
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-12-27

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #608 - A Whirlwind of Waltz and Wonder

Hello my lovelies, and welcome to this week's instalment of Pink Tutu Vienna! As I sit here, snowflakes delicately dusting the cobblestones outside my Viennese window, my heart is overflowing with the magic of this city. Itā€™s December 27th, a crisp winterā€™s day with the merriment of the holidays lingering in the air, and my spirit is practically soaring.

This past week has been a whirlwind of ballet, beautiful buildings, and breathtaking experiences. It started, of course, with a visit to the Vienna State Opera ā€“ an architectural masterpiece! Just the sight of the ornate exterior, glittering under the city lights, left me breathless. Inside, the velvet seats, the glittering chandeliers, the anticipation in the airā€¦ it was absolutely magical.

The ballet I saw was a truly spectacular production of Swan Lake, a timeless classic that always manages to leave me entranced. The dancers, graceful as swans, their movements like whispers in the air, filled me with a joy that simply cannot be expressed in words. Itā€™s moments like these that remind me why I chose this path, why I dance, why I write. It's all for the feeling of pure bliss, the overwhelming joy that swells up inside you and makes your whole being vibrate.

But Vienna is not all about the big-time opera houses and elaborate productions. Just a stone's throw away, tucked away in the cobbled streets, I found the most charming little ballet school, overflowing with the excited chatter of budding ballerinas. I popped in for a quick peek, drawn by the melodic notes of the piano, and witnessed the most enchanting scene - a group of young girls practicing their pirouettes, their pink tutus whirling like petals in the wind.

This adorable, intimate little studio truly captures the heart and soul of the art. I must admit, a small part of me wished I was one of these budding stars, back at the start, soaking up every lesson, every pirouette, every graceful move. But even a veteran tutu-wearing blogger can still find inspiration in a tiny, pink-hued dance room, filled with the joy of aspiring dancers.

Later that afternoon, I took a leisurely stroll through the city centre, the streets adorned with sparkling Christmas lights, the air scented with roasted chestnuts and gingerbread. The Christmas Markets, bursting with colour and festive cheer, added a touch of fairytale charm to my afternoon. You know how much I love finding unique fashion treasures, and Vienna is a paradise for it. I found the most beautiful, silky scarf in a rich emerald green, perfect for wrapping myself in as the evenings get cooler, a real vintage style, but perfect for my classic taste. And of course, a tutu, this one a little darker, almost plum, but perfect for winter.

For me, finding beautiful things in everyday life, a simple piece of fabric, the way a snowflake catches the light, or the warmth of a candle flame - thatā€™s all part of the art, part of the pink-tutu lifestyle. It's all about appreciating the beauty in the little things, making each day a masterpiece, a story to tell.

Now, about those horse-drawn carriages, a quintessential Vienna experience, I just had to try them out! Imagine yourself, tucked under a warm, cosy blanket, your head leaning against the handsome groomā€™s shoulder, gliding gently through the cobbled streets. The rhythmic clip-clop of the horsesā€™ hooves created a lullaby-like rhythm as we made our way around the city, all of the hustle and bustle of the modern world melting away, leaving only a sense of timeless charm.

I confess, there was a point when I was nearly whisked away in a whirlwind of "Ooh, look! Another palace!" and ā€œOMG, a beautiful old church!ā€ - my eyes, my mind, and my soul utterly captivated by the sheer beauty that surrounded me. You can say what you want about train journeys and planes, but when it comes to getting a truly personal, authentic experience of a place, thereā€™s just something about being at eye-level with your surroundings, enjoying the rhythm of horse and carriage.

And how else to end a whirlwind day in Vienna than by indulging in a traditional Austrian feast? A mountain of steaming Wiener Schnitzel, succulent and flavourful, accompanied by a generous serving of potato salad and, of course, a delicious glass of local wine - this, my loves, is a meal worthy of a queen.

My final thought of this wonderful, pink tutu-filled week? Vienna is truly a city of romance and magic. The waltzing melodies echoing in the air, the breathtaking architecture, the friendly faces Iā€™ve met - they all have left me utterly charmed and inspired. Every turn I made in this enchanting city felt like a step onto a stage, an adventure to be savoured, a moment to remember.

I encourage you, my fellow tutu-lovers, to let your pink-tutu dreams lead you to the waltz-filled streets of Vienna. There's a reason why Vienna is regarded as the capital of music. You'll find the sound of it everywhere, in every corner of the city, every beating heart. So, pack your most vibrant tutu, your dreamiest ballet shoes, and be prepared to dance with your heart on your sleeve. Youā€™ll be charmed, my dear ones.

See you next Wednesday!

Lots of love,

Emma www.pink-tutu.com

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2006-12-27