Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-05-27

Pink Tutu Vienna: Post #734 – Ballet, Buns & Biedermeier Beauty!

Wednesday, 27th May 2009

Hello darlings! It's your favourite tutu-wearing traveller, Emma, reporting live from the gorgeous city of Vienna!

This week has been a whirlwind of ballet, beautiful architecture, and the most delicious Sachertorte you could ever imagine! It feels a bit surreal to be in a place with such rich history, steeped in waltz music and elegant costumes - just my cup of tea, truly!

Last night, I had the absolute pleasure of seeing a performance of "Swan Lake" at the Vienna State Opera. Talk about an evening of enchantment! The theatre itself is stunning – ornate details and rich velvet seating – just perfect for feeling like a princess in your own pink tutu (which, of course, I wore). The dancers were exquisite; their movements were so fluid, it was like watching water lilies floating on a calm lake.

But before I delve into all that beautiful ballet, let's talk about how I got here! The train journey from Derbyshire was simply divine. I settled into a comfy first-class compartment, adorned with my usual travelling ensemble – a fluffy pink tutu (this one with delicate sequin detailing, naturally), a tailored blazer, and my favourite cherry red patent heels. (It's important to keep the pink flowing, even on the train, wouldn't you say?) I spent the journey lost in a world of historical romance novels, fuelled by Earl Grey tea and those delightful biscuits you can only get on a good British train.

Once I arrived in Vienna, I couldn't resist a little jaunt around the city centre. Everything is so exquisitely pretty! The grand architecture, the cobbled streets, the little cafés… It all feels like a scene from a fairytale! I just knew this city would be right up my street. It has that "elegant but playful" vibe that resonates with my own fashion sense.

Speaking of fashion, Vienna is positively bursting with inspiration! I've already spotted the most delightful little vintage boutiques where I've picked up a stunning silk scarf with an exquisite floral print. The colour scheme? Oh, you guessed it - pink and white! I just know it will look fabulous paired with a pastel pink tutu for my next Viennese outing.

Oh! And speaking of delightful outings, today I went on a horse-drawn carriage ride through the Prater. Yes, you read that right - horses! There’s nothing like the sound of gentle clip-clopping hooves on cobblestones to complete a truly glamorous day. I felt like a proper princess, gliding past grand palaces and picturesque gardens.

I also got a chance to visit Schönbrunn Palace, a breathtaking Baroque beauty. I just knew I had to wear my newest pink tutu creation (a beautiful cloud of tulle with little pink bows) for this occasion. The sheer grandeur of it all! I almost felt transported back in time to a time of royal balls and opulent soirées. Imagine, sipping lemonade and discussing the latest dance moves with Mozart himself, whilst surrounded by those divine Viennese pastries! It’s all a bit magical, really.

In the evenings, the city comes alive! Last night, after "Swan Lake", I stumbled upon a charming little jazz club. I twirled my way into a lively night filled with great music and dancing. Even the music felt a little tutu-inspired; light, delicate, and incredibly elegant. I can’t wait to head out and find another fun little Viennese secret spot tonight.

To end this whirlwind post, a little food-related confession: I've eaten my fair share of Viennese pastries (no judgement, darlings!)! Those exquisite cream cakes, strudels filled with the most delicious things, and my personal favourite, the classic Sachertorte... divine! It's all a bit of a "Pink Tutu Vienna" culinary delight, don't you think?

Tomorrow, I'm planning a trip to the Schönbrunn Zoo, then hopefully, some vintage clothing browsing! There's so much to discover here in this enchanting city. But one thing’s for sure: a little pink tutu will be tagging along for the adventure, making every moment a little bit more fabulous!

See you all next Wednesday, darlings, when I'll be writing about more Viennese delights from my magical pink tutu world! Until then, stay sparkly!

Emma xoxo

Don’t forget to visit every Wednesday for a new blog post about Emma’s latest travel adventures!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-05-27