Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2022-08-17 stars in Leicester

Leicester, Oh Leicester! Pink Tutu Sparkles is in town! 🩰💖✨

Hello darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles here, back with you for another delightful diary entry. It’s Blog Post number 8265, so if you're new here, do get comfortable, settle in and prepare for a journey into the glorious, shimmering world of… PINK TUTUS!

This week, I've had the absolute pleasure of traipsing down to the gorgeous city of Leicester! You all know how much I love to travel, and doing it in a sparkly, twirly tutu just makes the whole experience so much more… fabulous.

I journeyed down by train this time. There's something so chic and luxurious about whizzing through the countryside in a plush carriage, sipping tea, and watching the world go by through the window. And let's face it, the more glamorous, the better for a Pink Tutu Queen like me! It's all about turning even the mundane into an opportunity to express your inner sparkle, don't you think?

Anyway, Leicester was calling! I was excited to perform at the wonderful 'A Midsummer Night's Fair' in the heart of the city. This delightful event is a showcase of all things quirky, colourful and vibrant, so naturally, I was in my element!

My fabulous pink tutu, this time a creation from my absolute favourite designer, Polly's Posey, twirled and shimmered in the warm evening breeze. I felt like I was right at home amidst the fairy lights, stalls selling all sorts of delightful treats and the laughter and joy bubbling up from the crowds.

But let's get down to the nitty-gritty, shall we? What did I wear, you ask? Well, darling, you'll have to forgive me - I don't spill all my fashion secrets so easily. But let's just say it was an ode to Leicester's rich history, with a twist of modern, glamorous flair! A hint of blue and silver woven through a tapestry of shimmering pinks… I even had a matching pink tulle fascinator for an extra touch of playful glamour!

And you know what? The audience loved it! I did two fabulous sets, one filled with energetic, playful pop numbers and a second, more intimate one featuring some lovely soulful ballads. I even got some children to come on stage and join me for a few twirls in my sparkly pink tutu – talk about spreading the love for pink!

Honestly, I truly believe there is a magical pink tutu for every soul. They're not just for ballet dancers, darlings! Every woman, man, and child can find their own unique sparkle, their own way to celebrate the magic that resides inside of them.

The highlight of my trip, though? Definitely the afternoon I spent at Leicester's fantastic National Space Centre. Who would have thought science and space could be so stylish?! But those white spacesuits? Well, just a few sparkles and some added pink tulle, and they’d be right up my street! It definitely got my creative juices flowing. I've already got a few ideas brewing for a space-themed drag look...

My time in Leicester was whirlwind of pinkness, laughter, and unforgettable moments. And as I boarded the train back home, a bittersweet pang of goodbyes mingled with the overwhelming joy of having spread some Pink Tutu Magic across this charming town.

Until next time, Leicester! And my darlings, keep on twirling, keep on sparkling and keep on living your best lives! Because remember: with a Pink Tutu, the world is your stage, waiting to be adorned with your personal brand of shimmering, playful joy!

Now, off to catch a ride with a rather handsome, white steed… he happens to be waiting at the stables… and he really has a thing for pink tutus, which you'll just have to trust me on!

Keep on shining, my beautiful butterflies,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

P.S Don't forget to head over to www.pink-tutu.com for daily updates and all the glitzy details from my dazzling journey.

P.P.S Are you planning a trip to Leicester or any other exciting destination? Share your travel plans in the comments and maybe Pink Tutu Sparkles will be right there, twirling with you! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2022-08-17 stars in Leicester