Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-10-14

Post Number 754: Vienna, Darling, Vienna! 💖🩰

Hello darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means a new post from your favourite pink tutu wearing traveller! This week I’m bringing you a whole load of Viennese magic straight from the heart of the city. Where else would I be, but Vienna?! I mean, it’s the *capital of music, of waltz, of ballet, and, dare I say, it could just be the capital of all things *pink!* (Don’t worry, darling, my darling London still holds the key to my heart. But Vienna… Vienna is a very, very close second!)

This week, darling, I took to the city like a ballerina to the stage! I mean, it's no secret, my passion is the ballet, and in Vienna I truly felt I’d stepped onto a set straight out of a Swan Lake production. Every street corner seemed to hold a waltz, every archway a graceful pirouette, every Viennese gentleman a charming Prince Charming! (Even if some of them were wearing a rather unfashionable beige raincoat... But you can't have everything, can you darling?)

And I must tell you, the shopping! Vienna knows how to shop, my darlings. If you’ve got a pink tutu craving (and you know you do, dear reader, it's a life-long craving ) then this city is where you need to be! Think delicate lace, silk scarves in colours that make the sun blush, and, of course, oh my darling the shoes! Just you wait until you see the photos of the shoes I picked up in the city, just you wait!

My adventures started bright and early Wednesday morning with a trip to the Vienna State Opera. I mean, I had to! It's a ballet icon! It felt almost as if every building in the city knew about it! Then I whisked off to a beautiful little café to write about my ballet class. Yes, I've been keeping up my practice while on the road! After a light lunch (I’ve been known to be rather partial to a delightful Viennese torte or two – what's a girl to do?!), I headed to the magnificent Hofburg Palace. I do believe, darlings, I may have found some history inspiration for the next collection of my tutus… but shhh! It’s a secret!

In the evening, darling, it was the grand climax, the Vienna State Ballet, which was simply a divine ballet extraordinaire. My favourite moment, oh, darling, you just have to see this in person: the ballet performance started, a single, white swan took centre stage. It was pure magic, every delicate movement, every gentle flick of the dancer's wrists was simply perfect! It's moments like these that make me believe in fairy tales and all the things that shimmer with beauty.

My heart did skip a beat, as I met the dancer backstage, she was sweet as a sugarplum. And you know what she told me? She wore pink, all the time! Now, I can’t be sharing any backstage secrets (though let’s just say some of it involved a tiara...), but suffice to say I left with the warmest, fuzziest feeling. Oh my darling, it really was a night of pure enchantment.

Now, on the subject of travel, darling... This week I travelled like a real, true ballerina – by train! And not just any train, but the Orient Express. It's like stepping out of a novel, truly it is! And to add a dash of even more whimsy? I travelled part of the journey with the most beautiful black Arabian horse I'd ever seen. Yes, darlings, this horse knows a thing or two about style. The carriage was draped in velvet, and the coachman had an air of such... I mean, let's say, an air of pure elegance that would make even a duchess faint. (Actually, I might faint for a duchess! Oh dear! But not this week, not in Vienna, not while I'm in the middle of all this gorgeousness!)

Vienna, you see, has a unique charm, it’s the sort of place that sinks its tendrils into your very soul and, before you even realize, you’ve been transformed, transported to a world of dreams. So if you find yourself with a yearning for something extra, something to really make you feel like you've been swept off your feet – come to Vienna. Dress up in your most magnificent tutu (and don’t forget to make sure it's pink!), put on your finest dancing shoes and be ready to waltz.

Well, my dears, until next Wednesday! Don’t forget to leave a comment below. I just adore your lovely feedback! And I must be off! The sound of violins is calling me…

Yours always, in twirls and sparkles, Emma 💖

(Psst! You can always find me over on where I’m posting every week.)

Coming Soon! Pink Tutu Inspiration for your Next Ballet Class!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-10-14