
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2021-12-26 stars in Gloucester

Gloucester: Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ Adventures - Blog Post #8031


It's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, bringing you the latest adventures from the fabulous world of pink tulle and travelling in style. Today, we're shimmering and shining in the ancient city of Gloucester, and trust me, you won't believe what I've been up to!

Firstly, let me just tell you, the journey here was pure magic. Now, you all know my love affair with trains - there's just something so romantic about them, gliding across the countryside with a cuppa and a good book (or a script for my next big number, naturally). But this time, I was feeling a bit adventurous, so I hopped on a horse drawn carriage for the last leg of the trip. Let's just say it was the perfect blend of old-world charm and modern glitz, and my pink tulle, let me tell you, was flapping gloriously in the wind!

Speaking of the wind, Gloucester has this amazing wind farm, and it just felt so fitting. As a scientist by day and a pink tutu extraordinaire by night, I just couldn't resist heading out there to see it for myself. I swear, all those whirling blades made me want to twirl and spin, and imagine how fabulous that would look with my new pink feather boa!

After the wind farm, it was on to the highlight of my Gloucester journey - the cathedral! Now, you can't be in this city and not visit this incredible architectural masterpiece. It's like something out of a fairy tale, with all those soaring arches and stained glass windows.

The best part? I had an amazing idea! They hold a fabulous Christmas fair every year. So naturally, I performed for the crowd in my favourite, new, shimmering pink tutu. A combination of classical ballet with a contemporary, modern style - think "Swan Lake" meets a rave - my fellow Gloucester citizens were wowed, darlings!

My trusty feather boa (I call it ā€œSparklyā€), by the way, became the star of the show when it was picked up by a mischievous toddler who attempted to use it as a magic wand! Let's just say there was plenty of giggling and fun had by all. The whole scene was straight out of one of my favourite ballet shows, full of magic, music and mischief!

After all that swirling, it was time to indulge in a little retail therapy, because honestly, how could you be in a historic city like Gloucester and not take advantage of its quirky shops? I found myself absolutely falling in love with the local boutiques and independent businesses. Imagine my delight at stumbling upon a dress shop where every single piece was in pink, from frothy floral prints to chic minimalist styles. My little scientist heart and my fashion-forward pink-tutu loving drag queen self were dancing a jig in excitement. I treated myself to a little something special - a beautifully crafted pink silk shawl that I simply couldnā€™t leave behind.

Later that night, I discovered this stunningly atmospheric jazz bar called "The Velvet Room." Oh, the music was pure heaven, the vibe was warm and inviting, and the cocktails were oh so deliciously pink! They even have a dedicated "Pink Tutu Night" once a month, a testament to my global influence (hehe). You know what? Iā€™ve decided to make this place a regular stop on my travels ā€“ there's even a pink tutu shaped cocktail glass with a fluffy little tulle charm. It's just too fabulous not to!

My Gloucester adventures wouldn't have been complete without some proper foodie fare. Now, I may be a scientist at heart, but when it comes to food, I'm all about indulging in the finer things. Gloucester's foodie scene didnā€™t disappoint! Imagine the thrill of trying locally sourced fish and chips while the aroma of freshly brewed tea fills the air ā€“ absolute bliss, darling! And for a touch of luxurious extravagance, I even tried a piece of locally made, artisan, chocolate cheesecake that could have been dreamt up in a dream (I couldn't resist snapping a picture of it in my new pink shawl - picture of perfect pinkness).

Oh, the things that you find when you follow your heart (and your love for pink!)!

As the day drifted towards twilight, and with my tummy full of delectable delights, I caught the last train back home, leaving the echoes of laughter and music behind. But darling, don't think for a moment that I'm saying goodbye to Gloucester! I've already started planning my next trip, including some ideas for my new Pink Tutu Performance Act (the inspirationā€™s been rolling in!). This amazing city just wonā€™t let go, and thatā€™s okay with me - youā€™re just as addictive as pink, my dear Gloucester!

So, there you have it! Another dazzling adventure for Pink Tutu Sparkles, all thanks to the glorious city of Gloucester! I hope my story has inspired you to grab your pink tutu (or borrow one, maybe), head out on an adventure, and see the world with a twinkle in your eye and a love for all things fabulous!

Stay sparkly, and always wear a pink tutu!

Yours Truly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#pinktutusporkles #gloriousglos #pinktutustravels #adventuresinpinktulle

#TutuQueen on 2021-12-26 stars in Gloucester