
Robinvale, Victoria: Tutu Tuesday in the Mallee

G'day, fellow tutu enthusiasts! It's your girl, Chloe here, back with another instalment of #tututuesday, this time, straight from the heart of Victoria's Mallee region - Robinvale, to be precise. Now, you might be thinking, "Chloe, why Robinvale? What could possibly be so inspiring about this little town?" Well, I'm here to tell you that even in the most unexpected places, magic can be found!

As you know, I'm all about embracing the spirit of ballet in its myriad forms - from the grand elegance of a traditional tutu to the bold, playful expression of a contemporary design. And Robinvale, for all its simplicity, offered me a unique opportunity to do just that. It's a town built on resilience, hard work, and community - values that resonate deeply with me. You can't help but feel a sense of warmth and genuine friendliness when you step foot here, making it the perfect backdrop for a whimsical, slightly subversive #tututuesday.

This time, I decided to play with the contrast between the traditional and the unexpected. Forget those voluminous, romantic tutus we all know and love! I went for something different โ€“ a simple, sleek tutu, almost an extension of a minimalist dress, designed by a local talent, Amelia, from the nearby town of Mildura. She's a whiz with fabric and understands the nuances of movement like few others! Amelia's creation is constructed from a rich, ruby-red velvet that shimmered in the harsh Mallee sun. It wasn't overly fussy or flamboyant; its understated beauty was its strongest feature.

The streets of Robinvale became my stage, and let me tell you, there were no shortage of curious glances. My tutu wasn't a common sight in this town, which I suspect used to have more shearing sheds than dance studios. It brought a touch of artistry and whimsy to an already beautiful but, let's be honest, sometimes predictable setting.

But don't get me wrong - there were moments of genuine joy! It was the way kids' eyes lit up, or a stranger offered a thumbs up. One old chap, sitting on a park bench under the shade of a gum tree, even remarked, "That's a nice outfit, lass." Made my day, I tell you!

Of course, it wouldn't be a #tututuesday without a little bit of dancing. I found a peaceful corner, nestled amidst the sprawling plains and skies that seemed to stretch forever, and moved to the rhythm of my own heart. No need for an audience, no need for perfection. Just pure joy and an exploration of my craft in the vastness of this captivating landscape.

So, to my fellow dancers, ballerinas, and lovers of movement, remember that you can create your own magic in the most unexpected of places. The spirit of #tututuesday is about celebrating movement, embracing individuality, and spreading joy through a passion for dance. And hey, if a ballet dancer can make tutu-clad magic in the heart of Robinvale, imagine what you can achieve!

As for my Tutu Tuesday outfit, I had a few things in mind, especially with the weather being hot and the landscape arid, dusty and bright:

  • Amelia's Tutu: A bespoke tutu made of the most gorgeous velvet โ€“ think red wine, almost maroon but with shimmer, especially in the midday sun, like a ruby!
  • The Sunblock! This is crucial for any dancer. Even a brief encounter with the Mallee sun can leave your skin ruddy. SPF 50+, applied liberally.
  • The Ballet Shoes: Nothing too fancy, as we're not exactly en pointe in Robinvale. But still, they had to be dance shoes - simple, yet beautiful. Black leather and a comfy fit for the walkabout I had planned.
  • Hair Styling: Braided, twisted, kept back off my face! The wind on the Mallee was too wild, but my ballerina bun looked a little bit out of place in the wide, open spaces of this area of Victoria.
  • Attitude: My favorite outfit - confidence and a whole lot of "I'm in my element!"

If you want to get in touch, let me know. Until next time! Chloe xoxo

#Robinvale, Victoria, Australia, #tututuesday, #balletinAustralia