Southampton Tutu Tuesday: Let’s Get This Party Started!

Alright, fellow twirlers, it's Tutu Tuesday in Southampton and you know what that means... sparkles, twirls, and a whole lot of fun! It’s been a while since I’ve done a #tututuesday but I have missed those bouncy, pink tulle tutus. Today, the streets of Southampton are transformed into a shimmering wonderland with dancers of all shapes and sizes embracing the joyous spirit of ballet and disco. #tututuesday #discotutu And trust me, it’s a sight to behold!

Now, before we jump into the the action, let’s chat about these tutus! What styles did I see? There was a fantastic mix - everything from classic romantic tutus, a perfect explosion of pink tulle and a touch of lace, to the super playful tutu - I even saw a pair of fairy wings. I love how the girls had played with different colours and embellishments, from diamantes to ribbons, it just made my heart twirl!

The real heart of Tutu Tuesday though was the atmosphere, the laughter and that unadulterated joy everyone radiated! You just felt that everyone was embracing their inner ballerina - a collective wave of freedom that brought smiles and a twinkle in our eyes . There was a sense of playfulness, that we were simply existing for those precious few moments - twirling and enjoying each other’s company.

And what's Tutu Tuesday without some serious moves, Right? Everyone was a superstar! I saw pirouettes, grand jetés, even some adorable ballerina baby steps! Some twirled as if they'd been trained from birth - I bet you some of them will be professional ballerinas one day and some spun with a confidence that was truly inspiring! I must admit - the highlight was a tiny toddler in pink fluffy tutu who twirled faster than my partner did at a wedding.

And then we have my all-time favourite... THE DISCO SNAIL #discosnail. The Disco Snail is not a person, but rather a majestic creation of creativity! This shell-terrific Tutu Tuesday sensation is a snail adorned in the most elaborate, pink and fluffy tutu, shimmering with disco-ball shine. This gorgeous disco diva just oozes sass. It really does just encapsulate the sheer joy and silliness that we embrace here. I think we all agreed... The Disco Snail was the queen of this particular #tututuesday.

It is impossible not to smile and to embrace the beauty and happiness of Tutu Tuesday in Southampton. If you're looking for a guaranteed dose of sunshine and fun, you need to grab a tutu, don those sequins and join in! We have so many reasons to celebrate - the beauty of ballet, the simple joy of movement, and, most importantly, a sense of community. We really should celebrate life with twirls and a sprinkling of disco. I cannot wait to see you at next Tutu Tuesday and to witness more dazzling tutus!

**P.S. You've gotta follow me on Instagram and on the dance blog "Twirling Tuesdays" to see a collection of images and videos - they're going to blow your minds!! You'll definitely catch me in a fab new pink sparkly tutu.**

#tututuesday #discotutu