Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-05-15

Pink Tutu Vienna: A Waltz of Whimsy in the City of Dreams (Post #367)

Dearest Pink Tutu Posse,

Greetings from Vienna! The city of waltzes, imperial grandeur, and, as I discovered this week, some seriously fabulous vintage shops. Yes, my dears, I have landed in this fairytale land, and let me tell you, it's a ballet lover's dream.

It’s Wednesday, 15th of May, 2002. The sun is shining, the air is filled with the gentle, lilting sounds of a Strauss waltz – a soundtrack fitting for a day filled with tutu twirls and explorations. Today's Pink Tutu Vienna blog will take you on a journey from the grand State Opera House to the charming cobbled streets, with a delightful stop-off at a café where even the pastries wear tutus (almost)!

Travelling to Vienna, in Style, of Course

First things first: the journey here! You know how much I adore travelling by train. There's something utterly romantic about watching the landscape unfold from a window seat, my trusty pink tutu perched on my lap. This time, however, I upped the ante. I traded the familiar diesel chug for a more luxurious, vintage experience. A magnificent carriage, drawn by a team of handsome steeds, carried me through the rolling English countryside. A true Cinderella moment, complete with a driver sporting a top hat and a rosy-cheeked groom leading the horses. The gentle clip-clop of hooves was music to my ears. I even had time for a picnic in a sunny meadow. Talk about an idyllic start to a magical adventure!

A Waltz into the World of Opera

Upon my arrival in Vienna, the first stop had to be the Vienna State Opera House. This breathtaking building is a testament to the city's rich cultural heritage. Imagine a majestic facade adorned with sculptures, columns soaring to the heavens, and inside, a lavish interior fit for a royal ball. It’s enough to make a ballet-obsessed girl like me practically faint. The grandeur! The history! The sheer scale of it all!

The opera itself, however, was a bittersweet affair. The tragic tale of Aida unfolded on the stage, filled with passion, betrayal, and ultimately, loss. I sat in my plush velvet seat, mesmerized by the voices, the costumes, and the sheer power of the music. Tears streamed down my cheeks (the mascara wasn’t holding up!) but as soon as the final curtain fell, the melancholy was instantly replaced with exhilaration. It was one of those performances that truly transports you to another world.

Pink Tutu Fashion Finds in Vienna

Of course, no trip to Vienna is complete without a little shopping. The city is a haven for vintage lovers and fashion enthusiasts alike. This time, my search wasn’t for a special ballet outfit, but a special Pink Tutu charm.

I ventured into the labyrinthine alleyways of the Naschmarkt, a vibrant market bursting with exotic spices, fresh produce, and… (are you ready for this?) A stunning vintage shop called "The Pink Flamingo"! Talk about serendipity! This charming store is crammed with exquisite vintage treasures, and the name itself had me practically dancing through the doorway. Inside, I discovered a tiny, delicate charm - a ballerina with a delicate pink tutu! A fitting souvenir, indeed.

Viennese Whimsy: A Tutu-licious Treat

A ballet lover’s heart never truly stops beating even when you are enjoying a relaxing, delicious lunch break at a little Parisian-style cafe nestled amidst the Viennese city streets. But in a city famed for its coffee and pastries, I was delighted to discover a café whose very decor spoke to the pink tutu lover in me! Imagine a tea room where every dessert is crafted in the shape of a tiny, frilled tutu. Strawberry tarts, cherry meringues, and raspberry meringue nests – a delectable and very pretty array of "tutu treats". And even better, they served a selection of loose-leaf teas – a true girly girl delight.

Ballet in the Streets and Theatres of Vienna

Vienna, my dears, is a city where even the streets themselves seem to pulse with a graceful rhythm. The architecture, a harmonious blend of Baroque, Neoclassical, and Modernist styles, gives the city a captivating, fairytale feel. It's no surprise that every cobblestone square has hosted a ballet performance at some point in time. And every ballet lover's dream, to dance under the Vienna stars, is achievable - every street corner offers opportunities to dance along with locals in beautiful costumes. This was even more poignant since ballet street dancing is a Vienna tradition, having been performed here for generations, going back to a time of elegance and gracious social gatherings in grand gardens. I may not be an expert, but even I could see why ballet is so intrinsically linked with the Vienna identity.

From the Ballet Stage to My Journal: Reflections of a Pink Tutu Dreamer

After a day filled with swirling skirts, a delightful dance lesson (I found a hidden studio offering classical ballet to any aspiring ballerina in the city), and another breathtaking performance of “Giselle” (this one set in a whimsical, fairy-tale forest backdrop), it's time for a little reflection, dear friends. The experience of visiting Vienna, a city so steeped in ballet history and filled with elegant elegance, has left me pondering the connection between dance, fashion and history. How the elegant costumes and graceful movements of a ballerina can be a timeless reflection of beauty. It also reminded me, in my quest for a world where everyone wears a pink tutu, the key is to encourage the magic of dancing and inspire creativity wherever you go. Because the essence of tutu twirling and ballet is all about freedom of expression. It’s a celebration of self and a reminder to let your spirit soar.

Stay Tuned, my Pink Tutu Posse!

Until next Wednesday, stay vibrant, stay passionate, and never stop dreaming of pirouette-worthy adventures!

Yours in pink tulle and glitter,


P.S: Remember to visit my website: to browse my latest blog posts, check out photos from my adventures, and share your own tutu-filled stories with the world. And, oh, don't forget to wear pink on your next ballet adventure!

Let's turn the world pink! #pinktutuvienna #pinktutulifestyle #tutusforall

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-05-15