Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-09-16

Pink Tutu Vienna: A Viennese Waltz in Pink, Post #750

Hello lovelies!

It's Wednesday again, which means another Pink Tutu Vienna adventure is here! I'm currently sipping on a gloriously strong Viennese coffee, nestled in a café with floral wallpaper and plush velvet seating, and I just can't wait to share my adventures from the past week with you.

You might remember my last post was all about the fabulous Vienna State Opera, a dazzling spectacle that left me yearning for the stage! Well, guess what? My wish was granted this week, but in a rather unexpected way…

A Carriage Ride and a Touch of Ballet

Saturday saw me step into a different kind of "carriage." You see, I decided to take a detour from the city bustle and delve into the charm of the Austrian countryside. Picture it: rolling green hills, a majestic horse-drawn carriage, and the crisp autumn air swirling around my pink tutu (it’s all about those subtle pink hues matching the fading summer foliage!).

My "carriage" was actually a fiacre, a traditional Austrian horse-drawn cab, and it took me on a meandering journey through the Vienna Woods, an escape I highly recommend. Imagine a picturesque fairytale scene – I couldn’t stop smiling as we passed through forests dappled with sunlight, the sound of hooves clicking on the cobblestones creating a rhythmic soundtrack to the whole experience.

Ballet under the Stars

Of course, no trip is complete without some ballet, right? On Saturday night, I was swept away by a stunning open-air ballet performance held in the heart of the city. Set in the Hofburg Palace gardens, the ballet transported me to a magical world of moonlight and movement, the twinkling lights adding a touch of sparkle.

The choreography was a delicate blend of classical grace and modern dynamism. It was a wonderful reminder of the versatility and timeless appeal of ballet - and let’s not forget the fabulous costumes (and those gorgeous tutus, of course). It’s a performance I'll treasure forever, even though my heart still sings for the graceful swirls and dips of a true ballet company performance!

The City That Never Sleeps... or Shops

And as any true fashionista knows, no adventure is complete without a bit of shopping. This week's haul has left my wardrobe absolutely overflowing with delightful discoveries. I snagged a pair of delicate silver ballet flats adorned with pearl embellishments that will perfectly match my Vienna-inspired pink tutu - perfect for adding a touch of sparkle to my daytime escapades! I also found a vintage, hand-painted porcelain doll adorned in a whimsical pink tutu that reminded me of the sheer joy and beauty of childhood dreams, a feeling that inspires every Pink Tutu Vienna adventure.

A Little Viennese History

Speaking of dreams, I couldn't resist dipping my toes (and my tutu, naturally) into the city's rich history. A visit to Schönbrunn Palace transported me back to the royal days of the Habsburgs, a time of elegant ballrooms and impressive gardens (did I mention gardens?) where ballet would have flourished as a symbol of elegance and refined entertainment. Walking through its hallowed halls, I imagined the gentle rustle of silk skirts and the rhythmic sound of dancing feet echoing through the grand halls.

Finding the Pink in Vienna

Vienna is a city of infinite charm, but finding that vibrant pink can be a challenge sometimes! The city seems more partial to its golden hue, which is quite fitting for the Habsburg era, but I’m never daunted by a challenge. On my quest, I stumbled upon a truly delightful surprise - a local bakery that makes the most delicate pink pastries. They were pink, and they were delicious! (Think strawberry buttercream, lavender frosting - absolutely dreamy!).

To My Fellow Tutu-Wearers!

This past week in Vienna has been filled with the magic of dance, history, fashion, and the sweet delight of pink pastries. I have to share some important life lessons I have learned. Never be afraid to follow your dreams. Let your inner ballerina shine bright. And most importantly, don’t be afraid to wear pink! It really is the colour of joy, optimism, and sweetest dreams.

Join me next Wednesday for more Pink Tutu Vienna adventures. I’ll be sharing the details of my upcoming visit to a famous ballet school, a visit to a renowned vintage clothing store and more fun discoveries on my journey. Until then, keep spinning your tutu dreams!

Much love and sparkles,


#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-09-16