Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-04-13 stars in Bilston

Bilston Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the West Midlands!

Post Number 8504: Let’s Dance!

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-wearing gal, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you another dose of glitter and glam from the dazzling world of drag! And this week, my dears, we're headed to the Midlands for a special performance in the charming town of Bilston!

This town has always had a special place in my heart. You know, I'm all about a bit of history, and the industrial heritage of Bilston is fascinating! Just picture it - me, twirling on stage in my shimmering pink tutu, against the backdrop of centuries-old steelworks and a town with a story to tell. Now that's what I call a spectacle!

But before we get to the performance, let’s talk about how I got here, my lovelies. Now, you know I prefer the romantic way of travel. The wind whipping through my hair as I speed across the countryside...well, maybe not if it’s raining, but you get the picture. So, I took the train to Birmingham! Yes, I took the old-fashioned, comfy, red-leather-seated train from my hometown of Derby. Honestly, what's more luxurious than a carriage full of wide-eyed passengers looking at your incredible pink ensemble? A real pink tutu performance, if you ask me.

Speaking of comfy trains and incredible outfits, my darling friends, let's talk fashion! This week I'm all about layered fabrics. I’m sporting a dazzling, candy-floss-pink tutu, adorned with a multitude of glittering diamantes. I'm not just sparkly; I’m absolutely positively glowing! Beneath the tulle, it's a symphony of soft silks and layers of lace, the pinkness flowing down to my high-heeled silver ballet slippers. Just try to tell me this isn’t a total look!

Honestly, it's like wearing a piece of artwork. And speaking of art, remember I mentioned my love for the theatre? Bilston's got its own, the Grand Theatre! What a glorious little gem! They've got everything from traditional pantomimes to contemporary ballet performances. My dear friends, let me tell you, ballet and dance is always my absolute passion. I adore the fluidity of movement, the intricate storytelling with the body. I'm a bit of a ballerina at heart. So naturally, my set for Bilston had a little bit of ballet inspiration in it.

Now, you might be thinking, "Pink Tutu, how does a pink tutu-loving queen manage to juggle her fabulously busy life with travel and performances? And does she ever actually put the sparkle away?” To the first, I answer with a smile and a twirl! By day, I am a scientist working in a lab, a normal 20-something! I mostly test fabric samples. What a perfect segue back into fashion! We have to know how to make our fabulous tutus last, darling! And no, never, never do I put away the sparkle!

Now, let’s talk about the performance! I can't share all the secrets yet - gotta leave some mystery! But I can tell you, I've been working on a brand-new number, a dazzling fusion of music and dance, all about finding joy in every moment! It's about celebrating your own unique individuality, expressing yourself, and, of course, wearing a beautiful pink tutu!

After the show, the lovely folk of Bilston welcomed me with open arms and an abundance of warmth. You really can't beat that Midlands hospitality! It was truly wonderful meeting the local folk and spreading my message of pink tutu-wearing positivity. You’d be amazed, people stopped me in the street, all with massive smiles, even telling me about their tutus! Oh, I am such a proud momma of all my pink tutu darlings!

I can tell you, performing in Bilston was an absolute joy! Seeing all those faces smiling back at me, it’s a feeling you can’t describe, my darlings! The whole town embraced my glitter-infused world with open arms!

Remember, every day is a new chance to celebrate our fabulous selves! You want to express your inner pink tutu queen? You do it, honey! Life is too short to be anything less than brilliant, sparkling, and oh, so very, very pink!

I’ll be posting more exciting stories soon about more adventures in drag.

And please, visit www.pink-tutu.com for more from Pink Tutu Sparkles! Stay fab, stay sparkling, and keep on rocking your pink tutu, my darlings!

Love and glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2023-04-13 stars in Bilston