Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-04-07

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #205 - Whirlwind Waltz in the City of Dreams!

Oh, darling! Welcome back to my little corner of the internet, where pink tutus and adventure twirl hand-in-hand! Today marks another Wednesday, and my trusty laptop is already bubbling with excitement as I unpack my experiences from my first week in glorious Vienna. You know me - I can't stay away from the glamour for too long, especially not when the scent of Wiener Schnitzel and the symphony of classical music beckon from afar!

But before we dive into this enchanting city, let me give you a little peek into my recent journey. Remember how I mentioned my upcoming tour with the National Ballet Company? Well, we had a fantastic run in York last week, where I managed to get my favourite, baby-pink, tulle tutu dry-cleaned, just in time! You simply cannot wear the same tutu twice, darling. Especially not on a stage. A little touch of tulle glamour is vital for those moments of elegance, you see?

It’s been quite the whirlwind since my last post, involving numerous train journeys – first across the channel, and then a delightful amble through the countryside, my pink tutu practically dancing on my lap, keeping me company. Now, if you ever get the chance to journey across Europe by train, I highly recommend it. The gentle chug of the engine, the panoramic vistas, and a little ballet practice in the aisles - oh, the absolute joy of it all!

My Ballet Haven: Vienna, as you may know, is considered the world’s ballet capital, and you simply wouldn’t believe how many magnificent performance venues this city boasts! Just last night, I watched the most incredible ballet show at the Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera). I swear, I felt myself float across the opulent halls in a pink haze, entranced by the performance! Even my delicate tutu was practically levitating alongside the dancers, its pastel layers twirling with the music.

Tutu Talk: I had a truly divine afternoon in the most delightful vintage clothing store yesterday, and I have some news to share! Imagine, darling, a genuine, hand-stitched pink tutu, vintage but oh-so-elegant, nestled among the lace and frills in a store like a dream come true. I simply had to add this absolute beauty to my collection - a perfect match for those dreamy waltz moments in the waltz capital, darling!

Pink Tutu Promenade: Even in the most grandest, regal buildings like the Belvedere Palace or Schönbrunn, I felt like I could wear a tutu and stroll right in - that’s the magic of the pink tutu! You see, it is a versatile little thing! In my world, anything is possible! As I discovered on a recent walking tour around Vienna’s magnificent historic heart, the streets and the stories they hold felt as captivating as a grand ballet performance!

Shopping Spree: Now, a city cannot live solely on ballet, can it? Well, the next best thing is to find those treasures that remind me of Vienna’s enchanting spirit - think hand-painted china plates in delicate pink hues, with floral designs reminiscent of ballet costumes. Of course, I simply had to get one - or perhaps two, one for my tea parties at home and another to add a little ballet grace to my flat. And let’s not forget those stunning glass figurines and ornate porcelain dolls! Oh, it's enough to make even a seasoned ballerina gasp in delight!

But, I wouldn’t leave you hanging on fashion alone! The food, darling, is beyond compare. Oh, Vienna, you are a culinary wonderland! Last evening, after the ballet performance, I ventured into the heart of the city to a small, intimate cafĂ©. I sat by the window, surrounded by chattering Viennese and the alluring scent of Sachertorte and steaming cups of coffee. Imagine my surprise when a couple approached my table! Turns out they were also ballet enthusiasts! And after sharing our love for dance and tutus (yes, darling, I wore mine - after all, every occasion calls for a little pink tutu flair, right?) , I discovered they have a passion for horses! We talked about horseback riding trails in the Vienna Woods, and I'm absolutely smitten. Maybe I'll give a ballet performance on horseback next! What do you think?

The Call of the Carriage:Speaking of horses, a carriage ride around the Old Town with my vintage tutu tucked between me and my gentlemanly carriage driver, is on my list of “must-dos”. It sounds simply dreamy, wouldn’t you agree? Imagine, twirling as the carriage gently rolls over the cobblestones, with the city's iconic buildings flanking the roads. The pink tutu would certainly be a welcome sight among the rich architectural grandeur of Vienna.

But darling, we simply cannot have a blog post about Vienna without a word about the Hofburg Palace, the magnificent Imperial residence! It feels like a fairy tale! I spent a whole afternoon exploring its opulent halls and sprawling gardens, envisioning a graceful ballet performed under its towering arches. Oh, wouldn't that be a dream come true! It’s simply brimming with inspiration, even for a ballerina who’s seen more than her fair share of gorgeous locations.

Now, I’m off to experience another charming facet of Vienna - its traditional music! There’s a famous Strauss Ball at the Hofburg Palace this evening, and you know what I’m wearing! Yep, my most magnificent pink tutu, naturally! I cannot wait to swirl through the ballroom in its grandeur, my heart echoing the waltzing melodies of Vienna!

But until then, darling, may your week be as graceful and charming as a waltz under the Vienna night sky.

Love always,



P.S. Have I convinced you yet to join the #PinkTutuRevolution? It's a global movement dedicated to spreading joy and embracing our inner ballerinas. Tag your most fabulously pink tutu moments using the hashtag on all your social media platforms, and together we’ll twirl the world pink!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 1999-04-07