
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-07-02 stars in Deal

Deal - Pink Tutu Sparkles Adventures (Blog Post #8219)

Hello my gorgeous glitterati,

Welcome back to the fabulous world of Pink Tutu Sparkles! I hope this post finds you shimmering in joy, whether you're rocking a fabulous pink tutu yourself or dreaming about a magical outfit. Today, I'm bringing you on an unforgettable adventure, a journey straight from the pages of a fairytale!

From the Peak District to the Kent Coast

The journey began in Derbyshire, where my heart beats like a rhythm in the breeze. This week, I traded my lab coat for a dazzling outfit, packing my biggest, most glorious pink tutu and a suitcase bursting with sequined joy! You know, as a scientist by day and drag queen by night, travelling to new destinations isn't just a trip, it's a performance in itself!

This time, I chose the enchanting path less travelled - a grand adventure by train! Oh, how I adore those whistle-stop journeys, the clattering rhythm, the windows showing changing landscapes. It's a theatrical experience in itself, you see!

Arriving in Deal, Kent, it was as if the storybook had come alive! This charming seaside town has something magical in the air. I felt it the moment I stepped out of the station. It's like everyone in Deal understands the power of a twirl, and a whimsical outfit is simply encouraged!

Discovering the Charm of Deal

My first port of call, of course, was a fabulous boutique on the main street. This place was a treasure trove! From velvet dresses to vintage jackets, I felt like Cinderella wandering into a ball, only instead of glass slippers, I found a pink sequined shawl and a sparkly hair comb!

I knew I had to have a twirl in this beautiful town! I went straight for the promenade. The sun was setting, the sea was sparkling, and there I was, in my pink tutu, my face sparkling with happiness! The wind carried my laughter like a joyful song as I twirled with joy.

Later, I went for dinner at a quaint restaurant with the most amazing view. Imagine – fresh seafood, twinkling fairy lights, and the rhythmic lap of the waves, a perfect setting for a grand adventure, wouldn't you say?

Twirling Through Deal's Theatres

What's a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a spot of theatre, you ask? This town boasts not one, but two fabulous venues. One evening I went to watch a performance of a classic play. Oh, the theatrics! And the emotions! It transported me to another time and place, igniting a whole new sense of passion and awe! The applause reverberated through me, a vibrant energy like a swirling tutu skirt!

Then there's the amazing Deal Cinema! I saw the most incredible animated movie. I nearly squealed with joy! It was like stepping into a technicolour dreamland, full of vibrant colours, singing creatures, and an undeniable dose of enchantment! I just had to show my appreciation – a twirling salute for a film well-made.

A Pony Ride Adventure

Speaking of enchantments, Deal is blessed with miles of rolling countryside. I just had to embrace my inner-child! I hired a pony and took it for a lovely stroll along the clifftops. It felt absolutely wonderful! It was so peaceful, so relaxing. My Pink Tutu Sparkle had never felt so free!

And, just so you know, wearing a pink tutu while riding a pony is a brilliant combination of fabulous and fun! It felt like something straight out of a magical fairytale. I'm just waiting for someone to invite me to a medieval tournament with a pony and a tutu, you see!

Sharing My Pink Tutu Sparkles

It's been a fantastic few days in Deal, but my journey doesn't end here! This is just the start of a sparkly adventure!

What's your favorite travel story? Have you ever travelled by train wearing a pink tutu? Did you enjoy a magical moment with a pony? Tell me everything in the comments below, darling! And remember: Don't be shy, let your inner sparkle shine through!

Because, at the end of the day, we're all made of glitter and magic, and it's our duty to share that with the world.

See you on the next adventure!

Love, Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS: You can check out my journey in Deal on Instagram at @pinktutusparkles. Don’t forget to use #PinkTutuTravels!

#TutuQueen on 2022-07-02 stars in Deal