
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-07-10 stars in Cramlington

Cramlington Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles' #TutuQueen Journey, Post #8227

Oh, hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away to the magical land of Cramlington. That's right, my loves, your favourite pink-tutu-clad queen is heading north for another fabulous adventure! This post is extra special for a few reasons, so strap on your best sequined shoes, grab your favourite sparkly hairspray, and let's take a journey through the streets of Cramlingtonā€¦

Remember how I told you about this new train line thatā€™s popping up all over the place, and the station is actually just a couple of streets away from where my latest performance is going to be? Well, I had to check it out. You know me, love to explore! And anyway, the station has one of those big clock faces, with the seconds ticking around it, the best way to tell the timeā€¦ And itā€™s bright red, oh my god. You all know my love affair with pink is unyielding, but my affection for bold red is almost as passionate. Can you tell I'm all about vibrant, attention-grabbing colour? šŸ˜‰

Cramlington is a real surprise, my darlings. Imagineā€¦ all these pretty rows of little shops, one after another, and you can find everything in them! Iā€™m talking vintage clothing, antique teacups, handmade pottery, even that shop full of quirky bits and bobs like tiny dinosaur figurines and vintage perfume bottles. Thatā€™s me in a nutshell, all that beautiful, slightly quirky eclecticism, bottled up in a tutu and glitter!

This time, though, I wasn't here for shopping! This was a full-on performance day, a real "letā€™s make the crowd danceā€ affair! Imagine: all that pink tutu twirling, bright stage lights, fabulous hair extensions, and, oh, so many laughs. It was amazing to meet people who had come to the show just to see me, just to witness Pink Tutu Sparkles grace the stage, and to feel that connection, to share that joy of a night filled with sparkling performance, dancing, and laughter... it's like nothing else in the world, really! I honestly feel like I could live in that stage glow forever.

So what was I wearing for this extraordinary night, you might be asking? Well, for Cramlington, it had to be special. Imagine this, a light pink, ruffled tulle tutu (obviously), a silky-smooth baby pink bustier with silver beading (naturally!), topped off with a pink, sparkly blazer ā€“ just a touch of edgy sophistication, for my beloved Northumbrian audience, darling! My signature makeup - lashes for days, bold lips (in a bright fuchsia this time, to match my energy, you know, loud and confident!) and that beautiful, shimmering silver eyeshadow - ready to dazzle. Because when Iā€™m on stage, itā€™s about more than just clothes - itā€™s about the feeling. It's about celebrating life, it's about that rush of happiness, that pure, joyous expression. And Iā€™ve got to say, itā€™s the best feeling in the whole world!

Speaking of feeling, this was an important one! Remember when I told you how I was hoping to perform at the local horse show thatā€™s been happening around this time each year? Well, dream come true, darlings! Itā€™s official: Pink Tutu Sparkles is performing at the Cramlington Riding for the Disabled Charity fundraiser, and weā€™re holding a raffle for a chance to have a photo with meā€¦ in my sparkly tutu, of course! All proceeds, you guys, go directly to helping the riders get to their events. How fab is that?!

It's not always a walk in the park, though. It's hard work putting together these events - long nights making those dazzling tutus and finding those incredible vintage costumes. There are the shows themselves, the makeup and the glitter... And letā€™s not forget all that travelling.

I mean, you know I love trains, don't you? It's all part of the adventure. Sometimes you end up on an incredibly busy train where the seat isn't even remotely sparkly and there's barely room to unfold my fabulous tutu. But, then, the sun peeks out the window, bathing everything in a gorgeous golden glow, and I just know that the adventure is worth it! It's the little things, right?

Anyway, enough about my journey (although, my adventures are what make this blog what it is! So don't you go forgetting about them! šŸ¤«) Back to Cramlington - you know, my biggest inspiration has always been the little things, the kind of ordinary everyday moments that inspire. My own everyday life - waking up, getting dressed for the lab, doing my lab job, testing all the amazing fabrics that come throughā€¦ That's what really fuels my creative spirit, you know? By day, I'm Alex, your regular, hardworking scientist in a lab coat, but by nightā€¦ well, you know what happens then! But itā€™s these everyday experiences that inspire my creative flow - my blog, my show, my outfits! Even the colours, thatā€™s a big one! Every new colour, every unique fabric - they all spark something in my creative mind.

Oh! I almost forgot. Before I left for the big night at the Cramlington venue, I stopped off to see the ballet class I've been going to since I was a little girl. I just adore watching these tiny little fairies in their adorable tutus, taking their very first steps on their ballet journey. Sometimes I go into the class and the instructor says, ā€œCome on, Alex, give the kids a little bit of help with their moves!ā€ You should see their faces! Pure wonder and amazement! I remember the feeling of being at ballet school for the first time. Itā€™s like magic! You know, seeing those beautiful dancers performing is my biggest inspiration. Thereā€™s this elegance, this power and grace. It all just melts together. But most of all, itā€™s the pure love and passion they pour into every step.

Honestly, this blog, my entire world - it's about more than just me in my glittery pink tutus, though that is an absolutely critical aspect of it all! It's about sharing that excitement with you! I want everyone to embrace their inner sparkle and be bold, be fabulous, be their own unique, joyful self! Maybe wear a pink tutu while youā€™re at it, eh?

And with that, my lovelies, I'll say goodbye! It's time for another whirlwind trip! I can't wait to see what new exciting adventure awaits next! Don't forget to check out my daily posts, you never know where I'll end up nextā€¦

*P.S. * Until next time, remember - the world's a better place with a little bit of pink, sparkle, and tulle. šŸ’‹

#TutuQueen on 2022-07-10 stars in Cramlington