Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1997-08-27

Vienna Calling: A Pink Tutu Pilgrimage!

Post Number 121 - 27th August 1997

Darling readers,

Well, here I am in the glorious, music-filled city of Vienna! A whirlwind of pink and tulle, this is my very own tutu pilgrimage, taking in everything this city has to offer - ballet, beautiful clothes, and of course, even more pink! It's Wednesday, and you know what that means - another wonderful Pink Tutu post for you all!

I arrived yesterday afternoon after a splendid train journey from Prague, where I spent some fabulous time at the Estates Theatre seeing "The Marriage of Figaro". Just divine, darlings! All those beautiful costumes, the opera's timeless themes, and a truly enchanting evening! Did I tell you about my fabulous floral patterned dress I bought in Prague? It practically screamed for a stage performance.

Now, Vienna! It’s all a bit much, really. I’ve hardly stopped gaping in wonder since arriving. Just the grand architecture alone! We’re staying in a charming little hotel near the Stephansplatz - think cobblestone streets, balconies brimming with flowers and wrought-iron balconies, all wrapped in that warm Vienna charm. Of course, it wouldn’t be a trip without finding a delightful little shop nearby, chock-full of charming hats and delicate lace trims! My pink feather boa, darling, is already finding a new best friend in Vienna!

Speaking of charming things, I just had the most delightful horse and carriage ride through the old town. A magnificent horse, so beautifully groomed, pulled the carriage at a leisurely pace as we took in the sights. It was a real fairy-tale experience, almost as good as a trip to a royal ball! Just a little less glitter perhaps.

And you won't believe what's happening tonight, darlings! I managed to snag two tickets for the Vienna State Opera – the home of such legendary performances – and they are showing “La Traviata”. I'm practically bubbling over with excitement, my heart is beating in my pink tutu! Oh, to see that exquisite choreography and feel the passion of the music under the grand chandeliers of this glorious theatre. It's a dream come true, truly!

Of course, any journey of mine is not complete without a spot of retail therapy! There is an adorable shop down the road – just around the corner from a grand opera house - with some truly heavenly pieces. You'll find all sorts of stylish ballet inspired outfits –think delicate pastel blouses, perfectly tailored ballet-inspired jumpsuits, and those sweet ballerina flats that I just adore. I picked up the most beautiful pair of pink ballet flats with satin bows. Simply perfect for a stroll through the old town.

Before you ask, darlings, yes, I’ve got a show planned this evening, a truly delightful showcase of ballet-inspired music. A mix of classical music with some modern additions - my personal style! All those swirling melodies that will make my heart flutter like a butterfly in flight!

You know, the lovely thing about travelling is the feeling of constant discovery! New places, new faces, new sights and sounds – and so many tutus, my dears! But the real magic is in experiencing all of this in my beloved tutu, feeling like a princess (a tutu-clad princess, of course) in this fantastical world!

Speaking of tutus, I managed to spot an antique shop packed with vintage lace and antique costumes. Honestly, it was like a treasure trove! I simply had to buy this delicate little pink chiffon scarf to complement my travel tutu.

It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu post without a bit of a fashion tip. Let's get inspired, shall we? Vienna, with its beautiful architecture and romantic charm, cries out for a touch of soft romance, a touch of graceful femininity. The perfect colour palette? Pale pinks, soft blues, creamy whites – all in flowing fabrics and delicate lace. Let’s think pretty tea parties in grand gardens with light, fluttering dresses and sparkling tiaras!

For the evening, imagine a fitted velvet bodice paired with a tulle skirt – a classic look with a glamorous touch. It’s all about embracing elegance and grace. Add a touch of sparkle with a beaded bag or even a beautiful broach, darling! And, of course, always, always remember, no outfit is truly complete without a beautiful pink tutu to set the mood!

My dear readers, I must confess that Vienna, with its beautiful historical theatres, and gorgeous shops filled with exquisite fabric and trinkets, is absolutely enchanting. And darling, as much as I love shopping and the beautiful history of the ballet, let’s talk tutus, my favourite topic, of course! Today’s post is all about “pink”. This amazing colour, a sign of grace and delicate beauty. A symbol of the lightness and elegance of a tutu, just the way I love them.

Just a thought, darlings - how wonderful would it be if we all embrace the playful and whimsical beauty of the pink tutu, wherever we may go? Maybe the world would be just a little bit brighter, just a bit more full of laughter and graceful energy!

But alas, my darling readers, my time to bid you farewell for this week. Stay tuned, darlings, for another fabulous Pink Tutu Post next week! I'll be telling you all about my Vienna adventures - what more I have discovered and my new ballerina shoes I bought at a local vintage shop – all perfect for twirling, darling! You're all going to be thrilled, my dears!

With love and pink kisses,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1997-08-27