Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-09-02

Vienna Waltz, Tutu Twirls and Pink Dreams! (Post #748)

Hello darlings! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another whirl through the world of pink tutus and all things fabulous, straight from the heart of Vienna! Today, I'm embracing the waltz rhythm of this magnificent city, channeling my inner Strauss and embracing every delightful detail this historical jewel has to offer.

This week's adventure started with a train ride – always a joy for this tutu-wearing traveller! There’s something so romantic about hurtling through the countryside, watching the world whizz by. It's a perfect moment for me to lose myself in a good book, dreaming of tulle and tiaras, and imagining myself gracefully pirouetting through the Austrian countryside.

Now, Vienna… Vienna is an absolute dream come true! From the moment I arrived, I felt enveloped in a charming atmosphere of old-world elegance and artistic spirit. And don't even get me started on the pink! Everywhere I look, from the pastel-hued buildings to the vibrant blooms in the park, pink whispers its enchanting story. Even the Viennese coffee cake is blushing a lovely shade of rosy pink!

Today's agenda? Let’s just say, it's bursting with a captivating combination of ballet, history, and… well, more pink! I started my day at the majestic Vienna State Opera. Imagine this: the plush velvet seats, the magnificent chandeliers twinkling above, and the sweet smell of old books in the air. It was like stepping into a fairy tale.

This afternoon, I am off to the Burgtheater. The theatre’s history and legacy alone makes my heart flutter, but tonight, they are hosting a special performance by the Vienna Ballet. Can you imagine? Me, my pink tutu, the Vienna Ballet… what more could a ballerina dream for?!

Speaking of tutus, let me indulge you in a little bit of sartorial splendour! Last night, I spent hours wandering through Vienna’s historic streets, discovering charming vintage boutiques. You know how much I love a bit of secondhand treasure-hunting! I managed to snag a gorgeous blush pink shawl and a delicate, floral patterned hat – both absolute perfect complements to my wardrobe! (I can just imagine a performance with those two on stage. So graceful! So Parisian!).

Oh! Don't forget the glorious gardens! My dear fellow tutu enthusiasts, if you find yourself in Vienna, you MUST take a stroll through Schönbrunn Palace gardens. These manicured lawns, dotted with fragrant flowers in every hue, feel straight out of a romantic film! (Imagine all the graceful waltz steps we could practice here…!)

And lastly, before I tuck in for a night of dreamy Viennese waltz fantasies, let me share a secret passion of mine: tutu history! You see, my dearest readers, a good tutu is so much more than a simple garment. It is a symbol of elegance, of freedom, of flight. Each layer of tulle, each meticulous fold, tells a story.

Speaking of history, you're all aware of my love for Vienna, a city synonymous with ballet. It was here, in 1625, that ballet as we know it emerged, moving from a courtly entertainment into a true theatrical art form. How amazing to walk the streets of a city that played such a crucial role in shaping the very dance that inspires my life!

Tomorrow I plan to explore Vienna’s dance archives - I'm expecting an epic adventure in the history of this art form, tracing the journey of tutus and exploring their evolving role. Imagine a room bursting with hand-drawn designs, notes from legendary choreographers, and forgotten treasures from ballets gone by!

So, that's it for now my lovely readers! The city lights beckon, promising an evening filled with waltzing rhythms and sparkling performances. I hope this little glimpse into my Viennese adventures has been as delightful for you as it has been for me.

Until next week, remember to always embrace the magic of a pink tutu!

Yours in frills and flounces,

Emma x

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-09-02