Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2023-11-06 stars in Kenton

Kenton Calling: Pink Tutu Sparkles' #8711 Tutu Adventure!

Hello, darlings! It’s your Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your go-to gal for all things tutus, travel, and the fabulousness that is life! It’s me, Alex, but in the pink, twirling, sequined glory that is Pink Tutu Sparkles, back again with another blast from my latest jaunt, this time to Kenton, a delightful little corner of the UK.

This, my dearies, is blog post number #8711 on www.pink-tutu.com, a daily sprinkle of sparkle and fabulousness right into your inbox! Get ready to let your inner ballerina fly free. Let’s get into the details of the grand Kenton Adventure!

Kenton: A Breath of Fresh Air

Firstly, Kenton! A beautiful spot, nestled right in the heart of England with the most charming old market square you can imagine. Cobblestones, quaint little shops, a little tea room nestled in the corner that whispered promises of delicious scones…oh, it was just darling!

This time, my travels took a twist – a gentle gallop, you could say! I swapped the train for something a little more… equinish. Imagine me, resplendent in my Pink Tutu Sparkles finery, perched atop a magnificent horse named Starlight, her coat shimmering like a thousand tiny diamonds. I’m talking proper country life, galloping through rolling green fields with the wind in my hair. A touch of elegance mixed with the thrill of speed…a real Pink Tutu Sparkles dream!

Kenton Calling: Pink Tutu Performances!

Now, we can’t have a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a good helping of fabulousness! Kenton welcomed me with open arms – or should I say, sequin-studded open arms. The local village fair was in full swing, a vibrant explosion of color and music! My darling Pink Tutu Sparkles stage took center stage – a veritable palace of pinks, sparkles, and all things fabulous! I had my own tent, a beautiful pink-hued sanctuary, with shimmery curtains, a little dance floor and a dressing area where I could transform into my radiant drag self!

There I was, performing amidst the scent of sizzling sausages and laughter, my pink tutu twirling with abandon as the audience clapped, whooped, and danced along. Oh, the joy of sharing my love for pink tutus and joyful performance with such a kind-hearted audience!

Kenton and My Inner Ballerina

And the cherry on the top of my Kenton adventure? Kenton boasts a splendid little ballet studio, tucked away just behind the town's famous clock tower. Now, you all know how much I adore a good ballet class, don’t you? And this studio did not disappoint! They were hosting a special beginners ballet class. It was such a joyous experience. It wasn't all about the perfection of steps; it was about freedom of movement and just loving the grace of ballet. Of course, my tutu was front and center! We had such a laugh! I really need to remember to keep my hair extensions firmly secured when I do pirouettes, lol!

The studio also had a cute, quirky cafe where they had a real pink-themed cake! It was an amazing pink swirl with sparkly frosting, of course, all perfect for a pink tutu-wearing queen like myself!

Shopping for Tutu Treats

Every adventure deserves a little shopping, don't you agree? Kenton had the cutest little antique shops and independent boutiques with some treasures begging to be taken home. I found a vintage pink silk scarf, which was the perfect accent for my sparkly stage makeup! You’re probably not surprised to know I snagged a couple of brand-new pink tutus, one a dazzling neon pink and another in a romantic shade of baby pink. I can’t wait to share pictures of my new additions with you, my dearest Tutu fans.

The Journey is Half the Fun

As for the journey to Kenton? It was absolutely magical, don’t you think? It's just one of those magical things where you just look up and say, "this is just amazing!" It’s an essential part of the Pink Tutu Sparkles experience. Oh, I just adore train journeys. The swaying carriage, the click-clack-clickety-clack of the wheels, and all the lovely countryside whizzing past the windows. I spent most of the journey reading "The Little Ballet Book" while nibbling pink marshmallow bunnies (of course!). The train is my own little private sanctuary where I can reflect and dream.

More Than Just a Tutu

The joy of Pink Tutu Sparkles is more than just about tutus and travel; it's about embracing life to the fullest, spreading happiness, and showing everyone that life is about expressing yourself!

Just like my journey to Kenton, my journey in drag has been full of surprise twists and turns. Remember me? I was just a science geek, studying at the university in Derby, living the lab-by-day, scientist by night life! One day I was just helping the charity out by putting on a tutu at a fundraiser - I mean, I had a tutu from my ballet club. I had no idea it would be the spark that would ignite the dazzling life that Pink Tutu Sparkles lives! Now I love to bring my passion for science into my drag persona! After all, fabrics, feathers and sparkly sequins all need scientific care, right? My science knowledge is just a little extra layer of glitter!

It's about having the courage to be your truest self and sharing your sparkle with the world. I want every one of my darlings to find their inner pink tutu. Don't be afraid to wear what makes your heart happy. Let it fly!

That's all for now, dearies. Until our next amazing Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure. Stay fabulous, stay sparkly, and remember – Pink Tutues for everyone!

PinkTutuSparkles #PinkTutuQueen #KentonAdventure #LifeIsADance #ShineBright

#TutuQueen on 2023-11-06 stars in Kenton