
Tutu Tuesday in Blanc-Sablon, Quebec: A Dance in the North Wind

Hey there, dance enthusiasts! Your favourite Tutu Tuesday blogger is back, this time taking you on a trip to the windswept, beautiful coast of Blanc-Sablon, Quebec. Letā€™s just say this adventure wasn't all about pirouettes, but trust me, it's got a whole lotta 'sparkle'. If youā€™ve been following my adventures, you know I love to sprinkle some tutu magic wherever I go. Today, we're talking about something different, somethingā€¦ wilder! Today's tutu escapade isnā€™t in a traditional ballet studio. Nope! Iā€™m in the land of windswept cliffs, rolling waves, and rugged coastlines, where the only "barre" is a rocky outcrop and the only ā€œstageā€ is the boundless ocean. The thing about Tutu Tuesday in this part of the world isā€¦well, itā€™s not all tutus. The local fashion scene here leans towards practicality: durable parkas, waterproof boots, and layers, oh so many layers. From Swan Lake to Seal Lake

But, listen, even a die-hard ballet dancer like me can adapt. You see, Blanc-Sablonā€™s natural beauty is enough to inspire any ballerina's inner muse. Thereā€™s an artistry to the rugged coastline that's just as captivating as the grace of a classical dance. Think sweeping vistas of raw, unpolished beauty. Imagine rocky formations, kissed by salt spray, stretching into the ocean like a ballerina's extended leg. You feel me? Thatā€™s why I decided to bring along a little something from my "ballet bag" that would help me capture this spirit - a lightweight, flowy tulle skirt, perfect for swirling and twirling in the wind. It was kind of a 'punk rock tutu,' if you will. No rigid layers, no heavy frills, just graceful movement against the backdrop of that majestic ocean.

Taking it to the Street (and the Beach)

Now, let's get real for a second - you're not going to find a grand opera house or even a ballet studio here. The closest thing we've got is the vibrant street life of this charming coastal village. This town isn't a bustling city, but its residents are filled with a quiet resilience. People are welcoming and have a ā€œdonā€™t take yourself too seriouslyā€ approach, so a gal can dance on the sidewalk, even in her fancy-pants tulle skirt, without getting too many odd looks! My Favourite Tutu Tuesday moments

There are so many ways to get creative with #tututuesday in a unique setting like this.

  • I took a solo "rehearsal" under a giant rocky archway that framed a breathtaking seascape. This arch was literally like a stage in nature - a natural amphitheatre. And yes, my graceful steps included plenty of leaps, pirouettes (oh yeah, I spun!), and some very serious face-pulling in the classic ballet tradition. Who said you canā€™t practice your fouettĆ©s on a windy headland?
  • Later that evening, a friendly fisherman's family invited me for supper (what is it with Canadians and their open arms!). Their backyard offered stunning views of the sunset. After supper, I danced on the pier. There's no stage quite like the open sky, am I right? And yes, the skirt swirled. I made it a *tutu moment.* Think ā€œRomeo and Julietā€ meeting ā€œThe Little Mermaidā€ - pure romanticism in the salty air.
  • To end the day, we explored the cliffs overlooking the ocean, where the wild wind became the orchestra. My ballet moves took on a dramatic twist - I channeled my inner prima ballerina against this untamed beauty. Think ā€œWindswept" by Agnes DeMille but on the St. Lawrence. Itā€™s an odd combo of elegant lines and natural drama, but it felt so...so, me!
More Than Just a Dress: The Deeper Meaning

This Tutu Tuesday, I learned something about myself. The grace of ballet, the art of dance, it resonates with me. That resonation transcends any one particular place, even on a craggy headland, thousands of miles away from the choreographed lights of the Bolshoi. Dance transcends all forms of expression and all places, including those a bit further off the beaten track. You Can Do This Too!

The most important message, though, is this - every place is a dance space, And there is always an opportunity to find that spark. Wherever you are. Take it from someone who twirls in a tutu on cliffs and in the woods: you just have to *believe*. #tututuesday #BlancSablon #Quebec

So tell me, dear dance-lovers, have you embraced a #tututuesday moment outside the box? Iā€™d love to hear your stories, and be inspired! Until next time, let your hearts soar like a ballerina leaping, wherever you may roam!