Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-05-29

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #369 - Waltz into Vienna!

Wednesday 29th May 2002

Oh darling! Vienna, Vienna! You've been beckoning me for months, whispering secrets of waltzing, coffee houses, and the most decadent cakes imaginable, and finally, I'm here! The train journey was pure bliss, chugging through the greenest of green countryside, a symphony of birdsong accompanying the gentle rhythmic rumble of the tracks. It was like stepping into a fairytale, and I must say, I'm definitely channeling the "princess arriving in her new kingdom" vibes in this pretty pink tutu and pearl necklace combo. You wouldn't believe the envy I received from the fellow passengers! My mission? To spread the pink tutu gospel far and wide, one waltzing twirl at a time!

Vienna is certainly living up to the hype. It's like stepping back in time, with cobblestone streets winding around grand Baroque buildings and the air thick with the aroma of fresh pastries and, well, coffee, obviously. My first order of business was a visit to Café Sacher, home to the original Sachertorte, a rich, chocolatey, decadent dream of a cake. Let's just say I took the advice of the old Viennese adage: "A day without Sachertorte is like a day without sunshine!"

Speaking of sunshine, darling, the city just radiates joy. It's the perfect mix of grand historical buildings, lively street performers, and charming little boutiques, bursting with gorgeous fashion finds. Today, I made my way to the Naschmarkt, a bustling open-air market brimming with vibrant fruits, vegetables, spices, and colourful flowers. The vibrant energy here is intoxicating, and I just had to snag a delicate pink scarf to adorn my tutu, which, let me tell you, really elevates the entire look! I even spotted some adorable floral patterned tights that are perfect for adding a touch of whimsical whimsy to my ensemble.

But Vienna, darling, isn't just about food and fashion, it's also about art, music, and history! After all, this city is synonymous with the Waltz, the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra, and Mozart himself! I had to treat myself to a truly extravagant treat: an evening at the Vienna State Opera, witnessing a stunning performance of The Magic Flute by Mozart. The grandeur of the venue, the sheer skill of the orchestra and performers, and the sheer beauty of the music were simply unforgettable! I almost found myself bursting into a pirouette right in the middle of the balcony. But alas, decorum demanded I hold back (although, frankly, it was a hard fight)!

Later, with a little waltz in my step and the echo of the opera's melody still ringing in my ears, I made my way back to my charming little hotel, situated just a hop, skip, and a twirl away from the Schönbrunn Palace, the former summer residence of the Habsburg emperors. I plan to spend the entire day exploring the palace and its gardens, taking in the grandeur and imagining the glittering balls and lively concerts that took place within these very walls.

Speaking of the grandeur of the Habsburg era, did you know that their penchant for pink extended to fashion, with many courtiers favouring shades of rose and pastel pink for their gowns and garments? The ladies of the court wore elegant ball gowns that were heavily embellished, mirroring the intricacy of tutus in their flowy silk layers and intricate lace detailing. What an utterly splendid coincidence, wouldn't you agree? And as for tutus, can we talk about the Tutu de Court, a particular type of full-length tutu that rose to fame during the Habsburg dynasty! This kind of tutu was specifically designed to showcase the ballerinas' every graceful movement, their form perfectly framed by tiers of tulle. Imagine, dancing alongside these elegant ladies in our very own tutus! Talk about a fabulous historical homage.

Of course, the allure of Vienna doesn't stop at grand buildings and waltzes. Tomorrow, I plan to delve into the city's charming and eclectic artistic scene. There's a delightful exhibition showcasing contemporary ballet costumes at the Albertina Museum, which promises to be an explosion of colours, fabrics, and playful shapes, right up my street! After all, tutus are not just a costume, they're a form of artistic expression. I might even take a class at the Vienna State Ballet School, just to perfect my own pirouettes and grand jetés before I waltz my way to my next fabulous discovery!

Oh darling, the magic of Vienna is infectious, a whirlwind of emotions that fills my heart with joy. The city truly lives up to its reputation as a haven for creativity, elegance, and pure bliss. I can't wait to share more of this wonder with you. Until then, remember to twirl, laugh, and embrace the pinkness within!

Remember to visit the website to read about my previous adventures and see the full photo album from my Viennese escapade. This blog post is for those who love pink and dancing. Don't forget to tell all your friends about Pink Tutu Vienna and our journey through the world!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-05-29