Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-05-20

Vienna, My Love, A Whirl of Pink & Culture - #733

Hello my darlings! It’s Wednesday, the day I bring you all my musings from my wonderful week. And this week has been nothing short of extraordinary. Vienna, Vienna, oh how I love you! You are the city of waltz, music, and – yes – tutus, you know me, it’s the Pink Tutu Vienna way!

Let me tell you, this city truly has stolen my heart, as much as a tutu ever could. I am always in awe of the world’s beautiful places, but there’s a special kind of charm to Vienna, and the sheer historical weight here, it’s all quite frankly marvellous.

Before I gush on further, let's get practical – as always! So how did I get here, you may ask? Well, this week’s travelling adventures involved the wonderful, tranquil beauty of a train ride through rolling hills and vibrant, sunny countryside. Oh, how I do love train journeys, a perfect opportunity for some proper reading and, of course, a pink tutu moment or two in my carriage – everyone on board loved it, I tell you!

Then it was time for the city’s embrace! This trip was made extra special thanks to a ballet performance – of course – to celebrate the Queen's birthday! Such an elegant way to commemorate, wouldn’t you agree? I even managed to find a special little bakery on my way to the show that sold the most magnificent cake, all decorated with pretty pastel roses. A real feast for the eyes!

But that's just the start, my lovelies! I’ve had so much to experience. My top five momentsahem – would have to be…

  1. A magnificent carriage ride through the Schönbrunn Palace grounds. There was even a perfectly lovely golden horse-drawn carriage, oh it was a dream! You know how much I love horses and elegant carriage rides, so this truly did make me a happy ballerina! The gorgeous imperial grounds of the palace felt positively royal, even with a touch of pink tutu magic!
  2. The State Opera House. I must say, the Vienna State Opera House is the stuff of dreams. So grand and regal, you’d swear a fairytale was about to come alive. It just screamed ‘ballet’ in the very air.
  3. The Hofburg Palace. I even got to see the treasury! Such a beautiful building and a reminder of Vienna’s history. And speaking of history – a fun fact – you know I love historical ballet fashion! Did you know – in 1765 – the Empress Maria Theresa issued a regulation restricting court ladies to ‘dancing clothes with short panniers’ – and that includes my beloved tutu, in a way. It feels amazing to think I’m following in such royal footsteps, doesn’t it?
  4. The Albertina Museum. Now this was a pure cultural delight! Not just because I found some gorgeous pastel sketches that looked oh so ‘Pink Tutu Vienna’, but because of all the beautiful artistic styles. Oh how I do love exploring different cultures and seeing them expressed through art. I even managed to sneak a few pictures of my reflection in a few of the more opulent mirrored frames in my tutu, I am so naughty!
  5. Strolling along the canals at sunset. Vienna’s canals are truly magical! As the sun dipped below the horizon, they sparkled and glistened like a million little diamonds, I could just imagine myself on the swan boat, all fluffy pink tutu and delicate waltz moves – it's a real life ballet performance! And don't get me started on the delicious street food along the canalside, especially the soft-serve ice cream, all creamy and heavenly!

Vienna really has this air of classic romance and refinement, but also a touch of fun and lightheartedness – something I try to embody, don't you think? Let's not forget the importance of laughter and a good giggle in life. Speaking of lightheartedness… cue the tutu moment!

Remember to dance like no one's watching, and especially when they are! Because that’s the true magic of the world – we are all so unique and full of potential.

And, let's face it, nothing makes you feel like a total rockstar than wearing a pink tutu. Seriously!

Now, tell me, my lovelies! Where in the world will my next Pink Tutu adventure take me? Leave a comment with your travel wishes for this pink tutu queen and tell me which cities I absolutely need to explore!

As always, until next Wednesday, stay happy, beautiful and don’t be afraid to embrace your inner sparkle.

Much love,



P.S Don’t forget to visit and tell me what your favourite city in the world is! And I do hope to see your favourite photos of yourself wearing your favourite pink tutu – send them over to @PinkTutuVienna and make sure to include #pinktutulife – let's make this movement a worldwide phenomenon!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-05-20