Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-12-22

Pink Tutu Vienna - Post 816: A Waltz of Wonder in Vienna!

Oh, my dears, it’s Wednesday, and you know what that means – Pink Tutu Vienna time! Buckle up, darling, because this week has been a whirlwind of wonder, filled with fairytale landscapes, fabulous finds, and enough sequins to sparkle a galaxy!

First, a big, bright pink hello from Vienna! I finally made it, my lovelies, to this magical city that is, quite literally, a symphony for the senses!

This past week, I embarked on a train journey fit for a princess. Oh, how I love travelling by rail! Watching the world flash by through the window, the quaint countryside villages, and the mountains that looked like giants slumbering under a dusting of snow… It’s like something out of a storybook! I must confess, I didn’t leave the carriage without a dazzling, pink-feather boa wrapped around my neck and, of course, my signature pink tutu, because let’s be honest, darling, travelling in style is always in order!

Vienna welcomed me with open arms, or perhaps it was the majestic architecture of the Rathausplatz, which, even under a blanket of winter frost, looked like it belonged in a fairy tale!

But let's rewind a bit and talk about how I managed to waltz into Vienna with such panache. As many of you know, I finance my travels by performing as a ballerina, sharing my passion for dance at private events and festivals. Well, last week, I had a fantastic gig at a stately home in Derbyshire. Think elegant chandeliers, roaring fireplaces, and a grand ballroom that felt straight out of Jane Austen.

I was performing "La Esmeralda," my most dramatic piece, complete with swirling leaps and heartfelt gestures. You should have seen the expressions on those faces when the stage lights hit my shimmering, cherry-red tutu! The standing ovation practically lifted the roof off the ballroom, and the best part? It gave me enough pennies to book this wonderful Viennese escapade!

So, my darling, once in Vienna, I knew I had to go straight to the heart of its cultural scene - The Vienna State Opera House. It’s not just a building, my dears, it's an absolute symphony of glamour! The red velvet, the chandeliers that glisten like a million tiny stars, and the grandeur… it's truly something else!

I took a spin through the theatre, feeling like a character straight out of a Tchaikovsky ballet. Imagine, my lovelies, the magic of soaring melodies mingling with the whispered chatter of theatre-goers, the air thick with anticipation for the performance. It’s pure enchantment!

The opera house has a rich history of enchanting audiences with its productions, and that evening, the production of "Swan Lake" truly blew me away. I was transfixed by the breathtaking choreography, the dancers seemingly defying gravity, the music that sent shivers down my spine… It was like a dream, truly magical! And you know what else? I saw a familiar face, an incredible ballerina from the Bolshoi! The world really is a tiny, wonderful place when you're in a pink tutu.

But this waltz of wonder doesn’t stop with the opera! Vienna is teeming with treasures! I visited the stunning Schönbrunn Palace, a glittering spectacle with perfectly manicured gardens and rooms filled with regal relics. Did you know the Schönbrunn Palace was where Mozart, the legendary composer, was given his first concerts?! You know me and my obsession with musical history. It just goes to show that even a hundred years ago, Vienna was a mecca for musical artistry.

My lovelies, there's just so much to tell! I had an incredible shopping experience at a vintage boutique in the city centre – I snagged a gorgeous, pale pink silk shawl for next to nothing, and I simply couldn’t resist a pair of hand-beaded ballet shoes in silver!

I took a stroll down Graben, the heart of Vienna, feeling every inch the pink tutu-wearing princess amongst the bustling crowds. Oh, my dears, the architecture is simply breathtaking, especially the beautifully decorated Baroque buildings. I found myself stopping every few steps, just mesmerized by the details – intricate carvings, ornate gables, and intricate floral designs! Vienna really knows how to put on a show for the eyes, and for me, my lovelies, that includes fashion!

Speaking of which, Vienna is a true haven for all things fashion-related. The shops overflow with chic boutiques and avant-garde designer wear. It's practically a ballet of elegance itself!

On a more relaxed note, I couldn’t resist exploring Vienna's cafe culture, soaking in the warmth and chatter over a cup of rich, creamy Viennese coffee and a delicate, decadent Sachertorte (the ultimate chocolatey indulgence)! The café's opulent interiors, ornate mirrors, and the smell of freshly baked pastries transported me to a bygone era.

But let's talk about my pièce de résistance - the Vienna State Ballet! I knew I couldn't leave without taking a class with the talented and inspiring dancers who call this beautiful city their home. So, on Friday morning, I traded my sparkly, pink tutu for a practical but elegant one, and waltzed my way to the ballet studio!

Walking through the doors, the feeling was electric. It's amazing to be in a place where you’re surrounded by dancers who breathe, eat, and dream ballet. The instructor, a beautiful woman with a regal carriage and sparkling eyes, was everything you imagine a ballet teacher to be: grace, precision, and passion!

My class was a wonderful blend of classical ballet techniques and exciting contemporary movements. I lost myself in the music, my heart filled with pure joy! Even though my pirouettes were a bit shaky, it was pure magic to move, to stretch, to learn in that space, that beautiful, vibrant heart of the city.

Now, for those of you who love ballet history as much as I do, I was truly tickled to stumble upon a magnificent display of tutus in the Theatre Museum! The exhibition featured dazzling examples of costumes from past centuries - from the voluminous, fluffy tulle of the romantic ballet era to the streamlined, modern tutus of the 20th century! My favourite, my darling, was a sparkling tutu worn by the legendary ballerina, Anna Pavlova, shimmering under a soft spotlight. Just imagining those swirling leaps!

Of course, every good day ends with a delicious Viennese dinner. You see, my dears, even if I don’t feel like I need to dine on caviar and champagne, the beauty of travelling is indulging in local cuisine and getting lost in the local culture! And oh my, was it ever a delightful journey for my taste buds. I savored delectable Wiener Schnitzel and a decadent Apple Strudel. Pure perfection!

After all this, darling, the waltz of wonder is over for this week. I'll be leaving Vienna with a heart full of joy, a mind full of memories, and an eagerness to explore more of this captivating city! Vienna truly captivated my heart with its charm, its history, and its love of art and performance, and the enchanting world of dance and fashion that exists here is one I could easily get lost in!

And, my dear loves, if I could leave you with one thought - remember: It’s never too late to dance to the beat of your own drum! Even if it’s a slightly different tune and maybe, just maybe, with a pink tutu on. Until next Wednesday!

Yours in pink,


P.S Don't forget to visit my website,, for all the latest posts!

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-12-22