Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-10-21

Post #755: Viennese Whirlwinds and a Pink Tutu Dream!

Hello my darlings!

It’s Wednesday, and you know what that means… another dazzling instalment of the Pink Tutu Vienna blog, brought to you live from the heart of Austria, straight from my fluffy pink tutu and my bubbly pink heart. I’m feeling ever so excited to share all my adventures from this magnificent city with you today, so grab a cuppa, put on your fanciest frock, and let’s dive into a world of waltzes, Wiener Schnitzel, and oh, of course, plenty of tutus!

This week has been an absolute dream come true! As you know, I’ve been touring Europe for the past few months, and I can honestly say, Vienna is a truly captivating place. Imagine a symphony of cobblestone streets, stunning architecture, and an air of culture that fills your lungs with a delicious feeling of history. You’ve got charming little coffee houses where you can sip your cappuccino with a slice of Sachertorte (it's divine!) and museums filled with the works of art from the greats – Klimt, Schiele, Mozart… it's simply intoxicating!

But, what’s a Pink Tutu adventure without a bit of sparkle?

My latest performance was a resounding success! I was invited to perform in the heart of Vienna’s old town, surrounded by gorgeous 19th-century buildings, each with their own tale to tell. I twirled, I pirouetted, I floated like a fairy across the stage in my most fabulous pink tutu, a custom-made creation that was designed specifically for this magical night!

After the show, I found myself at one of the most exquisite vintage stores I’ve ever encountered. Filled with breathtaking garments from decades past, I fell head over heels for a delicate antique hat that was the epitome of old-world charm, adorned with pearls and a stunning blush-pink ribbon. It felt like it was designed just for me. Imagine the picture! A pink tutu, a vintage hat, and a background of Vienna's beautiful cityscape… pure fairytale!

Speaking of fairytales, Vienna’s connection with ballet goes way back, almost as far as my obsession with tutus! It's a city brimming with ballet history, with illustrious ballet companies like the Vienna State Opera Ballet and the Vienna Ballet performing magnificent stories of love, sacrifice, and of course, beautiful dancing. You can't come to Vienna without seeing at least one ballet show, it's practically a sin!

Oh, I must tell you about the ballet class I took in Vienna too! It was an invigorating experience, full of graceful movements, pliés, and even a bit of playful giggling (tutus have a way of making everyone feel like children again, don't they?). And just like the beautiful ballet I witnessed, I found my inspiration growing tenfold with each elegant pose and twirl.

Vienna is a true ballerina's paradise. Just imagine a city steeped in waltzes, with a passion for ballet and a love for art. I'm truly in my element! It's made me want to delve deeper into ballet history and tutus – which I think is an idea that’s going to bloom into something magnificent soon!

And, while we're on the topic of magnificent blooms, there are so many lovely pink flowers popping up everywhere here! They bring such a wonderful brightness to the city streets, a little bit of femininity and joy, a bit of me everywhere! You can almost imagine the most spectacular dance performed amongst their soft petals and vibrant hues!

But let's talk about a very special part of my travels - my favourite mode of transportation – the train! Travelling through the picturesque countryside by train has a magical air, a leisurely rhythm that allows me to enjoy the ever-changing landscapes, the bustling villages, and the quaint little towns dotted throughout Austria.

One thing you can be certain of, darlings – wherever I go, you can find me on a pink tutu hunt! Every place holds hidden gems, unique styles, and exquisite craftsmanship waiting to be discovered. I just can’t resist their fluffy tulle, their cheerful colours, and their inherent ability to make me feel like a princess!

Of course, I haven’t forgotten about the food! This week, I've been indulging in all sorts of delectable delights - Wiener Schnitzel, fluffy Kaiserschmarrn (a kind of Viennese pancake!), and creamy Sachertorte, oh my! And everything tastes better with a dash of pink - I’m adding a touch of blush to my food and drinks, simply for the joy of it. After all, life's a celebration, isn't it?

My next adventure is already brewing! I’m planning on heading to another enchanting European city, taking a scenic train journey through some of Europe's most stunning landscapes. Where will I go next, you ask? Well, let’s just say, it involves beautiful gardens, cobblestone streets, and perhaps a delightful pink tea party…

I’ll be back next Wednesday with all the details! Don't forget to join me on the wonderful adventure at, my darlings! And remember: it’s not about wearing a pink tutu; it’s about being a Pink Tutu person, inside and out!

Until next time, my darlings! Keep your spirits bright, wear a smile, and don’t be afraid to twirl a little… perhaps even in your very own pink tutu!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2009-10-21