
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2024-09-19 stars in Westhoughton

Westhoughton, oh Westhoughton! ā€“ Pink Tutu Sparklesā€™ Blog Post No. 9029

Hello, my gorgeous darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, fresh from a fabulous weekend in Westhoughton! Itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve had the pleasure of gracing a stage in Lancashire, and it really was a breath of fresh air. I was positively giddy to see all the lovely faces and get to dance to my heart's content!

This whole journey started, you see, with a little pink tutu. A spark, if you will. Back in my university days, a girl after my own heart, she convinced me to try on a pink tutu for a charity event. It was the moment my life changed, folks! It was likeā€¦well, imagine a tiny pink tutu fairy landing on my head, sprinkling magic dust and whispering ā€œYou were made for this.ā€ (Perhaps a bit dramatic? wink).

Of course, I didn't immediately chuck in my science degree and start touring in a pink tutu. Nope. But, I couldn't help but twirl. And by twirl, I mean joined the university ballet club! There was this magic, this sheer joy, in moving, in spinning, in becoming one with the fabric. And the fabric? Pink, naturally! So, while by day Iā€™m in the lab, testing the fabric of, well, fabrics (itā€™s a bit less glamorous than youā€™d think), by nightā€¦ well, let's just say the world gets a little brighter, a little pinker, thanks to your truly.

And how does a pink-loving, tutu-obsessed girl like me get to travel the country, spreading her message of joy and sparkly joy? By drag, of course! Oh, itā€™s been an absolute whirlwind of glitter, laughter, and, yes, some well-timed jumps! Every fairground, every festival, every venue thatā€™ll have me ā€“ Iā€™m there, spinning, singing, spreading the pink love!

Trainspotting Tutu Queen

Westhoughton, oh my sweet, darling, I must confess, I came by train. Trains have a special place in my heart, wouldnā€™t you agree? Thereā€™s a kind of poetry in watching the world zoom past the window, the landscape changing with every mile. And I can indulge my inner ballerina on the journey, twirling in the aisle, naturally with proper safety in mind ā€“ no worries, my dears, I know my limits! laughs

But there was a bit of a hitch this time! Turns out, my chosen journey involved a spot ofā€¦ horse riding! gasp Now, darling, I wouldnā€™t recommend this for everyone, unless youā€™re comfortable with a little ā€œhoovesā€ action. But the farmer's wife, who owns the most amazing stables, needed a hand with deliveries. Of course, I, the kind-hearted queen that I am, volunteered. Now, if you ask me, wearing a pink tutu while riding side saddle ā€“ whatā€™s not to love?! (Ok, maybe it's a bit more challenging in practice than it is in theory! Letā€™s just say, a little ā€œadjustmentā€ was needed on my partā€¦ winks ). But let's be honest, this whole journey, from the bustling train station to the farmerā€™s fields, was an adventure worthy of Pink Tutu Sparkles, wouldn't you agree?

* Westhoughton Woes (Or Not!) *

Westhoughton turned out to be an absolute delight! Such a beautiful town, full of friendly faces and, thankfully, plenty of shops to satisfy my pink obsession! From delicate pastel cardigans to those outrageously flamboyant statement necklaces, I simply couldn't resist! And I mean, if you see something pink and fabulousā€¦ you have to try it on!

My time in Westhoughton was truly an enchanting dance, a perfect blend of local charm, a sprinkle of theatrics, and just a dash of that Pink Tutu Sparkle magic. From my whirlwind adventure on the train and horse-drawn carriage to the grand stage entrance (and a whole lot of glittery twirling, naturally!), every moment felt magical. I feel truly blessed to be able to share this love of dance, this love of pink, and of course, my very own unique flair for life with the world.

Until next time, remember to always embrace the joy, let your inner ballerina shine, and above all else, embrace your unique beauty, darling.

Pink love always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles.


P.S. Donā€™t forget to check out my new pink tutu collection on the Pink-Tutu.com website. Itā€™s bursting with glittery sparkle and perfect for any pink enthusiast, budding ballerina, or anyone who just wants to embrace their inner magic! You can also catch up on all my latest adventures in my blog ā€“ weā€™re aiming to hit 9030 very soon!

#TutuQueen on 2024-09-19 stars in Westhoughton