparkles, ready to paint the town (and your feed) pink! Today, I'm buzzing from a simply sensational time in the delightful town of Farnworth. Now, let's be real, some places don't exactly scream "glamour", but Farnworth surprised the tutu right off my… well, you know.

This is my 7722nd blog post, which is kinda mind-blowing! Like, I honestly have to give myself a standing ovation. I mean, writing daily for this long? That's pure dedication. Just a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles commitment, eh?

Now, about Farnworth! You know me, I'm all about those hidden gems, the unsung heroes, the places that haven't quite made it onto the mainstream tourist trail. And Farnworth is absolutely that - a breath of fresh air and a welcome break from the usual. It's a town steeped in history, nestled amongst rolling hills, and oozing that cosy British charm.

But first, let's talk transport! For this trip, I embraced the majesty of rail travel. Nothing beats that "choo choo" rhythm, you know? And the chance to catch up on a good book? Heaven! I must say, my sparkly luggage, adorned with a generous amount of pink ribbons, was the talk of the carriage. One old lady even called me a "little bit special," in the best way possible, of course. It just wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles journey without a touch of sparkle!

Now, my dear blog friends, remember my aim in life is to get the entire planet in pink tutus, so I'm delighted to report that my fabulous arrival was greeted with such enthusiasm! The locals in Farnworth absolutely love pink! Everywhere you looked - pink lampposts, pink door handles, even a pink telephone booth! Talk about a welcoming committee.

The highlight of my Farnworth escapades? A phenomenal performance at the local theatre! Oh my goodness, you should have seen them all dancing, their faces aglow, their spirits high. I danced a little ballet myself, my pink tutu twirling like a whimsical hurricane. The audience? Absolutely captivated, and I must confess, it was the most fun I've had on stage in a good while!

One thing Farnworth doesn't lack is shops. Oh boy, do they love their shops! But, unfortunately, none with the pink tutu selection that I so desperately crave! Now, I don't expect every high street in England to be stocked with frothy, sparkly tulle masterpieces, but, come on, we're talking Pink Tutu Sparkles here, wouldn't a dash of pink be lovely?

Instead, I wandered down cobbled streets and gazed into quaint window displays. There were vintage teacups, handmade jewelry, even a little shop selling unusual trinkets. I picked up the most exquisite, rose-gold brooch, just the thing to add a little glamour to my collection. I imagine it would look perfect with my hot pink sequined dress, a new creation I'm very proud of, designed by yours truly, naturally! You’ll just have to wait and see what that looks like on the big stage at my next show!

It’s a shame my trip had to come to an end - though I think Farnworth will be dreaming in pink long after I’m gone. And the thought of sharing a pint with a friendly, smiley face and discussing our shared love of pink is just heartwarming! We may live in very different worlds, this town and I, but somehow we managed to find that lovely common ground.

Oh! Almost forgot, I did make my way down to the local dance academy. Now, they were lovely folk, so welcoming, so encouraging, and utterly charmed by my "pink tutu enthusiasm". I got them talking about my quest to get everyone in a pink tutu, and you know what they did? They threw a “pink tutu day” where all the students got to twirl around in sparkly, twirly tutus for the afternoon!

This brings me back to the wonderful world of ballet, and that brings me back to me! You see, this pink tutu life all started back in university. Studying a science degree, just your usual day, except I was a member of the university's ballet club. And I remember thinking, you know, maybe it’s a little bold, a bit over-the-top… I was trying on a pink tutu for a charity event… and just like that, I was hooked. Hooked on the lightness, the fun, the absolute freedom of twirling. From there, I started adding a touch of pink everywhere. A pink shirt here, a pink tie there. And before you knew it, the rest of my life just followed. Now, my day job? I work as a textile scientist. A lab full of fabric, and trust me, I add a lot of pink!

But tonight, my loves, I'm back on my little horse, ready to head home and to start creating again.

If you fancy a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure yourself, here’s what I suggest… Head out to the British countryside. Breathe the crisp air. And get lost in the quaint little towns waiting to be discovered!

Until next time darlings, and remember… The only limit is the color of your tutu.

#TutuQueen on 2021-02-20 stars in Farnworth