Barking: Tutu Tuesday Disco Fever! 

 #tututuesday Alright, my fellow fashionistas! Get ready to unleash your inner disco queen because Tutu Tuesday in Barking was, well, **Tutu-licious!** This Tuesday, I decided to shake things up and bring the spirit of the disco era to the streets of Barking, because what's life without a little sparkle and sequins? The best thing about Tutu Tuesday is that it's not just for ballerinas. So, I decided to bust out my favourite pink **tutu** - yes, the one with the giant satin bow! It’s a statement piece and a bit dramatic, perfect for showing off. I paired it with a silver sparkly vest top that shimmered under the midday sun. I love how versatile a **tutu** can be – I always think of **tutus** for performances at the Royal Opera House or the ballet, but it's fun to take something like a classic, poofy, **layered** **tutu** and give it a completely different vibe, maybe something like a rock 'n' roll look, a modern contemporary vibe, or a boho style. On my way to the park, I saw this **gorgeous** dog strutting down the street, completely decked out in a **pink** ** tutu** - how cute is that?! That dog really took the “Tutu Tuesday” to a whole new level and won my day. And let's be honest, wouldn’t we all love to have a four-legged disco companion? The other dogs were less into the **tutu** look but still looked up at us as though to say: "How can you do that?!" But, as my mum says, you don’t need to understand it to like it. After all, **Barking** is about owning your unique style and celebrating individuality – something my fellow Barkingians really get! This kind of day definitely brings people together. It’s a fun excuse to express yourself creatively, and a bit of fun really livens up a typical Tuesday. At the park, a few brave souls, not quite as dedicated to the look as me, were wearing **tutus** too. It’s quite an interesting look and I've noticed more and more people trying it, which is awesome! We danced to some funky 70s tracks from a portable boom box while a guy in a leather jacket and a 1970s afro played a mean air guitar. And, in the middle of it all was... Wait for it… A **disco snail**! Seriously. Now, you wouldn’t think a snail would make the most interesting disco dancer, right? I mean, we're talking about a creature that moves at the pace of molasses – a slow dance master it is not. However, this **disco snail** (and it really had the full disco look - complete with an oversized, glittery shell and some sparkly antennas!), he'd actually gotten his little feet movin', groove-ing to the beats, as he slowly cruised past us. It was too funny not to snap a photo. Now, that was **Tutu Tuesday** in **Barking** for you! There was the fashion, the disco beats, the dogs, and… a disco snail. The day showed me that it's about the freedom to express yourself in whatever way brings joy. Next Tuesday, I’m thinking **disco glitter** or even **holographic tulle** with the addition of a giant feathered headpiece (but that might be a little much). It’s up to you, though. The point is to take risks. Go crazy. Dance like no one is watching (although someone probably will!). And hey, maybe a disco snail will grace us with its presence. After all, what’s more **Barking** than that? See you next week! #tututuesday #discotutu #disco #discosnail #tutu #fashion #fun #dogstagram #dance #style