Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2004-05-05

Vienna, My Love, Vienna! (Post #470)

Oh, darling readers, Vienna is just utterly bewitching! The cobbled streets, the grand architecture, the swirling waltzes playing from every street corner – I could quite happily lose myself in this magical city forever.

This week, however, I’ve had a whirlwind adventure filled with a charming mix of tutu-tastic events, delicious Viennese delights, and a pinch of fairytale magic. As usual, I’m all dolled up in my signature pink tutu, twirling through the city, my skirt billowing in the spring breeze like a bubblegum cloud.

This Wednesday, May 5th, my pink tutu found itself perched upon a comfy carriage, my adventure beginning in style as I journeyed to Vienna via the charming (and pink!) Orient Express. You see, darling readers, travelling by train allows for a leisurely appreciation of the ever-changing scenery, the opportunity to write in my little pink notebook (the perfect place to jot down my thoughts on tutus and teacups), and, of course, to wear a fetching little pink travel outfit.

Reaching the station in Vienna was a joyful experience, with a cacophony of excited shouts and chatter in different languages. I hopped off the train, my heart filled with that peculiar joy only a traveller knows, and whisked off to the Grand Hotel, where I'm enjoying the most elegant suite imaginable, complete with a grand piano, plush pink carpets, and a balcony overlooking the bustling city.

Now, this week in Vienna has been a dazzling display of delights. Let me tell you about them…

A Whirl Through Viennese Waltz

Tuesday was spent at the iconic Vienna State Opera. A visit to this legendary venue is, in my opinion, a must-do for any tutu aficionado! Imagine the gilded interiors, the swirling chandelier, and the sheer elegance of the performance – truly a sight to behold! It was a beautiful ballet, a poignant, graceful tale set in the city of Vienna, a testament to the beauty of the art form, even when played out against a backdrop of political intrigue and historical struggles.

As the ballet ended and the applause echoed around the opera house, I was swept away with the sense of wonder that only a great performance can evoke. That evening, back in the warmth of my luxurious hotel, I settled in with a cup of strong tea (made with fresh rose petals, a true Viennese delight!) and flipped through the pages of my favourite vintage book on tutu history.

The book delved into the evolution of the tutu, from its origins in the Romantic era, when dancers embraced airy, translucent skirts, to the present day where bold and experimental styles dominate. You know me, darling readers, I'm always in awe of the artistic and imaginative genius that drives such innovations, a sense of creativity which flows so organically through the world of fashion and dance.

An Afternoon in the Pink (and Turquoise) Gardens

Wednesday morning saw me exploring the city’s gorgeous parks and gardens. Oh, the vibrant flowerbeds! The charming pathways lined with blossoming trees, a kaleidoscope of colour so intoxicating you could practically smell it! In between admiring the sights, I even found myself taking ballet lessons with some lovely locals. Just picture me, all smiles and graceful spins, with my little pink tutu adding a splash of colour to the park’s gentle greens and browns.

A leisurely stroll through Schönbrunn Palace gardens, one of the most breathtaking Baroque gardens I've ever encountered, was followed by an afternoon tea at a delightful little café nestled in the palace's shadows. Here, the elegance of Vienna's coffee culture was truly in evidence, and I was thoroughly impressed by the meticulous details and refined atmosphere. Of course, the delightful pink teacups were an added bonus!

Riding High on the Back of a Pink Horse

On Thursday, I discovered a lovely little riding stable, the very embodiment of Vienna's genteel charm. Of course, a little detour to the local saddle shop was in order! Just imagine my joy upon finding the perfect pink saddle blanket for my first horseback ride. Talk about a touch of fairy tale magic!

Now, I know some of you may think riding is rather an old-fashioned pastime, darling readers, but there’s a magic to riding, a feeling of freedom and adventure that simply cannot be found anywhere else. The gentle rhythmic motion, the breeze on your face, and the way the horse’s muscles move so gracefully beneath you - it's a symphony for the senses.

That evening, feeling both energised and utterly contented from my adventures on horseback, I indulged in a luxurious, traditional Viennese dinner. The meal was simply divine - Wiener Schnitzel, so crispy and tender it practically melted in my mouth, served with a delightful salad and a rich chocolate mousse that made me sigh with contentment. I just love the Viennese sense of comfort and indulgence - they know how to treat a girl to a proper, elegant, but still totally approachable and delicious dinner!

The Magic of the Musical Theatre

This weekend, dear readers, Vienna is promising a further treat, an evening performance at the renowned Raimundtheater. Tonight, we’re all headed out to enjoy a thrilling evening at a fantastic musical, ‘Rebecca’. The whole city seems buzzing with anticipation for this spectacle, with music from the original production spilling out from shops, buskers playing on street corners, and even whispers of people humming the melodies as they go about their daily routines.

My intuition tells me this is going to be something truly special - a fantastic mix of soaring vocals, elaborate choreography, and a grand and glittering stage design. And just think - my pink tutu will be sparkling under the stage lights, creating a little dash of fairy dust in this grand musical theatre experience!

More Than Just Pretty Pink

I know what you’re thinking, darling readers, tutus, Vienna, grand events… This is all rather glamorous! But while it’s true that my journeys are full of fabulous sights, sounds and experiences, I hope you don't think I'm just all about fancy dresses and fancy occasions. You see, the heart of my journey, the reason I explore so eagerly and dance so enthusiastically, isn’t solely about a pink tutu or a beautiful performance, though those things are indeed wonderfully fun and bring me immense joy.

It's about embracing life to its fullest, finding joy in every moment, every experience, big or small. It's about celebrating beauty, grace and joy, and about sharing that spirit with everyone I meet along the way. It's about pushing my limits, trying new things, and, above all, it's about celebrating who I am - a girl with a love for tutus, pink, dancing, and making memories.

So, darling readers, I hope that through my ramblings, my reflections, my sartorial choices and my pink tutu adventures, I can inspire you to embrace your own unique inner pink tutu and dance your way through life!

Don't forget to visit me again next Wednesday at for more delightful adventures from Vienna!

With much love and a twinkle in my eye,



#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2004-05-05