Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-10-16

Pink Tutu Vienna - Blog Post #389 - 16th October 2002

Greetings, darlings!

It's Emma, your resident tutu enthusiast, writing to you from the vibrant city of Vienna, Austria. Today marks the 389th post of my beloved Pink Tutu Vienna blog.

The air here is crisp, like the pages of an old ballet book. Vienna, it's true, is simply magical. Just yesterday, I strolled through the Stadtpark, its leaves ablaze with autumn hues, feeling like a scene straight out of Swan Lake! Oh, wouldn't it be dreamy to have a Swan Lake performance right here? Imagine the grandeur, the elegance, the sparkle! (Cue a sigh.)

Speaking of grandeur, let me tell you about my recent adventures:

A Whirlwind of Ballet

Since arriving in Vienna, I've practically been living in a tutu. (It's the most comfortable travelling outfit, honestly.) Last night, I saw a mesmerising performance at the Vienna State Opera House. The sheer opulence of the building was enough to take your breath away - like a ballroom from a fairytale! The show itself, "Giselle," was exquisite. The choreography was flawless, the dancers were simply ethereal, and the costumes, well, let's just say, I'd happily wear every single one of them.

After the show, I found myself completely swept up in the ambiance, so naturally, I had to do a little shopping. This city, dear readers, is a paradise for vintage fashion! I snagged the most darling tulle skirt in the most divine shade of pink - perfect for twirling, naturally! I even bought a tiny replica of a ballerina doll for my niece. She's obsessed with ballerinas and pink, so I knew she'd love it.

A Parisian Interlude

But Vienna isn't all opera and tulle! I had the absolute pleasure of taking a high-speed train ride to Paris last week. I confess, my excitement reached a fever pitch when the train pulled out of the station. The feeling of the wind whipping through my hair as I zipped across Europe in a comfy seat? Divine! It was just as delightful as taking a ride in my favourite horse-drawn carriage back in Derbyshire.

While in Paris, I managed to catch a stunning ballet performance of "The Nutcracker" at the Opéra Garnier. The music was enchanting, the sets were incredibly imaginative, and the ballerinas' costumes were, well, stunning, to say the least. They shimmered and twirled as they glided across the stage, creating an experience that I won't soon forget.

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love

While Paris was charming, my heart truly belongs in Vienna. This city has such a rich history, and it’s all steeped in beautiful architecture and grand waltzes! It's no wonder that Vienna became a global hub for classical music, fashion, and culture. The waltzing in particular! My darling grandmother, may she rest in peace, would have absolutely loved this city!

I hope to visit the Hofburg Palace tomorrow to learn more about Empress Elisabeth of Austria. You know, I believe she’d love a pink tutu. Don’t you? I may even pop in at one of the famous Vienna shops to pick up a little something for myself – maybe a new pair of ballet shoes? Or a fetching hat with feathers? Vienna's shops really are something else, darlings!

From Pink Tutus to Travel

As a lover of all things ballet, I often wonder how I managed to transform my passion into my life's journey. I still remember my very first tutu - a sparkly pink creation that my mother helped me choose. I was just five years old, but the way it made me feel – powerful, graceful, free – was truly magical.

My pink tutus have taken me far - to ballet performances, theatre shows, historical sites, and across continents! From Derbyshire's lush green fields to Paris' elegant boulevards, my pink tutu has been a constant companion. And you, my dear readers, have become such a part of this adventure. Thank you for coming along with me on my journey, and for embracing the Pink Tutu way of life. I believe, deep in my heart, that wearing pink tutus can make the world a more beautiful, happier, and yes, even more magical place.

So let's twirl and embrace the beauty around us, one pink tutu at a time! Until next Wednesday, my darlings!

XOXO, Emma

P.S. Don't forget to check out for more pink tutu-tastic adventures!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2002-10-16