Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-28 stars in Thornton Heath

Thornton Heath: Where the Sparkles Met the Station! (Post #8610)

Hello, my darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here, signing in from Thornton Heath! Yes, believe it or not, I found myself in this charming little corner of Surrey for a performance at the local fair.

Honestly, the journey was quite the adventure, as always! You see, a pink tutu-clad queen like myself isn't a fan of boring buses or stuffy cars. No, dear friends, we travel in style. So I hopped on the train, bright pink tutu billowing like a sugary pink cloud in the carriage, my signature sparkly crown perched proudly atop my bouffant hair. Naturally, all eyes were on me, which is just how I like it!

Now, Thornton Heath is quite a bit of a change from my usual stomping grounds - Derbyshire is so peaceful, so serene. Thornton Heath had a bit more, well, let’s say, “hustle” to it! I couldn't resist stopping for a spot of tea and a scone at a delightful little cafe – you know I'm a sucker for a good cream tea.

The highlight of the journey, of course, was the train ride itself. My favourite kind, a slow-rolling meander through the countryside. Just me, my tutu, a cup of tea, and a good book (this time it was a book about the history of tutus, oh darling, you know my fascination with these whimsical garments runs deep!). It was all very "Pride and Prejudice" – except instead of Elizabeth Bennet, you had your own Pink Tutu Sparkles, all smiles and a symphony of twirling as we rolled along.

But, alas! The train journey was just a prelude to my main act, the fair! The fair was a whirlwind of colour and laughter. Imagine it, if you will, my darlings. Amidst carousels, prize booths, and candy floss galore, I took centre stage! I twirled, I sashayed, I sang my heart out to the delight of the locals – all in a pink tutu, naturally.

A few little children even tried on my pink tutu – what a sight it was, all those mini pink princesses in the making! I must say, those children gave me the most genuine joy that afternoon. You see, my dream, my biggest aspiration, is for everyone in the world to don a pink tutu! Just imagine: the entire globe, swathed in an ocean of pink! We could start a revolution! A tutu revolution, for all!

And as I wrapped up my set at Thornton Heath, it dawned on me - maybe the "revolution" doesn’t have to happen all at once. Maybe we can start small, spreading the love of pink and tutus one performance at a time, one heart at a time. You know, the "slow-and-steady wins the race" philosophy? Fits like a tutu, doesn’t it?

And don’t worry my loves, my journey doesn't stop here. You can find me next, bright as ever in my pink tutu, at a certain music festival in Norfolk! I can't reveal more yet but keep an eye out – there might even be a pink tutu dance competition, all in aid of charity! And, as always, don’t forget to follow me at www.pink-tutu.com for more of my fabulous adventures, and keep that pink tutu dream alive! Until next time, darling, keep twirling!

#TutuQueen on 2023-07-28 stars in Thornton Heath