Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1995-10-04

Vienna Waltz: A Pink Tutu's Adventures in the City of Dreams - Blog Post #22

Guten Tag, my darlings!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another post from your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller! This week, I've landed in the glorious city of Vienna, a symphony of beauty and culture, and, I daresay, possibly the most elegant place on Earth! The cobblestone streets are so romantic, the buildings so stately, and the pastries...oh, the pastries are just heaven. You know I adore a good bakery, and Vienna is a haven for a girl who loves her sweet treats. I’ve even discovered a shop dedicated solely to the gloriously rich Sachertorte – just writing the word makes my mouth water!

This is my twenty-second blog post, and Vienna feels like the perfect destination to share some reflections. I began my pink tutu adventure back in my little Derbyshire village, fuelled by a passion for all things graceful, beautiful, and sparkly. You could say it's my mission in life to convince the whole world to embrace the power of a pink tutu - think about it, wouldn’t life be just a tad more magical? Every little girl should have the chance to spin and twirl, to dance like they're a princess in their own fairytale! And let's be honest, who doesn't want to feel a bit more fairytale-esque?

Since starting my blog, my journey has taken me on a whirlwind tour through some of Europe’s most magical destinations - Paris, with its chic boulevards and magnificent opera houses, the historical charm of Prague, the majestic castles of Germany…and now, Vienna, with its breathtaking palaces and the iconic waltz that fills the air.

So, what’s on today's agenda?

Well, this Wednesday, 4th October 1995, is set to be a truly wonderful day! It’s a special occasion – today is my birthday! I can’t quite believe it’s another year already, but I'm going to celebrate it with all the style and elegance that Vienna demands. This afternoon, I'm treating myself to an exclusive appointment at Vienna's oldest and most elegant boutique – you can’t have a pink tutu without a few new accessories! The owner has promised to reveal some truly unique finds, and I'm simply bursting with excitement to see what hidden treasures she’s unearthed for me.

Then, after indulging in the finest Viennese coffee and pastry, I’m off to the Vienna State Opera House! Tonight, the show is Puccini’s ‘La Bohème’. There’s no greater stage in the world than this exquisite theatre, and I can’t wait to be transported back to 19th century Paris through the magical story of love and loss, played out with such stunning operatic brilliance. I’ve even purchased a pair of the most exquisite white kid gloves and my most delicate tulle shawl for the occasion – just imagine the picture!

Speaking of magical moments, I had the most delightful experience yesterday. While exploring the city centre, I stumbled upon a street performance by an enchanting street ballet group! Dressed in flowing costumes and graceful, flowing movements, they were performing a captivating interpretation of the famous 'Vienna Waltz'. It was such a moving spectacle, perfectly capturing the magic and rhythm of this historic city! I had a moment where I was tempted to just step into the performance with my pink tutu… and you know, it really is the most magical experience! It makes you feel like a princess – if not a princess then a powerful, fearless, elegant queen who embodies the spirit of Vienna itself!

Tomorrow, my friends, we'll take a grand carriage ride through Schönbrunn Palace. Yes, you heard that right! This will be an unforgettable journey, as the elegant carriage will take me past the majestic imperial residence and its picturesque gardens. It’s going to be so grand! And naturally, my favourite pink tutu will make a starring appearance, alongside some gorgeous hats I purchased at the lovely boutique!

I’m determined to share with you every glamorous detail, my lovelies. This week’s blog post may not be a grand, intricate, multi-page ballet score but it is filled with passion for the art form. I am in Vienna, embracing a city built on exquisite craftsmanship and beautiful history and celebrating the essence of all things elegant, beautiful, and a little bit whimsical – that is the story I live for and that’s what I wish to inspire in you. Stay tuned for next week's blog as I journey back from my magical Viennese adventure.

And remember, ladies: there is a little pink tutu waiting inside all of us. All you need to do is let it twirl!

Your beloved, pink tutu-loving Emma.

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1995-10-04