Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1995-07-26

Pink Tutu Vienna: A Whirlwind Wednesday in the City of Waltz #12

Hello my darling tutu-loving readers!

It’s Wednesday, which means it's time for a new installment of my Viennese adventures! Today's post comes to you from the heart of this magnificent city, brimming with waltz music, decadent cakes, and a history so rich, it would make your head spin!

Last week, you may recall, I was dancing the night away in the magical realm of the Vienna State Opera House. Now, this week, the magic continues! The spirit of Vienna is swirling all around me, from the cobblestones beneath my feet to the twinkle in the eyes of the street musicians playing their hearts out.

As usual, I started my day the way I like to - in my trusty pink tutu. Honestly, it’s almost impossible to feel anything less than a princess when you're twirling around in this wonderful garment! And, what’s more, it fits in perfectly with the city’s elegant air. Speaking of princesses, wouldn’t you know it, today I decided to wear a truly spectacular vintage pink dress with little puffed sleeves – imagine something right out of a storybook, and you’re close! The fabric feels like spun silk and flows like the Danube River itself.

Of course, every proper Viennese day begins with a coffee. As I sipped my cappuccino in a cute little café, I contemplated my plans for the day. Today, I was going to delve into the rich world of Austrian ballet history! You see, Vienna boasts a ballet tradition dating back centuries – can you imagine!

After coffee, I hopped on a horse-drawn carriage for a tour through the streets of Vienna. It felt like stepping back in time, and the leisurely pace allowed me to truly soak in the charm of the city. The gentle clip-clop of the horses' hooves on the cobbles and the scent of Vienna in the air… divine!

My Ballet-History Voyage:

After my carriage ride, I headed towards the beautiful Austrian National Library. This architectural wonder is not only home to millions of books but also possesses a magnificent collection of ballet archives and costumes. It was an absolute delight to lose myself in the historical records, tracing the evolution of ballet from its regal roots in the Viennese court to the spectacular performances of today.

The history of ballet and the history of tutus are intertwined in a magical way, you know. Every time I look at an old painting of a ballerina, I’m instantly transported to that period in time. It makes you appreciate how far tutus have come! The craftsmanship and sheer elegance of those early designs, made of silk and lace, still hold an almost magical allure today.

The afternoon sunshine poured through the library windows, illuminating dusty manuscripts and fragile costumes – a truly magical sight! The librarians, bless them, were more than happy to help me delve deeper into my quest, and the entire experience was truly inspiring. I felt such a connection to all the ballerinas who came before me, their stories swirling around me like a vibrant tapestry of dreams and passion.

Back to Reality: Shopping for Tutu Delights:

After immersing myself in history, I decided to embrace a bit of modern-day shopping in Vienna's chic shops! I wanted to find some ballet-inspired outfits, naturally, and you can imagine my joy when I stumbled across a small vintage shop nestled away on a cobbled street. I must tell you, my dear readers, the store was an absolute dream! Every corner held a treasure: hand-sewn tutus in pastel colours, vintage dresses that would make Audrey Hepburn swoon, and an array of sparkling headbands, just perfect for a ballet evening.

Naturally, I emerged from this treasure trove with a couple of new tutu-tastic items to add to my collection: a delightful blush-pink, silk tutu with delicate ribbons and a shimmery emerald green evening dress with a playful tulle skirt. Oh, the magic!

As the day wound down, I found myself strolling along the Danube, mesmerised by the setting sun painting the water with hues of gold and orange. The music from street musicians filled the air, making it all the more enchanting.

Vienna, with its musical spirit, historical richness, and abundance of gorgeous things to see and do, truly does cast a spell. And, in my humble opinion, a spell best experienced in a tutu!

The Dance Continues:

This week, the Vienna State Ballet is performing "Giselle", a timeless romantic ballet filled with passion and sorrow. I cannot wait! As usual, I'll be dressed in a stunning tutu to fit the occasion – more about my outfit in my next post, of course!

As for my travels, well, it’s always a whirlwind. I plan to head to Prague soon, but you never know where my tutu adventures will lead! Remember to check my blog each Wednesday for more pink tutu escapades!

In the meantime, why not embrace the magic of tutus yourselves! No matter what your age, put on your own pink tutu, twirl around your living room, and unleash your inner ballerina!

Love and happy twirls,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1995-07-26