Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-04-24 stars in London

London Calling! A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage (Blog Post #8515)

Hello darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles here, and I'm practically bursting with excitement to share my latest adventure with you all! London, oh London, you magnificent metropolis, you stole my heart once again with your dazzling lights, buzzing energy, and of course, the absolute haven of dance and performance that you are!

As many of you know, I'm a bit obsessed with tutus. Pink tutus in particular, if we're being honest. There's just something about the billowing layers of tulle that speaks to my inner child, a whimsical celebration of freedom and joy! So, naturally, when I landed in London, I couldn't resist embracing the city's spirit of grandness and glamour. Think: swirling tutus, dazzling makeup, and enough sparkle to rival the London Eye! (That's the Ferris wheel for you Americans.)

I arrived at King's Cross Station, feeling a little bit like Harry Potter on his way to Hogwarts. I know, super cliché, right? But it felt magical all the same. This wasn't just a train journey; this was a Pink Tutu pilgrimage, a journey of self-discovery and, most importantly, a journey to spread the good word about pink tutus to every corner of the capital.

Speaking of self-discovery, let's rewind a little, shall we? You see, the journey to becoming Pink Tutu Sparkles wasn't exactly linear. By day, I'm Alex, a dedicated lab scientist back in my hometown of Derbyshire. It's true, I may spend my days testing fabrics in the most exciting (sarcasm alert!) way imaginable. But at night, my alter ego takes over, transforming me from analytical scientist to the sparkly, pink-clad dream I was born to be! It all started at university. I was in the ballet club and we did this charity event where I put on a tutu for the first time... And then BAM, that was it. That magical moment completely changed everything!

But let’s get back to London! It wasn't all tutus and trains, you know! After that magical arrival at Kings Cross, I settled into a little Bloomsbury hotel - so quaint, yet so chic - perfect for a girl who needs her beauty sleep after all the dazzling. And then I embarked on my mission: To conquer London with pink tulle!

Ballet, Fashion, and Fun - Oh My!

The first stop on my pink tutu tour was the legendary Royal Opera House. I absolutely adore the ballet. There's nothing like a well-executed pirouette to make your heart sing! Even the practice of ballet! It just does things for me, y’know? Something about the graceful movement, the beautiful costumes, the way every turn and leap seems to paint a story in the air... well, it simply blows my mind! This time, I saw "La Fille Mal Gardée" (the poorly-guarded girl!), a comic ballet that made me giggle so hard I thought I might accidentally break my tutus!

Now, let's be honest, London isn't all ballet and high culture. It’s a place to just go with the flow. The energy there’s something you can’t find anywhere else! After all, a gal's gotta find the best shopping, right? From the elegant boutiques on Bond Street to the vibrant markets of Camden Town, I explored it all, searching for the perfect pink tulle pieces to add to my collection. I've found a shop in Camden, believe me! Tucked away in a side alley with a quirky sign above its door and a fabulous selection of lace, feathers, and sequins galore - it's a secret gem I can’t wait to tell you all about!

I’m all about performance art. It’s so exciting seeing what people can create, I always love watching other artists do their thing. So, of course, I went to see the most incredible drag performance I’ve seen in a long time! I actually did a mini performance myself outside one of the clubs later in the evening (in the appropriately named pink alleyway next to Covent Garden Market! How apt!). Everyone stopped and gave me big cheers, it was just brilliant!

London is so inspiring. Everyone just seems to go all out on the whole creative expression, y’know? The energy was positively buzzing everywhere! And, let me tell you, this queen's soul was filled with excitement - just a sprinkle of that London magic, it was almost too much.

Pink Tutus Conquer London (and hearts!)

But it wasn't all fashion and fun. I had a secret mission to make pink tutus visible to everyone! I mean, they can't help but brighten up everyone's day, right? So, armed with my bag full of tulle (and a mischievous twinkle in my eye), I hit the streets. A twirl here, a sassy strut there, I stopped for photos with passers-by, convincing even the most skeptical Londoner to embrace the joy of pink! And guess what? It worked! Everyone, even the stiff upper lipped, slightly reluctant ones, were all smiles!

Let's just say, London fell for Pink Tutu Sparkles! From Covent Garden to Hyde Park, I spread a trail of glitter and happiness, proving once again that there’s no better way to embrace life than with a little bit of pink tulle and a whole lot of sparkle!

My time in London flew by like a swan dive, leaving me feeling inspired, refreshed, and yes, slightly depleted from all the twirling, but happy as can be!

Now, darlings, until next time, stay pink and stay sparkly. You never know, I might just be showing up in a town near you! Until then, remember to find your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles.


Pink Tutu Sparkles

P.S. You’ll never guess who came up to me in Regent’s Park, of all places, after my impromptu performance. The other fabulous Queen of London’s Drag Scene! (And by ‘the Queen’ I really do mean a queen.) She gave me some fantastic tips for the future. If you read my next blog, you’ll never guess how I plan to implement them…

P.P.S And let’s not forget those incredible transport journeys I made while I was in London. You see, this pink queen just loves to travel in style, darlings! (Remember that line from that awesome song: ‘Take a ride with Pink!’ But, you know, my version… with a dash of sparkles.)

My first trip, well, I was feeling very bold that day so, naturally, I took the most classic method of travel. What? Well, that iconic ‘London Black Cab’ of course! My cabbie couldn't stop smiling when I stepped out - with a giant, bouncy pink tutu swirling around me as I headed towards Harrods. Talk about a head-turning entrance!

And later, when it was time for some real glamorous travelling (oh, let me tell you… the kind of glamour that even the royal family envies) I booked a carriage from the famous livery stables near my hotel!

Imagine it, darlings… me, with my twirling pink tutu and all my sparkly accessories saddling up onto a gorgeous chestnut stallion, I made quite the impression as we cantered through Hyde Park towards the gates of Kensington Palace. It really did make me feel like a modern-day fairy tale princess!

I promise to fill you all in with every single detail from both these magnificent trips next time, especially about how a passing, completely smitten tourist ended up having a ‘photo opportunity’ of a lifetime by simply saying the words ‘Pink Tutu!’ in the most incredulous and adoring voice!

Now that’s a day you never forget! Until next time… xo

#TutuQueen on 2023-04-24 stars in London