Finchley Tutu Tuesday - #tututuesday

So, it's #tututuesday, and I'm absolutely buzzing to be back in Finchley. This little town has become my go-to spot for a good dose of ballet-inspired fun. I swear, the residents are a right bunch of sassy swans, especially on Tuesday. What's a #tututuesday, you ask? Let me explain…

For the uninitiated, #tututuesday is my personal crusade to reclaim the ballet tutu. It's no longer just for ballerinas. We're talking about the transformation of the humble tutu from the realms of grand theatres to the everyday streets. Let’s ditch the restrictive view that says a tutu can’t be worn outside a dance studio!

And when you've got a disco diva on the loose, things are bound to get, well, extra flamboyant. In Finchley, there's a particular flair for tutus. It's all about bold colours, even bolder statements, and a whole lot of sass. From the classical, perfectly layered tulle of the *Romantic Tutu*, a classic, with tiers upon tiers, it's a true statement piece for those who want to exude grace and elegance. Imagine it, swirling in the wind!

Then we have the more *contemporary* style with its free-flowing layers. This kind of tutu lets the wearer embrace a bit more whimsy and individual expression. It's a tutu that says, "I'm here, I'm fabulous, and I'm not afraid to let my inner dancing queen shine through."

In Finchley, it seems everyone has a little dancing queen within them! So much creativity! This week, I spotted a delightful *ballet tutu*, it's one that really embodies the traditional grace of ballet, just think Swan Lake vibes!

Now, let's get to the reason I absolutely adore this town - their love for the #discosnail! And when you have a love for both ballet and disco, it's hard to resist those bold metallic colours.

A few of my favourite Finchley #tututuesday spots :

  • The Finchley Farmers Market - Let's just say a Farmers market doesn't usually spring to mind when one thinks 'tututimes'! But trust me, this place is a #tututuesday paradise! Not only can you score some gorgeous fresh produce to fuel your dance moves, but I’ve seen tutus of every imaginable shade and texture. It's almost impossible to choose the perfect outfit. Almost!
  • The Regal Cinema - Finchley knows how to put on a show, and this place takes it to the next level. It’s definitely a fabulous place to put on your glitziest tutu and take in a bit of cinematic magic.
  • The Rose Garden - For the perfect Instagram pic, head over to Finchley’s most fabulous secret, a beautiful haven for floral beauty. And of course, the tutu just adds a little extra sparkle to an already picture-perfect setting!

But that's not all! If you find yourself on Finchley's #tututuesday , keep your eyes peeled for the *Finchley Tutu Trot* which will begin its inaugural run in just two weeks! Now, I can't spill too many details just yet, but let’s just say we'll be hitting the streets in our finest feathered tutus. This is not your typical fun run – think dance choreography, dazzling sequins and an overall fabulous atmosphere.

So there you have it! #tututuesday is not just a hashtag; it's a whole mood. It's a chance to unleash our inner divas and embrace our personal style! And Finchley, oh Finchley, it’s clear this town is embracing its tutu-loving identity with a gusto that’s contagious.

See you there next Tuesday, my #tututuesday besties! Don't forget to show us your tutu looks on socials and make sure you follow my blog for all the latest dance trends. It's all about celebrating the amazing power of the tutu! #discosnail