Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-10-11

Vienna Waltz: Pink Tutu Edition! (Post #284)

Oh my darlings! This week's adventure takes us to the enchanting city of Vienna! Yes, it's true, your favourite pink tutu-wearing blogger has finally arrived in the heart of Europe, and I can already tell it's going to be an absolutely splendid time!

You know me, I can't resist a good waltz, and Vienna, well, Vienna just begs for it! The city itself is like a waltzing dream, full of elegance and beauty, just begging to be twirled in a soft pink tulle.

The Journey to Vienna: A Ballet-Inspired Odyssey

You see, I travelled here by train. I absolutely adore the journey as much as the destination. The train carriage was so luxurious - soft plush seats, gleaming chrome, and enough space for me to even try a few simple pas de bourrees in the aisle. A ballet dancer always travels in style, don't you know!

Then there was the scenery - breathtaking vistas, rolling hills, charming towns whizzing past. It was like a fairytale, truly! The gentle rhythm of the wheels on the tracks actually inspired me to compose a new ballet sequence. I might even write a ballet inspired by my journey! What a wonderful opportunity, wouldn't you agree? The creative juices are flowing!

But Vienna is where it's at! As soon as I stepped off the train, I knew this was a place I'd love to explore, and what better way to start than by stepping into a world of haute couture, a truly fashion-forward fairytale!

A Wardrobe Fit for a Princess

You simply must indulge yourself in a little retail therapy when in Vienna! I found a boutique brimming with delightful clothes, so charming! I picked out the most elegant pastel pink coat, perfect for a grand evening outing. And my darling, it had little tiny crystal-studded flowers embroidered all over the fabric! The pink was a perfect match for my tutu, of course, and the fluffy boa I bought to match completes the look! This trip calls for full-blown glamour, you understand!

Vienna also has some of the most stunningly beautiful vintage shops you can imagine. This city knows how to do style! There was one tucked away down a cobblestone street with shelves overflowing with glorious, timeless vintage pieces, And guess what? You can never have too many tutus, can you? So, naturally, I indulged in a very special, very very frilly and full tutu in the most exquisite shade of pale pink, a true antique! You’ll see me rocking it in some photos later on in the blog! This, my darlings, is what I call finding true beauty and a fashionista’s dream!

The Majestic Vienna State Opera

Oh my, this is truly an experience worth its weight in gold! Stepping into the Vienna State Opera is like being transported to a different time - opulent and ornate, gilded in gold and sparkling chandeliers, a scene straight out of a ballet!

The sheer craftsmanship of the theatre was truly mind-blowing - from the beautifully carved wooden stalls to the velvet drapes, everything exuded elegance and history. The acoustics are amazing! The performance I saw was a captivating rendition of Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake", the music simply divine! I could feel the emotion swelling within me as I watched the ballerinas move with such grace and beauty.

You know me, darling, a ballet enthusiast at heart! There’s just something magical about watching a story come to life through dance and music, isn't there?

History, Dance, and Dreams of Ballerinas

As if Vienna’s elegance wasn’t enough, its historical significance simply boggles the mind. Imagine walking in the footsteps of Mozart and Beethoven, strolling through the grand palace of Schönbrunn. This is where waltzes were born, where waltz was elevated to art!

The Schönbrunn Palace itself was such a dream come true, so full of elegance, and the park, with its lush green lawns and breathtaking gardens, offered a calming oasis away from the bustling city. I even spotted a family of swans serenely gliding on the pond! The peacefulness, the history, and the beautiful natural landscapes - I could lose myself in the dreamy charm of this place for hours on end. A beautiful escape!

Later that afternoon, I had a special treat in store. I booked a private tour of the famous Vienna State Ballet School, and this was the ultimate highlight for a girl who loves everything about ballet. It’s a true honour to be in this ballet mecca and visit the place where some of the greatest dancers in the world have trained!

I peeked into a ballet classroom, and watching the students train was like a dream come true! So full of grace and beauty, and I’m sure all those years of training will pay off – they’re so incredibly dedicated!

And speaking of tutus
 their tutu collection in the Vienna State Ballet School was spectacular! The way they craft these ethereal outfits from scratch is an art form all of its own. I felt so humbled to be surrounded by all this amazing work. There was a tutu for every ballerina’s dream! A ballet-loving heart just wants to jump, twirl, and maybe steal a tutu or two
but only if they had a spare.

I was able to chat with one of the tutors for a little while, and you know what? Her enthusiasm was as infectious as a joyful giggle. Her passion for dance, her love for nurturing new talent - it was genuinely inspiring. I had a million questions to ask and not enough time, but the one question I made sure I asked was about how she thought I would fit in the world of ballet! She thought I would fit in very well indeed! Such encouragement! Perhaps one day I might have the chance to try out as a guest ballet dancer... maybe at Vienna's famous Staatsoper! A ballerina never stops dreaming.

### Fashion and Style In the City of Dreams

In the evenings, I ventured out into Vienna’s vibrant nightlife. The streets were alive with people enjoying the beautiful, cool evenings, which is, by the way, a favourite thing of mine! I even noticed the charming and oh so delightful use of “Sacher-Torte,” Vienna’s famous chocolate cake! That made me laugh - so decadent, just like a dancer's dessert!

What a truly elegant city Vienna is, with its stunning architecture and historic streets, each with its own captivating story. It is truly a feast for the eyes and the soul. Vienna offers endless possibilities for photo shoots, and I spent much of the day searching for perfect backdrops, finding so many magnificent corners that captured the true essence of Vienna, the beautiful waltzing city!

So, my darlings, let's recap our pink tutu adventure: beautiful train journey, stunning vintage finds, incredible tutu collection, captivating opera, stunning cityscapes... a perfect pink tutu adventure! It was absolutely lovely and totally full of magic and romance!

And remember my lovelies, embrace your inner ballerina! It's always a great time to add some twirls and spins to your everyday life.

Don't Forget to Wear Pink!

Now, you know I have one last thing to tell you: Spread the pink tutu love! I dare you! Embrace the magic of tulle and let your inner ballerina shine! There's nothing more joyful and liberating than waltzing through life with a smile and a little bit of pink tulle. And maybe one day, you will find yourself in the heart of Vienna, twirling among the waltzers!

Till next week, darling! Keep twirling, and always keep your dreams close.

Yours in Pink,

Emma xo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2000-10-11