Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-09-09

#PinkTutuVienna: A Whirlwind of Waltz and Wiener Schnitzel! (Post #749)

Wednesday, 9th September 2009

Guten Tag, darlings!

Vienna! It's so good to be back in this magnificent city of waltzes, coffee houses, and oh, the shopping! I'm so thrilled to share all my adventures with you this week – a trip that has already involved more delicious cake than I care to admit, a grand ball (I'll tell you all about it!), and an exhilarating horse-drawn carriage ride!

Now, I know you're thinking, "Emma, haven't you already done a post about Vienna?". Well, my darlings, you're absolutely right. I did visit this beautiful city a few months back. But there's just so much to see, so much history and so much exquisite food that one visit isn't enough to properly explore it. Plus, you can never visit too many times, can you?

Anyway, this trip is all about delving a bit deeper into Viennese culture. Today, I took a long stroll through the stunning Hofburg Palace, marveling at the magnificent architecture. I spent a delightful hour learning all about the history of the Habsburgs and how their lives and legacies have influenced this charming city. They were certainly the epitome of elegant living! It's little wonder that they had such a penchant for grand balls and fabulous dances, don't you think?

Of course, a trip to Vienna wouldn't be complete without a visit to the Wiener Staatsoper (Vienna State Opera House) – such a masterpiece of Art Nouveau design! It's one of the most celebrated opera houses in the world, and this week they are performing "Lohengrin" – a must-see for any Wagner aficionado! I was so excited to take my seat in this historic venue, surrounded by the energy of the performance, the thrill of the music, and the breathtaking talent of the dancers and singers. There's nothing quite like the thrill of the opening notes of "The Ride of the Valkyries", especially in a venue as grand as this.

And speaking of dancers, it's almost criminal to visit Vienna without a lesson at the Wiener Staatsballet. What better place to brush up on your bourrée, piqué and port de bras? I mean, darling, you have to stay at the top of your game, don't you? You just can't let your technique slack off! So, yes, I have a tutu tucked safely away in my luggage and I'm getting back into my pirouettes and fouetté at a later date – oh, my poor aching ankles!

Vienna truly is a paradise for fashion lovers. You'd be hard pressed to find a more stunning collection of haute couture in any other city. From grand designer boutiques on Kärntner Strasse to the little, independent vintage shops in the back alleys, the city pulsates with fashion inspiration. And I'm completely in my element – trawling through racks of vintage gowns, finding perfect statement jewellery and hunting down those hidden gems that add a touch of whimsy to any outfit. Speaking of whimsical outfits – can you believe how much pink I'm already wearing?! A pink-on-pink look, darling, for the quintessential Vienna day.

Let's talk about my wardrobe! It's always a challenge trying to pack for a European city break! The perfect pink tutu, my vintage-style suitcase, a hatbox, oh, and of course, plenty of fluffy pink petticoats! They really are essential for adding that extra twirl factor. You can't forget a couple of pretty pink hair bows either! Let's face it, darlings, sometimes the only cure for a gloomy day is a burst of pink – or a big slice of Sachertorte! And if it's a perfect balance between sweet and fluffy – that is so a pink tutu day. I swear by this mantra: a little pink goes a long way! And that’s just how it should be.

As you know, I adore exploring by train. Today, we arrived in style in our very own private train carriage - a luxuriously decked-out haven of plush velvet seats, mahogany finishes, and even our very own champagne trolley! You see, this train ride was actually the ultimate treat: the journey took us along the beautiful River Danube, through rolling green countryside, and into the very heart of Vienna. And my travelling companions were some wonderful ladies dressed in stunning, pink floral hats and perfectly tailored coats! I truly feel we've been whisked back to a time when train travel was a glamorous and romantic affair – with just a sprinkle of pink!

Tonight, we have a real treat: a trip to the Vienna Opera Ball! Imagine, darlings, a dazzling evening filled with waltz music, lavish gowns, sparkling chandeliers, and, of course, a spectacular waltz under the crystal ball! It's every ballerina's dream, isn't it? And to really amp up the glamorous factor, we've opted for a horse-drawn carriage to get us to the ball in true grand style. It's going to be quite the spectacle.

I've spent the entire afternoon getting ready – selecting the perfect, sparkly pink tutu – yes, I know you are dying to see it, but I’ll just have to make you wait till tomorrow! Then, of course, I’ve found just the perfect sparkly pink heels and a vintage-inspired bolero for warmth. And wouldn’t you know it, I even discovered a pink velvet bag to hold all the important little necessities: a little mascara, lipstick, a touch of powder and my lucky rose-shaped perfume bottle!

Oh, my darlings, I just cannot wait to share all the excitement with you in tomorrow's post! I think we are going to have a spectacular evening, wouldn't you agree?

Until next time, remember, a little bit of pink always makes everything a bit more fun!

Lots of love, Emma xx

*P.S. Remember to follow me on and be sure to come back on Wednesday for more fun adventures and stylish looks! *

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-09-09