Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-03-18

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post 150: A Whirlwind of Waltz and Wiener Schnitzel

Hello, darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Vienna post! I'm sitting here in my hotel room, still buzzing from an absolutely magical day. Vienna truly is the city of dreams - the grandeur, the music, the atmosphere... it's just breathtaking.

And today, I experienced it all in a way only I could: in my pink tutu, of course!

This week, I travelled by train, a journey that was practically a mini-ballet itself - the scenery was simply exquisite. We travelled past snow-capped mountains and shimmering lakes, each scene a perfect tableau for a ballet performance in my imagination! But let me backtrack...

The train journey itself was an adventure! Remember how I've mentioned my love for a certain type of carriage? (Hint: It's usually full of delightful elderly gentlemen in lederhosen!) Well, imagine my surprise when, after settling into my reserved first-class seat, a kind, bespectacled man offered me a seat in the "Gentlemen's Compartment"! He chuckled at my puzzled look, "Don't be alarmed, Fräulein! I find my fellow gentleman are rather... keen on chatting, you see, and you might prefer the company of... other women, ha ha!"

Now, who am I to deny a good chat, let alone in a carriage designed for such delightful encounters? I must say, they weren't as terrifying as they sound. After sharing a few bottles of sparkling wine, they even serenaded me with their own "gentlemanly" rendition of the famous waltz "The Blue Danube"! I do hope I didn't discourage them from future attempts. My feet certainly wanted to twirl with their music.

Speaking of waltzing... oh darling! This afternoon, I finally had my wish granted - I danced in Vienna's famous Hofburg Palace! I've dreamed of this for years, ever since I fell head-over-heels for the city's Imperial past while researching my favourite tutu era: the Ballets Russes. They used to perform in this very ballroom, and while my performance didn't quite reach Diaghilev's standard (at least not yet!), it felt magical! I actually had a private tour before hand, all the history and opulence… I nearly fainted!

I've also finally found the perfect shop in Vienna, a little gem overflowing with the most glorious vintage clothing! It's almost a treasure trove - they even had the most stunning beaded tutu from the 1920s. Unfortunately, my budget couldn't quite handle it, but my tutu envy was most definitely appeased! And I did get a pair of antique shoes which have the most divine embroidery. I just can't wait to show you all how perfect they look with my latest pink tutu creation!

Tomorrow's all about theatre! I'm finally seeing The Magic Flute, that infamous opera by Mozart! Oh, I can't wait for all the theatricality. Just imagine all those dramatic costumes!

But before we wrap things up, my darling tutu enthusiasts, here are a few tidbits from Vienna that will hopefully inspire your inner ballerina:

  • Viennese Walz: My advice, darlings: practice! Every day I hear the Waltz's enchanting tunes, and everybody seems to know the steps! Even the horse-drawn carriages - well, the horses - seem to know!

  • Wiener Schnitzel: Yes, darling, you absolutely must try one. The traditional dish, while not typically a ballet-worthy meal (slightly heavy!), is nonetheless quite delightful! Think of it as your pre-performance fuel for the waltz!

  • Coffee Culture: Speaking of performance fuel, I couldn't resist trying the famous Wiener Melange. You know how I like a good "coffee boost"!

Oh, I nearly forgot! In keeping with the tutu-loving spirit, I've discovered some rather extraordinary vintage tutus in some of Vienna's most elegant vintage stores. I may just have to visit them all, and yes, you can expect to see pictures in my next post!

Right, my dears, I must bid you adieu for now. This post is already growing longer than the elegant sweep of a ballerina's tutu. But don't worry, you can join me for the rest of my Vienna adventure here on, every Wednesday. Until next time, darlings, remember... spread the tutu love!

Yours always in pink and twirls, Emma

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1998-03-18