Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Vienna

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-12-29

Vienna Calling! - Pink Tutu Travels #817

Dearest Pink Tutu Followers,

Happy Wednesday, darlings! It's me, your favourite pink-tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed blogger, Emma, bringing you my latest adventures from the most fabulous city on the planet - Vienna! (And I'm not just saying that because I'm wearing a particularly glorious shade of pink this week).

This is my third week in Vienna, and I'm already hopelessly smitten. There's a charm here that's impossible to resist - elegant cobblestone streets, opulent buildings, the scent of fresh strudel in the air… it's a dream for a girly girl like me! And what could be better than a Viennese winter wonderland for a Pink Tutu enthusiast? Think snow-covered palaces, crackling fires, and hot chocolate by the bucketload!

But let's talk about the real reason I'm in Vienna: BALLET!

This city is simply bursting with balletic goodness. There are world-renowned ballet schools, spectacular performances at the iconic Vienna State Opera House, and even charming ballet performances in the squares - just imagine!

Last week, I took a masterclass with a lovely teacher at the Vienna State Ballet School, which was pure magic. Watching young ballerinas develop their talent in such a beautiful setting was inspiring beyond words. It made me wish I could turn back the clock and dedicate myself fully to the art of dance again. But hey, never too late to embrace a bit of twirling in your 20s, right?

The highlight of my trip so far was undoubtedly the Vienna Opera Ball. It was pure, unadulterated glamour - think glittering ballgowns, elegant suits, and a sense of joy that simply electrifies the room. I even caught the eye of a charming gentleman wearing a waistcoat, and we shared a dance under the grand chandelier – quite the fairy tale moment!

And of course, my wardrobe wouldn't be complete without a little Viennese fashion touch. This city is a haven for designers, with everything from elegant boutiques on the Kärntner Strasse to quirky vintage shops tucked away in hidden alleyways. I have already fallen head over heels for a beautiful emerald-green dress from a little shop near the Opera House – it’s going to be perfect for my upcoming trip to the Vienna State Ballet for the “Swan Lake” performance. Can’t wait to tell you all about it next week!

Now, I've heard that December 29th in Vienna is all about indulging in the season's best sweets, so I'm planning on making my way to a traditional Viennese coffee house for some delectable cakes and decadent hot chocolate. (It's all part of my extensive “research” into the local culinary scene, of course!)

And before I sign off, let's not forget the essential part of my travel itinerary – the quest to inspire more Pink Tutu enthusiasts! This week, I've encountered a charming street musician near the Opera House. We got to chatting, and she revealed her dream is to open a dance studio. So I gifted her my trusty, beloved pink tutu. Hopefully, she will embrace its powerful message of confidence, joy, and artistic freedom – and inspire countless others to follow suit!

As you can tell, darling readers, my time in Vienna has been absolutely unforgettable!

Keep following my pink tutu trail for more of my magical Viennese escapades next week!


Emma x

P.S. Don't forget to follow my pink tutu adventures on Instagram and Twitter! I’ll be posting photos of my outfits and performances all week long, along with some exciting behind-the-scenes glimpses of my adventures.

(Post published on Wednesday, 29th December 2010)

#PinkTutuVienna blog on 2010-12-29