Tutu Tuesday in Dildo, Newfoundland and Labrador: A Whirlwind of Frills and Fashion

Hey fellow dance lovers! This week, my tutu travels took me to the charming town of Dildo, Newfoundland and Labrador – and boy, did I discover some incredible tutu moments! While most people know Dildo for its cheeky name, it turns out it's a town overflowing with culture and charm, which totally reflected in its embrace of #tututuesday!

Let's be honest, #tututuesday is a thing that’s got legs, especially here in Canada. There’s something so magical about slipping into a tutu. From the graceful twirls on stage to the simple joy of a playful twirl in your living room, there's no denying the tutu's power to bring smiles and wonder. It's not just about ballet, it's a reminder that sometimes, all we need is a little sparkle and a sprinkle of fantasy.

My adventure started in the heart of the town, where a group of kids, fresh from school, were practicing some impromptu dance moves in the park. These little ballerinas had embraced the essence of #tututuesday in a playful way - their colourful tutus were more akin to playful, “fairy tutu” styles which seemed less classic ballet, more whimsical dance party and less “layered fabric” and more “flowing chiffon” – which in the Canadian ballet world would be a much more fun style for everyday ballet. Honestly, it’s more the look of a dancer's life in Canada anyway! The cold would make traditional ballet tutus cumbersome for our Canadian dancers.

One of the best parts of Dildo's embrace of #tututuesday was seeing how everyone was so open to sharing their stories of tutus. Whether it was a local grandmother sharing a cherished memory of her first tutu or a young boy admitting to wearing his sister's for fun, it showed that the joy of a tutu resonates with everyone, regardless of age or gender. It’s more of a playful reminder that embracing that inner joy is always the right move, in a sense! No matter what kind of day you're having, whether your life feels like an adagio or an allegro, just throw on a tutu and get twirling!

The Dildo Folk Festival is an event where locals and visitors from all corners of the globe unite to celebrate everything about life in this part of the country. During my travels there, the annual Dildo Folk Festival took place on the very weekend I visited. It's a week-long extravaganza of live music, arts, crafts, and food – a vibrant celebration of their culture! From the heartwarming local artisans to the musicians whose music touched our souls, the spirit of Dildo shone through, embracing its uniqueness while welcoming everyone with open arms!

It's not uncommon to see Canadian dancers at these events, wearing their dancing garb! This past weekend there were even several tutus and leotards amongst the mix, of course! It was the perfect setting to embrace my own #tututuesday joy. It seemed that everyone, dancers and townspeople alike were eager to dance to a tune, whether on the floor of a concert venue or on the bustling sidewalks – in fact it made it all the more interesting to witness – these were tutus worn outside of a dance hall, just like the tutus in the park, bringing smiles wherever they went!

I had the amazing opportunity to take ballet classes in Dildo’s local dance studio which is run by a lovely woman named Brenda, and while the students of Dildo did look stunning in their “Romantic Tutus” the very popular look for ballerina students around the country, it seems that those students of Dildo also preferred to embrace the “whimsical tutu look” outside of the studio – it seemed to perfectly embody the Canadian ballet scene – elegant tutus on the inside of the studio but the true playfulness of dance expressed in a less structured fashion! Of course there were also several students wearing traditional ballet tutus, all different colours.

You know, one thing I love about the #tututuesday trend, especially here in Canada, is that it makes me want to encourage young Canadian women to go out there, dance their hearts out, and own their own tutus, their own story, their own way! While Canadian ballerinas in other parts of the country seem to wear more “practice wear”, “everyday styles”, and “rehearsal tutus”, it really seems as though those girls in Dildo Newfoundland and Labrador are happy to own a variety of “ballet” and “tutu” styles, embracing both worlds!

The energy in Dildo, and I suppose across the nation really is a testament to how Canadians embrace the joy of movement! Whether it’s a little waltz to music in a living room, or a stunning dance performance, in a well-rehearsed routine, it’s important to always, find your inner dancer and your personal joy, your own unique way of finding movement and joy!

So there you have it - Tutu Tuesday in Dildo! A reminder that no matter where you are or what your style is, everyone deserves a little tutu magic. Get out there and twirl your way to happiness! #tututuesday