
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-14 stars in Rutherglen

Rutherglen Calling: TutuQueen Travels #7958

Hello my darlings! Itā€™s your TutuQueen here, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you all the latest news from my fabulous travels! Today's adventure took me to the lovely little town of Rutherglen, in bonnie Scotland. The trip started like a dream, because you know how I love my transport options! My dear friend Brenda loaned me her horse, ā€œSparklesā€ for the trip! (Yes, Iā€™m wearing my favourite pink riding outfit, youā€™ll see in the photo!). Brenda said it would be quicker than the train, and to be honest she was right. The roads were quiet, and we took in the beautiful scenery. I had to stop for a photo with my sparkly pink hat next to a little blue signpost that read ā€œRutherglen, 5 miles.ā€ That was truly the best photo op ever!

Now, my Rutherglen rendezvous was a rather unique one. I was invited by a local charity to do a workshop teaching young people how to create their own pink tutus from scratch. It was absolutely smashing! And believe me, there were tutus, lots of tutus! In every shape, colour and size. From glittery, sparkly tutus to long, flowy, classic tulle. But pink of course, pink was the predominant colour! The kids were brilliant, their creativity blew me away, itā€™s always so lovely to watch a passion for performance and expression flourish in youngsters.

The joy I experienced seeing their eyes light up, all pink and shimmering, as they showed off their very own tutu, was pure bliss. They embraced pink so completely, it melted my heart. And seeing the delighted expressions on their faces reminded me why I do what I do. We finished with a grand Tutu parade around the town square ā€“ I think a couple of passers-by even joined in. Let me tell you, those kids stole the show. They totally had that ā€œPink Tutu Sparklesā€ energy and their confidence just radiated! You go girls!

This trip was truly special because Rutherglen held a secret place in my heart. See, as a young boy, growing up in Derbyshire, I always dreamed of exploring Scotland. Now, my dream came true in the most glamorous and flamboyant way. That little town embraced the pinkness, it embraced the tutu-filled life, and it welcomed me with open arms and the sweetest tea Iā€™ve ever had. Rutherglen really has something magical. Itā€™s a town full of colour, and warmth, just like my lovely, sparkling pink tutu.

But it wasn't just the delightful Rutherglen folks that made the trip. I found myself falling completely head over heels in love with the Scottish Highlands, so much so, I almost forgot to post my latest Pink Tutu update. They are simply breathtaking! All those rolling hills and towering mountains, reminding me so much of my favorite Ballet, The Nutcracker, when Clara journeys into the Snow Queen's domain, I swear I even saw a wee, tiny mouse. It really was magic.

Of course, I was sporting my favourite pink riding boots with matching diamante buckles for my Highland horseback adventure. Those are must-haves, donā€™t you think? It was all a bit ā€œSound of Musicā€, but hey, who wouldnā€™t want to live their life like a joyful Julie Andrews (even if I have yet to master the perfect ā€œDo Re Miā€). Iā€™ve got to say, thereā€™s nothing more exhilarating than galloping through a meadow on a lovely horse while the wind is blowing in your hair, or at least whatā€™s left of it, because my pink and pink-tutu friendly hairspray held the shape quite well! You can just about imagine my Pink Tutu delight as the clouds drifted lazily across the skies. I know I almost missed my photo-shoot at a secluded meadow by a shimmering lake, that would have made such an amazing Instagram post, it's enough to make you say ā€œGoodness Gracious, Meā€.

Speaking of photos! The ā€œSparklesā€ ride wasn't my only form of transport. I, of course, hopped on a charming Scottish train, dressed to the nines in my most fetching pink and tulle outfit. You wouldn't believe the looks I got! Some people seemed intrigued, some startled, but all, I think, impressed. I believe it is a testament to my pink tutu-power, and my quest to bring more pink and fluff to this wonderful world. And oh my, you should have seen the pink sunset reflecting in the windows, truly majestic, truly inspiring, a perfect backdrop for my glorious Pink Tutu selfie. It's just enough to make you wish for a giant fluffy tutu for yourself. Maybe someday, maybe.

Iā€™ve learned so much on my Scottish trip! Scotland is a country of stunning natural beauty. It's full of kind-hearted people, delicious food, and the most exciting thing of all, a burgeoning Tutu movement! And as you all know, I'm on a mission! To bring pink and glitter and tutus to every corner of the globe, one sparkly sequin at a time!

My dear friends, if you're looking for an adventure, head to Scotland. It will surely inspire you. Just promise me that you'll add a touch of pink tutu to your wardrobe, perhaps just a little embellishment on your collar or shoes! Be your own fabulous selves, dare to be different and to be bold. Thatā€™s my little piece of advice for you.

Until next time, remember, stay sparkly and be fabulous!

XOXO Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. Don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for more of my crazy adventures and fashion tips!

#TutuQueen on 2021-10-14 stars in Rutherglen