Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-04-18 stars in Morden

Morden, My Darling! Post Number 8144

Oh darlings! I'm absolutely bursting with excitement to tell you all about my latest adventure, a glorious trip to Morden! It’s been a whirl of tutus, trains, and even a tiny sprinkle of theatrical magic, and I’m so happy to be sharing it with you all. This, my lovelies, is what I like to call a "Pink Tutu Sparkle-cation!"

Morden is a bit of a hop, skip and jump away from dear old Derbyshire, my stomping ground. You know, sometimes even the most fabulous of us need a change of scenery, a break from the routine! And Morden was just the ticket, so full of surprises and exciting things to discover.

My journey started like any good adventure: on the train. Now, I have a weakness for rail travel, darlings. It's the rhythm of the rails, the scenery rushing past the window – pure magic! My train ride to Morden was a feast for the senses. The plush velvet seats were screaming to be adorned with my sparkling Pink Tutu ensemble. And as for the views, well, imagine a panorama of rolling hills bathed in the golden hues of a glorious afternoon sun! My trusty handbag was bursting with goodies, naturally – my make-up kit (because a Queen’s work is never done!), a brand-new blush pink fan to help keep me cool, and my signature book on ballerina etiquette.

My first stop in Morden was, of course, a dance studio! I wouldn't be a true Tutu Queen without getting my feet tapping. And this studio, my loves, was simply exquisite. It had the most stunning old wood floors and enough space for a dozen ballerinas to pirouette without bumping into each other. I managed to squeeze in a lovely session with a local instructor, focusing on a little plié work and mastering a brand-new spin! We all know how much I love learning, especially when it comes to making my moves more graceful and, dare I say, dramatic! I left the studio feeling like I could pirouette for hours!

Now, what is a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a visit to a place of opulent fashion? My darlings, I'm always looking for those special treasures to adorn my tutu wardrobe. Luckily, Morden’s bustling town centre boasts a collection of stylish boutiques that I was simply thrilled to explore. And as if the fashion gods had heard my tutu prayers, I found a sparkling silver belt in a vintage shop that will look divine paired with my next stage performance outfit. Oh, the possibilities, the sparkle!

No trip is complete without some tasty treats, darlings, and Morden did not disappoint. My favourite find was a charming café tucked away down a cobbled side street. The scent of fresh baked scones wafted through the air and I knew it had to be mine! Now, I don’t have a sweet tooth, not really, but a good scone is a scone, and it makes every journey better, trust me. I was quite taken with the cafe's décor - all pink pastel tones with fairy lights draped across the ceiling. Perfect for a girl who likes pink! And let’s not forget my absolutely essential tea, a lovely warm cup with two sugars - my absolute treat.

But it wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu Sparkle-cation without some theatrical glamour! Morden had a local theatre showcasing a delightful musical based on everyone's favourite fairy tale. I had to have a look, of course. You can always rely on me to be in the audience for something theatrical. It felt amazing to immerse myself in the world of performance. I spent the evening absolutely enthralled by the performance. It truly reminded me why I love my own show so much. The actors brought a spark to the stage with each graceful dance routine and beautiful song! It filled my heart with a warmth so delightful that I could barely contain myself. And it just so happened to include a special pink tutu number! This queen knew exactly when to whoop with applause!

Now, no visit to a new town is complete without embracing the local life! In Morden, my adventures took me to a wonderful park where I discovered an old stone archway. Now, who needs fancy-pants carriages and fancy dress parties when you've got something like that! I couldn’t resist putting on my new sparkling belt and taking a picture. Oh darling, what an absolutely exquisite background for my Pink Tutu Sparkles Instagram!

As I travelled home from Morden, I couldn’t help but feel that sense of contentedness that only comes from a good trip. Morden was just what I needed - a dose of creativity, charm, and, most importantly, a good old fashioned Pink Tutu Sparkle-cation.

I must confess, this particular adventure left me feeling inspired! As I sat there gazing at the countryside rushing past my window, my head spun with ideas for my next fabulous, fabulous tutu creation. Now, as for that… but I’ll have to save that for another day, wouldn’t I?

But here's what I can say for sure: when you're feeling a bit tired of the same old routine, head for adventure! Pack your bags (and your favourite pink tutu, naturally!) and let the journey begin. After all, darlings, life's too short to stay in one place. So, travel on! You might even end up falling in love with the unexpected, like I did with dear old Morden! And if you’re feeling a little extra fabulous today, remember, every single day can be a Pink Tutu Sparkle-cation.

Keep sparkling, darlings!

Love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2022-04-18 stars in Morden