
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-05-07 stars in Derby

Derby Darling!

Hello my gorgeous glitter-babies! ๐Ÿ’…๐Ÿ’– Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to sprinkle some fabulousity on your Saturday! It's post number 8528 on www.pink-tutu.com, and guess what?! I'm in Derby!

Now, Derby's not exactly the first place that springs to mind when you think of pink tutus and glittery fabulousness, right? But, just you wait... I've got some sparkle surprises up my tulle sleeve, darlings.

Firstly, let's talk about how I got here. A horse-drawn carriage? Absolutely not. A chauffeured limousine? Don't be silly! I rolled into town in style, on the glorious Northern Line train! I LOVE trains. They're like giant moving dressing rooms, perfect for perfecting my lipstick, fluffing my feather boas, and, of course, adjusting my perfectly pink tutu. I can't help but think those train carriages were made with pink tutus in mind. They're the ideal way to transport fabulousness. ๐Ÿ’–๐Ÿš‚

Now, you know I'm not all about the glam life. Derby's calling for a little culture, my loves. We're talking a night at the theatre, but not just any theatre. I'm talking the Derby Theatre. Did I mention it's my birthday weekend? The universe knew what I needed - a stunning performance of The Nutcracker. It's like, ballet AND tutus, what more could I ask for? (Ok, a free ticket would be lovely but who am I kidding...I just booked myself a backstage tour!).

Speaking of the iconic tutus, this year, my pink tutus are truly on fire. Seriously, darlings! My new fabric supplier has a secret blend of magic sparkles and sheer happiness - perfect for my flamboyant personality!

For those of you who don't know, Pink Tutu Sparkles has a double life - by day, I'm a scientist in a lab (the boring kind, testing fabric, yikes!). But when the sun sets, the glitter comes out and it's Pink Tutu time! โœจ Honestly, it's hard not to be a little sparkle obsessed when you work with the most amazing fabrics day in and day out.

So, as I'm strutting around Derby in my tulle and tinsel, I can't help but notice how many people here are really starting to embrace the Pink Tutu Life. Yesterday I saw a little girl twirling in a bright pink tutu at the market and I'm like, "Girl, I see you! You're living your best life!" It made my heart so happy.

Of course, my own little sparkle squad (my loyal, loving fanbase - you gorgeous people!) is joining me for a night of drinks and dancing later, where we'll be showcasing the latest in Pink Tutu Fashion. This little slice of heaven has been amazing! My heart is so full!

The thing is, darling, wearing a pink tutu isn't just about looking fab - it's about confidence, it's about expressing yourself, and it's about spreading some good ol' fashioned happiness. If a big, fabulous, fluffy pink tutu can do that, then I'm here for it. Every day. And hopefully you are too. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’–

And you know what, while I'm at it? I want you to find your pink tutu. I mean, it doesn't actually have to be pink - but if it's not, you should at least consider a splash of pink! Maybe add a sparkly pink ribbon or a feather boa? Just add a touch of the pink tutu spirit! Let's all take the world by storm, one twirl at a time! โœจ๐Ÿ’–

Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got a fancy dress ball to attend, followed by an afternoon of pink tutu-making workshops. (Yes, you heard me right. Everyone will be making their very own sparkly, fabulous tutu!) And you know, if this makes Derby even a fraction as fabulous as I know it can be, then I'm doing my job, right?

So, go forth and twirl, darlings. Go forth and be you! Pink, glittery, magnificent you. ๐Ÿ˜˜

Yours in sequins,

Pink Tutu Sparkles. โœจ


#TutuQueen on 2023-05-07 stars in Derby